I do not own Narnia, though I wish I did. All characters and places belong to C.S. Lewis and whoever else owns the rights to the movies. Sadly, the only thing that belongs to me is the plot and any other characters that are not in the books/movies.

Full Summary: It starts at the very end of Prince Caspian, the movie. The Pevensies have returned to England and each of them has dealt with their return from Narnia in their own way. Peter begins to prepare applications for college, Susan deals with an annoying suitor, Edmund struggles with school, and Lucy makes a new friend. However, a little over a month after their return, something pulls them back to that land they consider their true home. Despite Aslan's decree that Peter and Susan will not return, they return by a strange and unknown magic. It has been 4 and a half years since their last visit, and things are not the same as they were. With Caspian's help, they prepare for the battle of their lives.

Pairings: Susan/Caspian, Peter/OC
Rating: T
Genre: Drama, Romance

A/N: Hello! This is my newest fanfiction and I hope you all enjoy it! It will be in two parts, the first taking place in England and the second in Narnia, 10 (maybe 5, I haven't gotten that far) chapters each. This is a Susan/Caspian fic, so if you don't like the pairing, don't read it. There will be a Peter/OC pairing as well so its not all about Susan and Caspian, in case your wondering. Part I may seem boring, due to the lack of Caspian and Susan, but I promise it will still be interesting.

I know that authors notes can be boring, but if you have the time, try to read them; there may be important information that you might not want to miss. Also, I know this chapter is a little short, but they'll get longer as time goes on.

Finally, I would like to credit achildwithbloodstaineddagger on helping me with this story. It probably wouldn't even get posted without their help. Thank you! And happy reading!

Eclipse of the Land:
Return to Narnia

Part I
Chapter One
~Home Again~

Lucy looked back one last time at the land she loved. She didn't want to go back to England. Despite Aslan's reassurance that she and Edmund would be coming back, it would be different without Peter and Susan. Narnia was their home, more so than Finchley.

Her gaze swept over the mountains, Telemarines, Narnians, and finally Aslan. Her eyes began to tear when she looked at the Great Lion. He was the one who she would miss the most.

She thought of all the friends she made in Narnia. Mr. Tumnus, Mr. and Mrs Beaver, Reepicheep, Trumpkin, friends past and present, friends she had come to love.

Its too soon! she thought sadly. If only we had more time.

She saw Aslan nod to her and felt a wave of repose sweep over her. It was as if all her worries were swept away. She smiled and followed her siblings through the tree portal.

Lucy turned back, hoping to see Narnia but saw instead a train station full of people pushing one another and talking loudly. She looked at her siblings; they looked as sad and bewildered as herself.

The train pulled to a stop and people started boarding.

"Aren't you coming Phyllis?" asked the boy who was talking to Susan before they left for Narnia.

The Pevensies gathered their bags and boarded the train.

"Do you think there's anyway we can get back?" Edmund asked.

They looked questioningly at him.

"I left my new torch in Narnia," he replied.

They all smiled and laughed.

Lucy watched the station move past and once again felt herself at peace again. They would return again, someday. Narnia. Home.

Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen.

A/N: If you haven't guessed, Aslan had just roared when Lucy felt peaceful. You know, when the train pulls away at the end of the movie and you hear Aslan roar just before the credits start rolling.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it; I'll update soon! And don't forget to review!