Reviews for Angels on the Moon
Intyalle chapter 1 . 3/1
Charna Tulvir chapter 1 . 8/18/2017
I can't remember the last time a fan work, or any work at that, brought me to tears. This story is absolutely beautiful, and I want to thank you for writing it. I don't even know if you're reading this, but if you are, I encourage you to write more. Please, your work is so incredibly beautiful, and I loved every single second of this story. The concept is used in such a way that I've never thought I wanted until now.
PixelizedGenocide chapter 1 . 3/8/2017
This is literally the most gorgeous thing I've ever read. I really need to look up that song now.
Animeangellover2 chapter 1 . 11/10/2014
I love the idea of this tradition! You always see the Tallest disregarding the irkens in the show, so it was nice to read something like this. Awesome fic!
silver-wolf-demon-girl chapter 1 . 5/27/2014
this is an old fanfic so i don't know if you'll read this but damn! it was a bloody brilliant piece of literature this story! honestly you have amazing talent! I hope you pursue it! :D
Athena Keating-Thomas chapter 1 . 2/19/2014
I'll have you know that this little fic of yours made me tear up. I'm very very thankful you had Zim come back or I would have been depressed all day. ;)

Your writing style is wonderful.
DarthZaDr chapter 1 . 9/4/2013
Very beautiful. The song quote chosen is utter perfection, and you are truly talented at portraying emotion within your writing.
The5000livi chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
Incredible. This was insightful, evocative, in character, well-written - ticks all the boxes in my opinion " Also I'm glad you didn't leave us hanging at the end with Dib all alone! I know this was written years ago, but thank you very much for a wonderful read! :3
awesome otakuness of doom chapter 1 . 4/5/2011
This story us so awesome that i reminds me so much of my enemy and me it's not even when i read a ZADR fanfic I try to see the realisticness of it actually happening and then compare it to my enemy and me,but this,this is almost too awesome(cries at the awesomeness)
MikoGoddess chapter 1 . 12/17/2010, I haven't ever reviewed an Invader Zim fic before, and I see this one was written well over a year ago, but I just wanted to take a moment before I left for work and thank you for writing this wonderful piece of fiction. It was absolutely beautiful and oh, how I wish there was more like this to read.

Dib and Zim's progression was so believable, and the insight to Dib's life, his thoughts...everything, I just...guh. *favorited*
Rain.unloved chapter 1 . 12/3/2010
I haven't cried while reading a fanfiction in so long... I can't say that any more
Umbrella Doves chapter 1 . 4/13/2010
Once again, your writing has amazed me like no fanfiction has ever done before. And I've read a lot of fanfiction.

Except this time, I can't explain why I love this in words. It's just... amazing. You convey emotion so wonderfully...

While reading this, I cried. Several times. And at the end, my heart swelled nearly to the point of bursting. Honestly... wow. I am in complete awe. You have so much ability... If only it were better recognized. You deserve so much better than a mere eight reviews in what has been almost a year. 3
420blazeitloserz chapter 1 . 3/27/2010
Ahh. These are some what addictive.
SakuKiba chapter 1 . 3/14/2010
T.T...I'm NOT crying! *sniff* That was so sad that I might be...okay I'm bawling but only cause it was so well writen...and sad!
Zirra Nova chapter 1 . 7/10/2009
This is a brilliant work of art.

It's as simple as that.

The song you drew inspiration from, and posted a small bit at the bottom, has been added to my "ZaDr" playlist. XD It is an awesome song and I thank-you for bringing it to my attention. 0w0

I was wondering if you were planning on doing anything else with this? For example, writing about Zim's time fighting?

If not...I was wondering if you'd mind terribly if I attempted to write something based on it...specifically the above mentioned...Zim's time at war, I mean. ...The rabid plot bunnies are running rampant in my brainmeats as I type. I only hope I can manage to get them under control enough to actually finish something. (If not this idea, then something else. I won't post anything without your permission, as it would be heavily dependent on what you've written here.)

Anywho...This is, as I said, a brilliant piece of art. Truly epic in the smooth, yet broken flow. Such ways of writing are my favorite. w

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