Author has written 23 stories for Final Fantasy X-2, Firefly, Stargate: SG-1, and StarTrek: Enterprise. Good Morning, Afternoon, or Evening respectively, My Penname is Koken which is a derivative of the Japanese word for kitten. (Koneko) It’s been so long I don’t really remember how it found it’s way into that particular form. I’m a fan of many different shows, animes, mangas, movies, games and comics. I read considerably more than I write and although I am a fan of beautiful, pretty things- including kittens. I tend to write about dark topics and of course sex. What’s a relationship fic without a little lovin’ right? I am very much an adult- over the age of 18, and no I will not be telling any of you my age. :flips hair over shoulder: a lady never tells. No, just cause I write ‘bout unlady-like things doesn’t make me less of a lady. Well I don’t write entirely lemon filled fiction. Sometimes there are limes. Sometimes there is no sexual activity at all! But that is rare…_() I’m happy to take requests/challenges at any time it actually helps considerably with getting an idea and getting it down on digital paper, so feel free to e-mail me, message me, or on the very rare occasion I am on Aim (KokenChang) You can also checkout most of my fics on livejournal (http:///) Likes too many to count but here are a few… Doctor Who, Battlestar Gallactica, Stargate SG-1 and SGA, Firefly/Serenity, Star Trek Voyager and Enterprise and of course NG Final Fantasy VIII, X, X-II, XII Chobits Rayearth X/1999 I'm am the only member and founder of W.A.S.: Writers Against Silence (become a member anytime! just write a review!) Make a difference; Feed a starving writer near you- with complements of course. Nothing inspires us more than a good complement and yes even the tongue tied "Great fic" is good enough to make us giddy for a week. Okay..not giddy for a week. Thank you for your time. |