![]() Author has written 9 stories for CSI: Miami, and Forever Knight. Life is a gift and time is precious! First, I wanted to say thank you all for taking the time to read my stories. Your time and thoughts are appreciated and valued, Always! III My Websites and Margaret's : HCrazy's CSI:Miami/DuCaine Website (Fan Fiction, Promo pics, Spoilers, Music, & More) HCrazy's CSI:Miami Website- (Fan Fiction, Videos and interviews with cast & more) The David Caruso Wallpaper Gallery Website - A shared website with my good Friend Margaret. (Tons Of Beautiful Wallpapers from some very talanted artist & More.) The David Caruso Wallpaper Gallery #2 More wallpapers and artists. NYPD Blue Picture Gallery - My good friend Margaret's website. All John Kelly, caps, pictures, and promos shots as well. A must see for DC and NYPD Blue fans. The David Caruso Movie Gallery - An incredible and detailed site from my friend Margaret. Includes all DC movies and some very rare pictures and caps of TV shows as well. New Websites up, please click on the links above. Please say hi in our guest-books and let us know what you think about the websites. We are always happy to hear from other fans just like us! Just always remember to have fun!! III Margaret, Suzie, Angie, Betty and Jen: Thank you all so much for being my Beta's, you're all greatly appreciated by the Readers and of course Me. The chapters get corrected and post faster because of you and that makes everyone happy! You're all Terrific and as H would say, Nice Job as always! I really want to say thank you all again and again. Without you, the readers, none of this would have been possible. You all inspirer me with your wonderful words and thoughts and make me truly happy. I get a lot of joy and satisfaction knowing that you all enjoy my writing and sense of humor. It is my wish to give you back the same joy and happiness that you all relay to me! You are all a wonderful group of people and I value and appreciate your thoughts and opinions greatly. It is my wish to keep you all enjoying and smiling when you read my stories. Life is hard sometimes, as most of us have already discovered. It's quite amazing how reading a simple FF story can lift you up and put a huge grin on your face for the rest of the day. This is what I wish to do for all of you. Put a simple smile on your face and take you away from the real world... for just a little while anyway! This is what CSI:Miami does for me. I believing in paying it forward! III My Stories: Captured-- is my first story and the beginning, so you should start there. I am trying to create a series of stories in chronological order. 1- Captured: Calleigh and Horatio Finally get together. Two people from a past case vow revenge on Horatio, and to top it off, it leads him back to a dirty judge. This story was my first and it has a little of everything in it. It goes back to speed's death and how Horatio and Calleigh really felt for one another back then. 2- Heaven and Hell: Horatio makes Calleigh's wish come true. His brother Ray has some problems with the feds. Horatio's past is revealed as he and Raymond come to terms. He finally opens up to Calleigh about that horrible day. Someone is watching Horatio and Calleigh very closely. 3- Head Games: I don't want to give this one away. Its special. Anyway, It revolves around Calleigh. She gets into a car accident and gets amnesia. Everything starts to go terribly wrong from there... and I mean EVERYTHING! More of Horatio past haunts him as he helps young Timmy. 4- Captured II: Blood for Blood: Judge Ratner is Back and so is our wolf in the fold! Our hero's are in for some trouble... some very big trouble. So far we have H & C, Judge Ratner, Stetler, John, Frank, Timmy, Joe and the rest of our wonderful CSI team. Yelina and Ray, Ray Jr too. This is going to be big. 5-License to Kill: The team investigates the death of a doctor to find someone is getting even. Dr. Joe Gannon was the surgeon on call at the time and starts to get death threats. Can Horatio, Calleigh, and the team help him before its too late. Calleigh and Joe have a heart to heart and feelings are revealed. Timmy's father returns. 6-Totally Twisted: The story continues on from License To Kill. The name says it all. This story will be totally twisted with one character getting into a great deal of trouble, and the kicker is, he/she, won’t even realize it until it is too late. IAMEvil666 will be identified but will it be in time to save a life. Many twist and turns will come, as well as great Angst. 7-Written In Blood: Eric and Calleigh meet Frank at a crime scene in prison. Alexx is examining the body while Horatio is talking to Frank. The prison alarm sounds and a riot breaks out. The prison gates begin to lock as the team makes a run for it. Who will be saved? Who will be trapped? The Cruz brother's are smiling at their captives now as Clavo says, "Hey Red, bet you didn't think you would see me again." 8-Something Wicked this way comes: Summary: Crossover-CSI:Miami/Forever Knight: Horatio and Calleigh follow a brutal killing spree that leads them to Toronto. Where they meet Detective Nick Knight, Natalie, Janette & Lacroix, And the killer, of course...who is draining his victims of blood. And the fun begins. III Up coming stories: My next few stories are in the works... I can give you a summary for each. Working titles so far... but I could change them anytime. Complete - Crossover (CSI:Miami/Forever Knight) - "Something Wicked this way comes" Up On My Website! Click on the link. http:///hcrazy/somethingwickedthiswayco.htm NEW!!! Forever knight Videos to acquaint you with the story and characters: Opening Title - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPhIEG3JYtg I love this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvmiDMQ7FA8 Lacroix can be very seductive and sensual and... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=F5TKUWfbRiI Nick & Lacroix - http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=Sj6qLk9vNtA&feature=fvwp Nick brought across 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPO_Am5r1xM Nick brought across 2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=0dKHJ-B0Emw Nick and Lacroix - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqzAWBds_to&list=PL824CEBEA46EA82E0&index=4&feature=plpp_video These are Music videos that are sure to get you going. You can find many under you tube, "Knightvision." http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL824CEBEA46EA82E0&feature=plcp III BIO: Well, I have been wanting to write for sometime now but couldn't find the courage to actually do it. I have read many stories that have lifted me up and made me smile all day long sometimes. It's wonderful that just reading something can do that for us. Take away the bad day we are having, and in minutes, all we can think about are the words on the screen in front of us. We are smiling ear to ear... for hours sometimes, it's great! Anyway I had my doubts and kept talking to my niece about it, she kept telling me to write. Well I finally took her advice and started typing... then my courage kicked in and I actually hit the submit key! OMG! I was in shock and so was my niece. Well I did it all because of her, she was a huge help. She's a very special person with a heart full of love, that she shares with me. I am blessed to have her in my life. Hey Kiddo, I Love You! You're the best niece an aunt could have and you'll always have my love. Thank you for being you! Thank you, for believing in me! Favorite show: Hello? Got a clue?? CSI:MIAMI- I am a huge Horatio and Calleigh fan. I love CSI: MIAMI I love how David Caruso portrays Horatio Caine. Such feeling and compassion. I love to laugh and smile... belly laugh. If i can make one person a day smile, then I succeeded in my reason for being-- :o) I love animal... all animals... especially mine! LOL I Love Life! Always have, Always will. Come rain or shine, good days and bad days. I live my life one day at a time and try always to be happy. I hope to make you laugh, and maybe cry, but for only good reasons. Most of all, I just wish to make you laugh, and I hope I made you SMILE! -- JUST SMILE! Disclaimers: All characters from CSI: Miami are property of CBS. I own nothing connected with CBS or with CSI: Miami. I gain nothing from posting these stories except self satisfaction and plenty of smiles. |