A/N: Okay everyone, so this is it! Last chapter! I really appreciate all the awesome reviews and comments throughout this entire story. I thank each of the readers for sticking with me this long. You're the best! All of you who comment and share your awesome thoughts. You have each giving me reason to continue with this story and others and I am grateful to all of you for your amazing support.

Jen. A huge thank you to my friend and Beta, without whom none of this would be possible! Or readable, trust me! LOL Thank you for proofing and correcting my work at every turn. Thank you for helping it to all flow together better! Big Hug!

So here we go...



Warmth surrounded Horatio. Softness covered and moved against him in the most luxurious way. His eyes sluggishly opened.

Calleigh sighed shifting. Her head rested against his chest. She wrapped her arm around his midsection and pressed her body against his cuddling closer then entwined their legs.

Horatio's lips curved up and he barely lifted his head to see her blonde hair sprawled out over his chest. His right arm closed more around her lovingly and he let his eyes close again feeling very content.

A quick flash went off and his eyes suddenly snapped open. He turned to the left and found Lacroix sitting on the cushioned chair. His lips slightly curled.

"Rest," Lacroix breathed so softly. "It is still very early and your bodies need time to recuperate and recover."

Horatio whispered in his sleep roughened tone. "Why don't you take the guest room? It's dark, there's a bed and you can get some sleep in there."

"Perhaps in a little while. Thank you." Lacroix replied in that soothing tone. "Sleep, Horatio."

Lacroix entrancing tone comforted the red head. He exhaled tiredly and let his head drop back against the pillows without another thought. He moaned low as his lips pressed against the top of Calleigh's head.

The ancient stared. So fascinated with how very much these two loved one another, even in their sleep.

The next time Horatio's eyes opened the familiar sound of the seagulls and ocean tide filled the room. He shifted and stretched feeling well rested and realized Calleigh wasn't in the bed beside him.


He quickly sat upright with concern, his eyes narrowing as he listened for sounds.

Soft footfalls filled his ears then Calleigh strode into the bedroom with a beautiful smile, wearing one of his dress shirts. His eyes lingered for a moment on her legs and then the breakfast tray in her hands.

"My turn handsome." She greeted happily.

"Good morning," he rumbled in that low sleepy tone she loved.

"Morning," she beamed and put the tray down on the bedside table. She climbed on the bed, crawled over to him and pressed her lips against his.

"Mmm," Horatio hummed low. "You're warm… and taste like honey and cinnamon.

She drew back licking her lips. "French toast," she said with a growing grin.

"And coffee," he rumbled taking a mouthful. "Thank you, sweetheart."

Lacroix remained quiet leaning against the doorway. Arms crossed and a certain smirk on his face. He observed the happy couple with curiosity.

"It is quite interesting finally seeing how and where you both live. On the beach… surrounded by nature and all its beauty. I rather enjoy the breakfast in bed and how you treat each other with great respect."

Horatio looked up at the ancient then chuckled low remembering their earlier conversation.

"That's because we love each other so much," Calleigh said beaming.

Horatio almost choked on his coffee. Those were exactly his words to Lacroix earlier.

Lacroix rolled his eyes and spoke with wit. "Oh dear, you even think alike. How distressing."

Calleigh looked from Lacroix to Horatio. They both had an amused look on their faces. She questioned. "Is everything okay with you two? Did I miss something?"

"How are your ribs?" Lacroix quietly asked Horatio.

Calleigh stared at the red head keenly.

Horatio ran a hand over his midsection and in surprise nodded at the vampire. "Good. Pain's gone."

"That explains it," Calleigh smiled with a nod.

Horatio turned towards her and in the softest tone breathed. "Explains what sweetheart?"

"Your eyes are glowing again. You shared blood." It wasn't a question.

Horatio blinked and looked over at Lacroix with concern. "This isn't good. I have work tomorrow."

Lacroix's brow rose. "Good thing you have your- sunglasses- of- justice," he drew-out each word with humor in his smooth tone then with a whoosh was gone.

Horatio sighed.

Calleigh chuckled in content lying back on the bed. "He's funny."

"Yeah," Horatio rumbled low. "Hilarious."

Calleigh shoved him playfully. "He's only joking, handsome.

"I know sweetheart." He gifted her with a real Horatio smile. "I know."

"I'm sure your eyes will be fine by then." Calleigh was up and headed into the bathroom with a grin.

Horatio hummed his reply and sat in deep thought. He wondered about telling Calleigh the truth but then refrained. Once he told her he had provoked Lacroix into taking him, she would ask why and he wasn't about to tell her. No, he would not mention the name Eduardo ever again, especially to her. With a soft breath the decision was made. This would be one secret he would willingly take to the grave.

The ancient observed the red head. In fact Horatio had no idea Lacroix had returned. Lacroix sensed his deep thoughts, protectiveness and regret.

Horatio knew he owed Lacroix big time… he saved them and that was the bottom line. Saved Calleigh, the love of his life and their unborn baby. Even with all the distractions and twists Lacroix threw into the mix Horatio still couldn't damn the ancient.

His eyes narrowed for a quick moment in thought. He knew Lacroix had an agenda but had no idea what it was and what it entailed. All Horatio could distinguish was the ancient vampire did keep his word. He did save them, both. He didn't lie to them or bring them across against their will and in no way did he cause them any harm or force them into anything. With a heavy sigh the red head realized the ancient was really protecting them both.

He was appreciative of all that Lacroix did especially saving Calleigh and the baby's life. With a soft sigh he closed his eyes in thought, 'I'm sorry for all the trouble we caused you, Lacroix. I thank you for everything… and will be forever grateful.'

With a knowing smile and whoosh Lacroix was gone.

Horatio blinked coming out of his haze and looked around. He smiled slightly still feeling the vampire's presence. He silently communicated with the ancient.

'Thank you Lacroix. For everything.'

'You're more than welcome, Horatio,' the ancient replied through their link in complete satisfaction.


Horatio agreed with Calleigh to keep the pregnancy quiet for now. They headed into work acting as if nothing had changed even though they both knew their lives had been changed forever.

Horatio was thankful for the bright sunny days in Miami. He left his sunglasses on hoping no one would notice his bright glowing blue eyes and casually slipped out of the Hummer. He adjusted his badge on his belt and headed over towards Alexx and the body she was examining.

"Good to have you back sugar," Alexx greeted in her usual kind tone giving him the once over. The red head was dressed in a gray suit and white dress shirt, wearing his sunglasses as always. He looked immaculate, well rested and happy.

"Good to be back Alexx. Thank you."

The M.E. looked around. "Where's Calleigh? I thought she'd be working this with you?"

Horatio's lips curved for the first time as he thought of his blonde bombshell and the irritated tone of her voice when she found a mound of paperwork on her desk that needed her immediate attention.

He cleared his throat and answered with humor in his tone. "Seems our beautiful ballistics expert is inundated with paperwork… and trust me, she's not happy about it."

Alexx laughed. "If I know Calleigh… She's pissed! Her first day back and they hit her with paperwork! Ooh, I'm sure she's going to make a few heads roll for not keeping up with protocol and correspondence."

Horatio's low laughter soothed the ME who missed him more than he knew. "What have we got Alexx?" Horatio asked in that low silky tone.

Alexx looked down with a huge smile happy to have him back. She began to explain and they both fell right into step. It was business as usual.


It wasn't until the end of the day Alexx found Calleigh in the break room. The blonde said goodbye to Eric and Ryan then relaxed back on the couch with a cup of hot tea.

"I thought you'd be heading home by now baby. Your first day back, you have to be tired." Alexx said matter of fact.

Calleigh nodded and softly replied. "Soon. I'm just waiting for Horatio to call." She looked up at the clock and smiled widely. "It shouldn't be long."

Alexx poured herself a cup of coffee and stared at the wrapper on the counter. She looked over at the blonde who had her eyes closed and her head back against the couch resting.

"Since when do you drink decaf baby?" Alexx asked innocently.

Calleigh's head snapped up and her eyes widened. She had to think fast on her feet. "Um… I figured with all the paper work and stress my heart didn't need any more caffeine today. It's beating fast enough without it." She chuckled.

Alexx slowly nodded then walked over and took a seat across from Calleigh. "Yeah, Horatio said you were backlog with paperwork."

Calleigh smirked. "Did he?" Her tone rose just a bit in annoyance. "You think I could go away on a case or vacation and not get bombarded when I return. Not a chance," she said almost feeling as if Horatio may have set her up with paperwork… and no fieldwork.

"Speaking of vacation. I heard you and Horatio took a few days for yourselves while in Toronto. How'd you like it?"

Calleigh smiled and sighed. "It's really nice. We visited the CN tower and the provincial parks."

Alexx's eyes widened. "Okay baby. Don't try to tell me you built a snowman too because I know you hate the cold, so give. What really happened in Toronto?"

Calleigh's lips pursed and she couldn't control her growing smile. "Well… we caught a serial killer with the help of Detective Nick Knight."

Alexx didn't miss the wide smile on Calleigh's lips as she mentioned Nick's name. "Yeah, I saw you guys on TV. That Detective Knight sure is a hunk."

Calleigh's eyes went up to the right as she envisioned him and smiled. "Yes he is, Alexx. You would love Nick and his twisted sense of humor. He's a great guy and really good detective."

Calleigh was bright and beaming, more than usual. Downright radiant. Alexx could sense something different about Calleigh but just couldn't put her finger on it yet. She gradually probed. "This Detective Knight isn't trying to take you away from Horatio is he?"

"Lord no!" Calleigh immediately blurted out then smiled. "Nick is a gentleman just like Horatio but… he's taken," Calleigh grinned thinking about Natalie and Janette and even Lacroix.

"So you and Horatio are okay then?" Alexx asked probing more. She was a great ME but even better when it came to getting the scoop so to speak. She grew to know everyone's business. Alexx was their mother hen and their safe haven. She learned all their ways and habits. She was a real CSI when it came to their personal lives.

Calleigh waved her hand dismissively. "Of course we are. In fact he's already being way to overprotective."

Alexx held her gaze with a spreading grin. Calleigh's green eyes went wide as saucers while Alexx chuckled. "Overprotective? Really… about what?"

Calleigh bit down on her lip as her tone rose high. She was so busted and knew it but tried to dismiss it all. "You know Horatio. He's always protective of everyone and me."

Alexx slowly nodded. "Baby, I'm no detective but it doesn't take a CSI to put it all together."

Calleigh moved her head side to side and quietly questioned. "Put what together?"

Alexx rose and walked over toward the counter. She lifted the decaf tea wrapper. "You're suddenly drinking decaf tea, Your Lieutenant may have put you on desk duty and you just admitted Horatio's being way to overprotective already. Already as in?" Alexx waited letting her words hang in the air with a huge grin.

Calleigh smiled then frowned then beamed. She rose and headed over toward her dear friend. She whispered. "Alexx… you can't share this with anyone okay? Please?" Calleigh pleaded.

Alexx immediately beamed and let out a high pitched sound in excitement. "I knew it! I knew it! You're pregnant!"

Calleigh's eyes grew wider than ever as she put her index finger over her lips. "Alexx! Sshhhhh. Keep it down please."

Alexx chuckled and held onto Calleigh's hands. "I'm so happy for you both honey. This is wonderful news! Just wonderful!"

"We're not ready to share it with anyone yet," Calleigh replied lowly.

Alexx nodded. "I completely understand honey. You two take as long as you need. Hush is the word."

She leaned in and gave Calleigh a light hug. "I'm so happy for you." Alexx smiled. "You both deserve a child and I know your both going to be wonderful parents."

Calleigh couldn't contain her joy and nodded. "I can't wait either. At first I was nervous but now… I hope it goes fast."

"Oh it will sugar, trust me, I know. After you'll be hoping it went slow."

They laughed together in joy and Alexx shared, "I thought I recognized a new bounce in Horatio's step today."

Calleigh's cell rang. She looked down at it and smiled at Alexx. "It's Horatio."

Alexx waved. "Go home. We'll talk more tomorrow… And your secrets safe with me honey. I will always be here for you honey."

Calleigh opened her phone with a growing smile. "Hey handsome. I was wondering where you were?"

"Out front," he chuckled lowly. "Waiting for you beautiful. "Would you mind signing me out?"

"Not at all Lieutenant," she giggled. "I'll be right out."

"Sounds good," he answered in that low seductive tone making her smile.

Calleigh closed her phone, signed them out and walked out the front doors of the building. She smiled seeing the Hummer and the red head waiting for her.

Frank walked up towards Horatio's window. The red head hit a button lowering it.

"Hey Frank."

"How you two doing?" Frank asked, seeing Calleigh walking toward the Hummer. "I just wanted to say you both did a hell of a job getting that serial killer. I mean you followed him to Toronto and caught him."

Horatio nodded. "Well… it was really Detective Knight, Frank."

Calleigh climbed in and smiled listening to the conversation.

"Nice work, Calleigh," Frank repeated.

"It was mostly Nick Knight, Frank. He led the investigation and did all the leg work too. Horatio and I just," She shrugged, "followed his lead."

"Yeah. Right," Frank laughed sarcastically. "Do you two really expect me to believe that?!"

Horatio turned towards her and their eyes met in understanding. Frank stared at them then patted the roof of the Hummer with his hand. "Okay… why don't you guys get outta here it's almost eight. I'm sure you both had a long day and can't wait to get home."

"Thank you Frank," Horatio said with a small grin.

The Texan walked away and Horatio closed the window. Calleigh leaned in and gave Horatio a quick kiss on the cheek.

Horatio turned towards her with a smile. "We sounded like we rehearsed the lines sweetheart."

Calleigh laughed, "Well… we did!"

Horatio chuckled and with one of his low hums pulled out.

"So… what's for dinner?" Calleigh asked with a yawn. "I'm starving and it's really late."

His low tone soothed her. "I'd… like to make a stop first… if that's alright with you."

"Sure," she said with curiosity. "Where we going?"

Horatio held her gaze for a moment then smiled. "Guess?"

Calleigh sighed, "I don't know handsome. Wait… we're going to see Kayla aren't we?"

Horatio nodded. "Bingo!"

The red head pulled up in front of her aunt and uncle's house then shut the engine off. Calleigh was already getting out. He joined in step with her and they both headed up the walkway. Horatio leaned in and rang the bell while Calleigh surveyed the area.

The door opened and her aunt immediately smiled.

"Thank you both, for getting justice for my sister." She leaned in and gave Calleigh a hug then Horatio. She drew back when little Kayla approached the door seeing them. She immediately exclaimed, "You got the monster! You got him! I saw it on the TV! You went all the way to Toronto!"

"We had some help sweetheart," Horatio let out a soft breath and kneeled, lowering himself to her level. "There was a very special detective in Toronto and he really helped us find the monster Kayla."

"I know," she answered softly with a smile then reached for Calleigh's hand. Her watery eyes lifted to Calleigh who also squatted down. "His name is Knight, right?"

"That's correct honey," Calleigh answered with a smile as the small child embraced her. She drew back them moved towards Horatio.

"Would you tell my Knight, I said thank you, Horatio?" She barely whispered.

Horatio lowly answered, "Of course I will sweetheart. "I'll tell your Knight," Horatio repeated with a smile.

"I had a dream of mommy," she said sadly but then smiled. "She told me Nick was my Knight and he was going to help you and Calleigh catch the bad man. The monster! She told me about another man who was very strong and would also helped… but I can't say his name to good."

Horatio looked at Calleigh for a moment stunned then back when Kayla breathed, "La-quack or La-qua, I think. But mommy was right about Nick being a knight, wasn't she Horatio?"

Horatio nodded while Calleigh rose stunned. "She sure was, Kayla," Horatio answered then gave the small child a tender hug.

Kayla smiled and drew back watching Horatio stand up again. "Thank you… for telling me the truth and getting the monster so he can never hurt me or anyone again."

"You're welcome sweetheart." Horatio quietly answered.

"It's late and I should get her to bed soon." The aunt explained. "Thank you both again for coming by. We're very grateful."

Horatio and Calleigh both shook her hand and waved goodbye as she lifted Kayla in her arms and closed the door. They headed back for the hummer feeling sad but somewhat satisfied.

Horatio opened the door for Calleigh, who gave him a small grin in thanks. Only the red head stopped and scanned the area with his eyes feeling something…

Calleigh's brow rose. "Handsome… you're zoning out. You're doing the Nick thing again."

Horatio blinked with a nod and chuckled trying to put her at ease. "Yeah… sorry I just…" He shook his head side to side and closed her door then headed around to the driver's side. He stopped again and this time knew he felt something very familiar. A wry smile curved his lips as he got in and drove off.

In the darkness, the tall vampire grinned.


Horatio opened the door and watched Calleigh kick off her stilettos, sigh and collapsed down on the couch exhausted.

"I'm cooked handsome."

He chuckled softly, "How's… take out sound?"

"It sounds like it's going to take a long time!" She laughed letting her head drop back against the couch.

"Mmm. True." Horatio gently sat beside her on the couch. "Well I guess my plans are shot for the night."

Her tone rose inquisitively. "What plans?" Calleigh lifted her head coming to life.

He leaned in and with one tender hand, slid her hair back and began to nuzzle so softly along her neck. He murmured against her ear, "My plans… to wine and dine you then relax you in our Jacuzzi."

"Dear… lord," Calleigh sighed as his warm breath, filled her ear, and his lips suckled on her earlobe. "That… sounds… wonderful." She moaned low with closed eyes then turned, kissing him full on the lips. She quickly shifted, pressed Horatio back against the couch and straddled his hips.

His brows rose in surprise and he lowly breathed. "I guess you just got your second wind?"

She chuckled and moved her head up and down. He stared at her full, moist lips then leaned in and kissed her slow, lingering, filling his hands with her silky hair while his tongue gently probed the warmth of her mouth. A low moan left his lips when an unexpected thought filled his mind. He blinked and drew back from her with glowing blue eyes.

Calleigh stared at him in confusion. "Hey… you okay?

Horatio's eyes suddenly narrowed moving slowly past Calleigh then a small smile grew on his lips.

"Horatio?" She asked again staring at him strangely. "You're scaring me. What's wrong?"

He hesitated, his eyes fixed in the distance. "How's… Pizza sound?"

"What?!" She replied thinking he was losing his mind. "Is that a revelation or something?"

A low, smooth tone flowed over her from behind. "No my dear. It is what I brought you to eat."

Calleigh gasped and jumped yelping the name, "Lacroix!"

The ancient chuckled, "Really my dear… you should learn to trust Horatio's instincts. He is very good at sensing our kind."

Nick slowly wandered in with a wide grin. "Evening," he tilted his head to the side. "Sorry for the intrusion."

"Nick!" She greeted with a happy smile.

Calleigh let out a breath and relaxed her body against Horatio again. Her green eyes fixed on him. "You could have told me handsome."

Horatio exhaled, "I… wasn't sure. Sorry, beautiful."

Lacroix licked his lips staring at them. His tone dropped low as he moved in behind Calleigh. "So… do you wish to eat dinner before or after?"

Calleigh grinned and looked over her shoulder at him. "Before or after what?"

"Your Jacuzzi session my dear."

Horatio's laugh made her turn back towards him with a curious look. "Are you in on this handsome?"

"I am now," he chuckled.

"May we join you both for dinner?" Lacroix asked unexpectedly looking from Calleigh to the red head.

Calleigh gave Horatio a questioning look knowing he wouldn't turn them away. Horatio's curious thoughts went straight through to the ancient vampire.

A moment of silence passed and Lacroix bowed his head explaining. "We will be heading home shortly and simply wished to bid you farewell."

Horatio slowly inclined his head after making eye contact with his blonde bombshell. "You're both welcomed to join us… for dinner," Horatio clarified.

Nick nodded in gratitude while Lacroix smirked. "I did not mean to imply anything else. We come as friends seeking companionship."

Horatio's brow rose and his eyes tightened just slightly but the vampire was fully aware. Horatio's thoughts betrayed him again. 'Companionship as in… feed from us.'

The ancient gave him a perceptive grin. "No, Horatio. I did not come with the intention to feed from either of you. In fact, I already fed tonight." His full lips quirked at the red head. "I'm quite sated," he exhaled rubbing at his stomach.

Nick shook his head side to side in displeasure. He let out a breath annoyed with his sire. Could Lacroix be any more blatant.

Horatio snorted a laugh in thought. 'Lacroix. Sated. That's hard to believe.'

Lacroix's eyes suddenly narrowed in on him and Horatio instantly looked down. He realized he was letting his emotions get the better of him. Again. He sighed soft, regretful. "You're in my head again."

"Yes," Lacroix answered evenly, "You are wide open to me tonight. Close the link and stop guessing why we are here. Trust in me."

Horatio's jaw clenched tight. He nodded then concentrated and closed his eyes.

"Very good. You are a quick study Horatio. The link is closed."

Calleigh let out a breath. "I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry and so is the baby!"

"You're welcome to stay," Horatio softly breathed again looking at the master vampire then Nick.

"Thank you," Lacroix bowed his head with a slight smirk.

Calleigh gave Horatio a smile and headed for the table. "We have some wine I think you guys may like."

Nick pulled out a chair for Calleigh and gave her a gorgeous smile.

"No thank you my dear. I did bring my own stock and have placed it in your lower cabinet so as not to confuse either of you." Lacroix shared.

"Okay," Calleigh breathed extending the word in complete surprise. She stared at Nick who shrugged at her.

"Lacroix is always prepared… for everything," Nick explained finding his maker grinning at him.

Horatio walked over toward the cabinet and pulled out four glasses then frowned and put one back.

"No wine for you right sweetheart?" He asked already knowing her answer. He poured Lacroix's special vintage into one glass then stopped in thought.

"Nick?" The red head questioned.

Lacroix's brow rose at his son in warning. "You will need strength for the trip home… unless you wish to catch a flight." He chuckled.

"Sure. Thank you Horatio," Nick answered in his thick French accent. He glared at Lacroix then sat across from Calleigh.

"Did you guys really fly here? Like in the air?"

Nick laughed dimples and all. "Yes. We really flew… just like we did that night with you from the hotel."

Calleigh shook her head in awe. "I still can't believe all this is real. Vampires. Flying… in the sky!"

Lacroix leaned in from behind and whispered near her ear. "Yet here we are my dear." His large hands gently came down against her shoulders and his fingers began to lightly massage.

Calleigh let out a sigh and hummed in pleasure. "Dear Lord…."

Horatio's eyes narrowed on the back of the ancient whose hands were moving along Calleigh's shoulders.

Without turning Lacroix lowly advised. "Do calm yourself, Horatio. I'm merely helping her to relax. She has had quite the long day, don't you agree. She deserves to be pampered and properly treasured.

Horatio's jaw clenched with his thoughts. 'That's exactly what I was planning until you guys came strolling in here and blew it all.'

Lacroix slowly turned making eye contact with Horatio. He simply tilted his head at the red head then smirked. "We can leave if we're ruining your plans."

"No," Calleigh quickly answered. "Please stay. It's great to see you both again so soon."

Lacroix's brow rose and he gave Horatio a knowing grin tilting his head to the side as if in victory.

Horatio let out a breath and shoved the cork back into the bottle. He blinked trying to calm his overpowering emotions. He poured himself half a glass of wine then walked back over towards the table. He placed Nick's glass down and then Lacroix's.

Calleigh smiled and reached out for him. Horatio took a seat beside her as she exhaled, "He's harmless handsome."

Horatio's gaze went from her to the ancient and his brow rose. 'That's to be seen.' Horatio thought.

Lacroix gave him a devious grin knowing his thoughts again. 'Are we really going to start this again… and over her dinner, Horatio?'

The red head gave him a questioning look. The link was open again. He moved his head side to side. 'No. My thoughts got away from me. It won't happen again.'

'That would be a pleasant surprise,' Lacroix countered through their link.

Horatio lifted his glass and took a sip. He watched Calleigh bite into her pizza with a delightful moan and smile.

"Good?" He murmured.

"It's great!" she beamed and took another bite. She watched Nick slowly take a mouthful of his bovine and wince as he swallowed.

"You don't like it Nick?" She asked curiously.

Lacroix observed.

Nick shrugged. "It's fine. Just not my usual," he explained making eye contact with Lacroix.

"Your usual is grotesque," Lacroix face twisted in disgust. "Cow, ewee," The ancient shook displeased. He took a seat beside Calleigh, opposite Horatio. He clarified. "Nicholas hasn't drank human blood in years and the only reason he is drinking it tonight is because he needs to feed for the long trip home."

Lacroix's eyes narrowed on the young vampire. "Perhaps if Nicholas would have thought, and listened to Janette, before making the trip all the way here, he would have prepared, as I did."

Nick tucked his head and gave his maker a smirk. "God forbid we don't think like you, Lacroix."

Horatio's lips quirked. Hell, he felt the same way. Go get him Nick. The red head rooted for the blond detective.

Lacroix's eyes flashed gold. "Yes, well, say as you will Nicholas, but I won't be crying out your name halfway home when the sun comes up. Cow doesn't agree with my body or palate."

Nick nodded and lifted a hand. "I'm drinking it Lacroix, alright. Please, let's not get into one of our debates now. We're guests in their home. Let us be civil."

Horatio and Calleigh sat quietly observing the both of them which caused Lacroix to laugh.

"You're both enjoying yourselves aren't you? Even now I detect the CSI in you both. Such curiosity and awareness. Have you always been this way or did this come with the job?"

Calleigh lifted the cover of the pizza box. "Any garlic knots?"

Nick quickly shook his head and put up a hand. "Please, no."

"Vampires detest garlic my dear. Especially weak vampires," Lacroix shared purposely looking at Nick.

"That's true?!" Calleigh questioned in disbelief.

"It's true," Nick quietly explained.

Lacroix leaned over and reached for her hand. "So… have you always been this curious my dear?"

Horatio felt something rise up in him but kept himself calm.

Calleigh nodded. "Yeah. I guess so. As a child I always had so many questions. I wanted to know how things came to be and why things were the way they were. I wanted to learn all I could and then some. Didn't you?"

Lacroix snorted a laugh then released her hand and sat back. He crossed one leg over the other as he took a mouthful of his bovine, his eyes a thousand miles away. "I can… scarcely remember my childhood."

Silence filled the room for a long while. Horatio observed the ancient from across the table and suddenly closed his eyes as if in linking. Flashes went off behind his eyes and he gasped.

Lacroix's golden eyes opened on the red head that was clearly taken back.

Horatio exhaled heavily, clearly surprised. "That… wasn't intentional," He quickly explained. His eyes slid back and forth in thought. "I don't know what just happened."

Lacroix moved his head side to side disturbed then sneered, "Your powers are increasing. You just joined in with my thoughts. My personal thoughts!"

"But… I wasn't trying to," Horatio clarified in defense. "It… just happened."

Lacroix's eyes immediately narrowed on Horatio. "Are you mocking me?!" With a whoosh, the ancient had Horatio pinned up against the far wall near the balcony. His feet in the air.

"No!" Horatio gasped in shock. Lacroix's power was unlike anything he had ever experienced or felt. His arms were made of steel and his body unmovable. With one large hand wrapped around his throat, the ancient let him know who was in control.

"Lacroix!" Calleigh cried out as Nick grabbed at his maker.

"What are you doing Lacroix. He's mortal! You'll kill him! Let him go!"

"Move away Nicholas. This is between Horatio and I." He leered at the red head. "Isn't it, Horatio."

A sudden flash went off in Horatio's head again and he envisioned their earlier conversation. When Lacroix admitted he made love to Calleigh. Lacroix's words hit him hard again. 'It just happened.'

Horatio gasped suddenly in agony grabbing at his head, "I don't… know what's happening. You have to believe me…" He squeezed his eyes shut as blinding pain shot through his head.

Lacroix held Horatio as his body went limp in his arms. The ancient went from furious to alarming concern and carefully placed Horatio down on the sofa.

"What did you do!" Nick yelled at the ancient.

Lacroix quietly moved his head back and forth. His tone barely audible. "I did nothing Nicholas."

Nick stared at the ancient in confusion. He could see Lacroix's worry.

Calleigh kneeled beside him and took hold of his hand. "Horatio…?" she looked up at Nick and Lacroix. "Please help him. Please!"

Nick bent and tried to ease her fear. "He's okay Calleigh. Stay calm. His heart's beating fine."

"Then what's wrong with him?" She asked looking up at Lacroix, who was clearly confused. "Did you hurt him Lacroix?" She bravely asked.

"No," He lowly answered. "I did not cause him any pain or turmoil. I am unsure what has happened to him."

"Can you share your blood with him? It always seems to help," she asked so softly.

Without hesitation Lacroix kneeled beside her. "Yes," he instantly agreed.

"No!" Nick put a hand on Lacroix's shoulder. "Wait! What if you shared too much with him Lacroix? What if that's what's causing all of this? You're getting angry with him but you're the one making him stronger, giving him a closer connection with you."

"Nonsense!" Lacroix snapped out. "He is mortal Nicholas. One must be drained and a vampire to have such power and abilities. You know this."

Nick inclined his head. "Yeah well, Horatio is a lot different than other people. You know that! We all do. He is showing signs of unforeseen growth. A growth we can't explain or understand."

Horatio moaned low. His eyes slowly opened. It took a moment for them to come into focus and then he backed away from the ancient.

"It's alright. I'm not going to harm you," Lacroix quietly explained.

Horatio stared at him with wide eyes unbelieving. His tone low, "What, happened?"

Calleigh squeezed his hand. "You collapsed."

Horatio blinked and lifted one hand to his head.

"You have pain?" Lacroix lowly questioned.

Horatio nodded and let his eyes close again trying to endure it.

"Relax," Lacroix softly breathed and placed one hand on Horatio forehead. The red head flinched and drew back. Lacroix quickly assured.

"Horatio… I mean you no harm. You read my thoughts when I was clearly angered and surprised. "Trust me." With a single thought the ancient made the pain subside.

Horatio's blue eyes opened. He let out a heavy breath staring at the ancient with great concern. "Thank, you," he breathed quietly.

Nick questioned. "Horatio, can you tell us what just happened? What did you see or feel."

Horatio met Lacroix's gaze again then shook his head side to side in a no at Nick. "I didn't see anything," he exhaled. I just felt something in my head then everything went black.

Nick looked at Lacroix knowing there was something between them. The ancient was aware of it as well.

"We should allow him to rest," Lacroix said softly.

Calleigh nodded. "Can you help me get him into bed?"

Lacroix bowed his head then held Nick's gaze. "Take Calleigh upstairs. Help her prepare the bed. We will join you shortly."

Nick gave Lacroix a stare then nodded. He followed Calleigh down the hall and up the stairs to their bedroom.

Horatio made a move to sit up but the ancient stopped him. "Tell me what you saw?" Lacroix's stern voice urged.

Horatio swallowed hard then spoke slowly, "You… as a child… being –"

"Stop!" Lacroix instantly lifted a hand quieting him. The ancient was clearly upset and sneered. "You perplex me, Horatio. I just don't know what to do with you. Your powers seem to be increasing and you are aware of things you should not be."

Horatio lifted his head just a bit against the armrest of the couch. "You wanted to kill me. I saw it… how angry you just were because I saw your thoughts."

Lacroix let out a long breath. "Yes… at the moment perhaps but my anger got the best of me. I do not wish to kill you or cause you any harm. You must believe me."

A short breath left Horatio's nose. "That's a bit hard to believe right now, don't you think."

Lacroix glared at him with treacherous golden eyes. "We will not discuss this again. Do you understand me?"

Horatio moved his head side to side shocking the ancient. "Why not? Why is it okay for you to see and know my past, my life, my history and I'm not allowed to know yours?"

Lacroix's eyes tightened on him. He hissed enraged. "Because, I said so! You will do as I say… or face the consequences!"

"Death," Horatio answered brazen. "More threats."

Lacroix warned. "Horatio… do not make me end this night on a bad note."

Horatio softly exhaled. "I saw what happened Lacroix, when you were a child. Why does it make you so angry that I know? I don't understand—"

In a blink, Lacroix's eyes changed to red. One powerful hand wrapped around Horatio's throat as Lacroix growled.

"You just don't know when to shut up!" The ancient pressed his left hand against Horatio's forehead keeping him down on the couch. "This is going to hurt!"

Horatio's eyes suddenly widened as excruciating pain tore through his head. He squeezed his eyes shut as a cry tore from his lips.

Lacroix quickly removed the hand from around his throat and shoved it down over his mouth. He leaned in and scorned quietly, "Do not fight me Horatio. It will only cause you greater pain. Give in to me! You will forget all you have witnessed!"

Horatio exhaled heavily against his hand and shook his head in clear disobedience. He grumbled as Lacroix snarled. "You will forget everything you have seen tonight! Everything! And the moment your brain recalls any of it you will experience a pain unlike anything before. You will black out and remember nothing each time, and when you wake, you will call out my name in help."

Horatio's body slowly began to still. His blue eyes glazed over and stood locked with the vampire's red crimson eyes. Horatio stopped writhing and fighting then with a low breath finally submitted and blacked out.

"Sleep," Lacroix lowly commanded, releasing the red head.

Nick stood there in the silence then quietly asked. "He meant you no harm Lacroix. What could have been so bad to make you this angry?"

"Nothing I ever care to share Nicholas," The ancient lowly replied and with a whoosh was gone.


Nick stared at the sleeping couple in the king size bed. He sighed. "Do you think it worked Lacroix?"

"Only time will tell Nicholas," The ancient somberly answered.

"It's strange how they're only remembering bits and pieces of things."

Lacroix moved his head side to side. "Yes, well, let us hope they can get on with their normal lives again."

Nick turned towards the ancient and frowned. "I'm sorry Lacroix. I know how very much you care about them."

Lacroix's brow rose at his son. "Do you?"

Nick nodded slowly then walked over towards the ancient and put a hand on his shoulder. "I can feel it… you have a special bond with them," Nick said then smiled, "At first I was jealous… but I quickly realized how very special they were. I took an immediate liking to them."

Lacroix's eyes narrowed. "On her," he lowly replied with humor in his tone.

Nick grinned. "Yes… on her," he admitted. "She beautiful… everything about her."

"As, is he," Lacroix countered. "So different… perplexing, ingenious."

"I'll miss them," Nick said sadly.

"Nicholas, they have remembered almost everything until now. Why do you feel it worked this time?"

Nick shrugged. "You were angry, and meant it this time. It's just a feeling."

Lacroix nodded in understanding. He also felt it. The ancient felt as if part of the bond he and Horatio had, became severed this night. Again, only time would tell. With one last gaze upon the sleeping couple Lacroix sighed.

"Come Nicholas. It's late and we should go if we wish to make it home before Sunrise."

With a whoosh Lacroix was gone.

Nick nodded then smiled with a whispered. "I hope to see you both again sometime."


The next few days were quiet and uneventful. Horatio and Calleigh had not remembered what happened with Nick and Lacroix at their home. However, they did remember knowing them from Toronto but neither one was willing to talk about it for some strange reason.

Calleigh tossed and turned in bed feeling uneasy. She rolled over and stared in awe at the peaceful sleeping red head beside her. Horatio was out cold for once; she thought with a grin then gently made her way off the bed.

She strolled down to the kitchen, made herself a cup of tea and grabbed a handful of pretzels. With a knowing grin she headed into the den and took a seat at the computer.

"Okay," she lowly breathed tapping a key. "Let's see if we can find anything on, Nicholas de Brabant."

She typed his name into the search engine and blinked. There right before her eyes was a very old picture of Nick. It was black and white and really badly damaged but she easily made out the wide dimples and blond unruly hair.

She smiled and bit down on another pretzel. "Oh my gosh," she exhaled chewing faster as she tapped the keys. "This is amazing!"

She took another sip from her tea and popped another pretzel in her mouth. Her thoughts reeling as she began to type in Lacroix's name.

A soft familiar rumble caused her to turn. "What are you doing up sweetheart?"

Calleigh gasped and turned tucking her lip guiltily. She was completely busted. She shrugged. "I was just curious," she said, knowing she got her hand caught in the cookie jar.

Horatio shook his head back and forth. "We gave our word Calleigh. This can put them and us in danger."

"Horatio," she sighed, "It's just a Google search for a name." She stared at him. "Aren't you just the least bit curious? I mean…" her eyes widened, "There's so much I want to know. Don't you? C'mon. A two thousand year old vampire who was a General in the Roman empire! And Nick... who's eight hundred years old and Janette. Can you imagine the life they must have had? "

Horatio's lips curled up slightly. "Yes… and I would like them and us to keep having a life, sweetheart." He leaned forward and hit a key on the keyboard closing out of the internet.

Calleigh frowned and watched him delete cookies and clear their entire history.

"The internet is a bad place to do a search sweetheart. Too many eyes and ears always watching. "We don't want to put anyone at risk, right?"

Calleigh nodded. "You're right. I'm just too curious… and I miss them."

Horatio shut down the system with a nod. He wrapped one arm around her leading her back towards the bedroom.

"I miss them too, sweetheart. And I'm sure we'll hear from them again someday."

'Oh, I'm sure you will,' came the faint sound of Lacroix's smooth voice.

Horatio smiled feeling the vague connection.

The bright red 'on air' light flashed above the sound booth as the ancient vampire sat back in his chair with a widening grin. His full lips moved forward towards the mic as his rich smooth tone, flowed over the airwaves.

"Do you trust me? I want you to. I'm reaching out to you...tonight. Do you trust anyone? Come and confide in me. Confess all. Unburden your conscience. Be rid of your sins. Call me now, and entrust me with your secret selves. Tell me what you won't tell your best friend, your lover, your children or your father. Let me be your friend. Share all of yourselves, because I am the Nightcrawler, and I...love...you..."

The End…

So I hope you all enjoyed it. :o)

Yes, I left it open ended... So now you are all wondering what did Horatio see in Lacroix's past. Evil grin. Perhaps part II will explain. LOL The baby is not a vampire.

Take care my friends.