A/N: This is the last chapter and is rated MA. I want to thank everyone for all the awesome reviews and comments they left. It is appreciated and loved very much by me! I hope you all enjoy the wrap up. All the music here belongs to it's rightful owner which is not me. Enjoy!

WARNING: MA--- Hot, Steamy, Sexy and very Fluffy!

Horatio stood looking immaculate as he looked around examining the crime scene. He had on a black suit and a silk baby blue button down shirt. He stood with his hands on his hips looking over his sunglasses as a slight breeze ruffled his soft red hair.

Alexx walked over to him and shook her head in disgust. "What is the world coming to Horatio? Four dead, six wounded and two on the critical list."

"Is the COD the same for all four victims Alexx?"

"It looks like it but I'll let you know for sure when I get them back to post; I'll have a clearer picture once I get a good look at the wounds."

"Ok, thank you Alexx." Horatio said as Frank walked over with John.

"Hey H, looks like the gang bangers are at it again, you find any weapons yet?"

Horatio nodded, "Eric and Mr. Wolfe are sorting through things as we speak, and this crime scene is going to take some time to process."

John snorted a laugh, "Let them all kill each other. They're helping us get all the scumbags off the streets anyway."

Horatio tilted his head to the side and gave John a glare. His voice dropped to a very low intense rumble. "And the innocent people who came to see a movie, should they be paying as well John?"

John looked down. "That's not what I meant Horatio."

Horatio nodded with narrowing eyes holding his gaze.

"So, do you have any leads on the shooter?" Frank asked nervously looking at Horatio.

Horatio eyes tightened even more on John before he turned back to Frank.

"Well, we have the description you gave us from the witnesses and we may have his DNA. It looks like the shooter may have been hit; we found a blood stain that coincides to where the shooter was standing."

"Hopefully, we get this jackass today; I personally don't feel like working all night, let alone this whole weekend."

Horatio nodded, "I agree, and I'm sure it would make the brass happy too."

"Yeah, I see the chief over there now." Frank said with a nod of his head in the chief's direction.

All three looked over to see the chief talking to another officer.

Very nonchalantly John spoke. "Hey, so how Calleigh's doing, Horatio?"

Horatio turned halfway with the tilt of his head and gave John a very penetrating look not answering.

John looked down right away speaking. "Yeah well, I was just asking because I heard she went through a rough time. I just wanted to make sure she was ok."

Horatio lowered his chin to his chest as his eyes bore into John. "Calleigh… is fine, and that is her business, don't you agree detective?"

Frank wiped his lip hearing the intensity in Horatio's voice and John nodded. "Yeah, I do. I just thought it was strange that she had a twin sister and never told me about it, that's all."

"Like I said John, that's her business, not yours. You understand?" Horatio said, as he spoke firmly now getting his point across.

John furrowed his brows. "Yeah, I understand Horatio; I was just concerned, Jesus Christ." He said annoyed sighing heavily.

Horatio clenched his jaw and took a step closer to John as Frank warned.

"The chief is heading this way guys."

Horatio suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder and heard his voice.

"Lieutenant Caine, may I have a moment of your time please?"

Horatio turned and nodded yes. "Of course you can chief, no problem." He said turning his full attention on the chief now.

John and Frank walked away as the chief led Horatio over to a quiet area near his hummer.

"Horatio, is everything ok with that detective?" He asked looking over at John and Frank.

"Detective Hagen you mean, yes, everything is fine sir, why do you ask?"

"I asked because we had a few reports concerning him and some… problems."

Horatio's brows arched, "Problems like what, Jim."

"Well, just be careful around that one, we got a few disturbing reports from Psychological services about him. They tried to pull him off the job a few times now, as far as I know."

Horatio nodded slowly following the chiefs eyes over to John. "Thanks for the heads up, Jim."

"No problem, Horatio. So, tell me how CSI Duquesne is doing?" He asked giving Horatio a grin.

Horatio looked down wondering if he knew something about the two of them. "She's coming along fine sir, and thank you for asking." He replied meeting his gaze again.

The chief smiled with a smirk. "Well besides the shootout event coming up, I just thought I would ask. I did take a rather quick liking to her in your office. I also believe you did too, right Horatio?" He said with a knowing grin now.

Horatio swallowed and looked down as the chief patted him on the shoulder. He chuckled low, "Relax, you two make quite a team, on the job… and off."

Horatio lifted his head up and held his gaze now nodding with a small grin. "Mm-hmm, yes we've um… we pursued a relationship outside of the job. I was um, going to mention it to you eventually, Jim."

He grinned, "You don't have to mention it to me at all, Horatio. It's your life and your business. Just be careful of the others who would like to get into your business and see you end up out of a job."

"I thought it might be frowned upon sir?"

"No, not from me or the department. Just keep it professional like you always do and everything will be fine. There are many relationships going on in the department and if we were to frown upon that, well, people could call that discrimination."

Horatio nodded, "I was worried more for her… reputation. Her appearance is important to me. I don't want others to lose respect for her or look down on her because she's with me."

He chuckled, "Horatio, for the short time I spent with her in your office, I can tell you are not going to have a problem with that. She looks quite capable of handling herself and any problems that may arise. She's not only beautiful and intelligent, but she's a tough woman. You know what they say about southern bells and toughness. They say, don't mess with them." He patted Horatio on the back and gave him a smile.

"Mmm yes, I'll keep that in mind, sir."

"Good, you'll need to trust me." He laughed. "Well, I hope it works out for you Horatio, this job is hard enough and the time we spend doing it is usually very hard for our loved ones to accept. You two have a pretty good chance I'd say because you both understand the job.

Now, speaking about the job Lieutenant, I would really appreciate you finding me this killer before midnight tonight." He leaned in to Horatio's ear whispering, "The wife and I have a nice weekend getaway planned and I don't want my head taking off when I tell her I have to work this weekend. She's a southern belle also and trust me they can pack some wallop." He said laughing low, as Horatio's lips curved up and he understood where the chief was coming from.

Horatio found himself chuckling now and looked down trying to get control. 'Yep, that was his Calleigh," he thought grinning. She was always ready for anything and she not only packed a wallop, but she was more like a small blockbuster. Small and petite on the outside but full of bang on the inside. When that bang went off it took everything in its path with it. So you had better know when it was going to go off, and stand clear.

Horatio cleared his throat as he spoke smoothly. "I'm on it Chief, I'll do my best to see that you have your weekend."

The Chief shook his hand and placed his other hand on Horatio's shoulder.

"Best of luck to you two Horatio, and please give Ms. Duquesne my best, will you?"

"I will, and thank you sir." Horatio said shaking his hand back with a small smile.

They were being watched as an over zealous John shook his head looking over at them. "Hey Frank, do you think he kisses the chief's ass enough or what? Man, he really knows how to suck up, don't he? How does he get all that shit off his nose with his face so far up the chief's ass?"

Frank shook his head. "Hey John let's stick to the case, ok. What Horatio does with the chief is his business, and stop bashing him in front of me too. Horatio's a good guy and you know that, he's also a good friend."

John shook his head and turned walking away from Frank, mumbling now. "Good guy my ass; you just haven't seen his true colors yet.

Horatio headed over to Eric and Ryan. "Gentleman, what do we have?"

"We have a whole bunch of evidence to process." Ryan said as Eric gave him a smirk.

"Mr. Wolfe, tell me something I don't already know." Horatio replied with a terse voice.

Eric grinned and looked away trying not to laugh as Alexx walked over to them, saving Ryan.

"I'm heading back boys. I guess I'll see you in post then Horatio." Alexx said turning to him.

Horatio nodded. "I'll be there as soon as I can Alexx, if you find anything in the meantime…."

"Right, I'll call you honey." She said as she left.

Horatio sighed softly. "Ok, did you both finished up inside?"

Ryan nodded and Eric spoke. "Yeah H, we check the exits going out and we came up with another blood stain. I think it may have been the shooter trying to get out but he got careless."

"Is that your opinion talking or are we basing this case on evidence?"

Eric nodded and hung his head. "Sorry H."

Horatio gave him a small grin knowing it was dam hard not to assume in this line of work.

"No worries Eric, but lets stick to the evidence all right." He put his sunglasses back on pausing. "Gentleman, what do you say we get this evidence back to the lab and go catch ourselves a killer? You two finish here and meet me back at the lab, I'll see what Alexx has in the meantime. We need to get started on the evidence ASAP, all right?"

"Ok, H." Ryan answered.

"Sure H, we'll just finish up here and head right back so we can get started." Eric said.

Horatio nodded and turned heading back over to Frank.

"You heading back to the lab, H?"

"I am Frank."

"I get the feeling we're working the weekend already."

Horatio snorted a laugh, "I get the feeling you're right. I'll be in touch Frank." He said, heading back to the hummer.


Horatio met Alexx in post as she explained they were all shot and killed with the same gun. They went over the victims one by one looking for any other type of evidence they could come up with. He headed to trace and found Ryan and Eric who were processing the rest of the evidence.

Eric was processing the blood samples as Ryan was processing all the fibers and bullets shells he recovered. Horatio went over to Ryan and stood with his hands on his hips.

"Is this all the rounds that were fired?"

Ryan nodded, "Yeah H, I'm just getting started on the fibers. I found one with blood on it and it was located where the shooter was supposedly standing."

Horatio nodded, "Ok, you get started on that and I'll take the rounds from you."

Ryan nodded slowly to him and Eric gave him a grin.

"You want to go home sometime tonight, don't you?" Eric said with a smirk.

Horatio hummed deeply, "Hmm, as a matter of fact I do, and so does the chief, if you catch my drift."

Eric nodded and looked right back into the microscope. "Well, with all the evidence he left for us there's a really good chance he's getting caught sooner than later."

Horatio nodded, "Let's work for sooner gentleman, shall we," he said, heading out with the evidence bag in his hand.

He headed for ballistics and looked down at his watch. The day was already half gone and it looked like dinner was not going to happen. He sighed and shook his head as he examined another round.

The bullet was a 22, and most likely fired from and Uzi. He examined each round and matched the striations; he punched the information in the computer and hoped for a hit from IBIS.

He sighed heavily looking at his watch again and reluctantly opened his cell to call her.

She answered cheerfully, "Hello handsome."

He closed his eyes to her happy voice and shook his head upset that tonight was not going to work out.

"Hi, I um, have some bad news."

"Uh-oh, no dinner, huh?"

"Well, it's not looking very good at the moment and I didn't want to wait until the last second to call you."

"Must be a pretty big case for the chief to show."

"Well, four people were killed and it's the second time in a month that it happened in the same area. By the way, he sends you his regards."

Calleigh's eyes widened. "Huh, to me?"

"Yes, to you, he asked how you were doing and he… also knows about us."

Calleigh's eyes went wide now and her mouth opened. She gasped, "Us, as in… you and me? Oh my god, he knows. How does he know, Horatio, I thought no one knew."

Horatio chuckled hearing her shock and worry. "Relax; I think he is the only one who knows. He said, he sort of got a vibe when he spoke with you in my office that day. He's ok with it Calleigh and even wished us luck."

"You're kidding? She replied in shock. "I swear Horatio, if this is a joke and you're outside… I will have your head." She drawled upset.

He chuckled, thinking about his southern bell. "I'm not kidding, and god only knows how I wish I was outside your door right now. I'm sorry about that sweetheart." He said sighing into the phone.

"Don't worry about it, ok. I know you're busy and this is important. It's not as if, you are breaking a date with me for no reason, I understand Horatio.

"Ok well, I'm not sure what time, if any, I will get home tonight."

She smiled hearing his regret. "Listen, tomorrow is Saturday, right?"

"Mm-hmm, right, and I promise you, we will be having dinner tomorrow night, ok?"

"Now hold your horses Lieutenant, first go catch the bad guy then you can make plans with me." She chuckled.

He smiled and spoke in a seductive tone, "I plan on it, and I also plan—

"Hey H, Frank just brought in a suspect! He was shot and didn't report it, the hospital called it in and Frank picked him up." Ryan said, storming in as he realized Horatio was on the phone now and he just rudely cut him off.

"Let me call you back, all right?"

"Ok, and don't worry Horatio, we have plenty of time for dinner dates." She said with a chuckle, as she thought about something else now. Her eyes narrowed and she smiled brightly, wondering what he would think of it.

He looked at the young CSI as he answered her. "Mm-hmm, thank you for understanding."

"Anytime handsome, I'll talk to you later," she said softly as she hung up with a mischievous grin.

Horatio grinned, and grabbed his jacket following Ryan out the door as the young CSI apologized to him. They headed to the interrogation room and the awaiting suspect.


Hours passed as Horatio yawned tiredly, sitting in his chair as he rubbed his hands over his tired eyes. He closed the case file in front of him and looked at the time. It was 3 am and he got his man. Ryan got a match on the DNA and when they went to pick up the suspect, they found the smoking gun hidden in his home. They brought him in and swabbed his right hand that showed evidence of GSR.

Everything came together, all the evidence matched, and the DNA locked it up airtight. The suspect gave a full confessing once he heard all the evidence and proof against him.

Horatio was able to close the case out a little after midnight. 'Better late then never.' He thought as he looked at the time and shook his head.

He was tempted to give Calleigh a call but decided to head home and get an early start with her tomorrow. He didn't want to disturbed her at this hour and he hoped she was getting some much-needed sleep.

He headed home and took a quick shower before he crawled into bed exhausted. He laid back and thought of her but then shook his head as his thoughts switched onto his dreams. He knew the moment he closed his weary eyes they would begin. He did his best trying to envision her and succeeded as a small grin appeared on his face.

He saw her as she leaned down over him and kissed him softly. He caressed her face as her hair fell forward over his hands and onto his face. His breathing slowed as his body relaxed and she leaned down to kiss him again. It only took seconds as he drifted off thinking about her and sleep overcame him.

"Hey boy!" His father said tauntingly, as Horatio woke up staring right into the devils eyes. "There's no one here to help you now boy, are you afraid?" He said sneering at him.

Horatio's fuzzy eyes quickly cleared as he swallowed hard staring at him.

His father smiled seeing his confusion and fear. "You think you're so smart and don't think I don't see your eyes conjuring up a plan boy. You think you know it all, don't you!" He snarled as he slurred his words and sprayed spit all over him.

Horatio could smell the liquor on his breath and knew that look in his eyes. He laid still and didn't move waiting for some kind of opening, he knew his chance would come; it always did when his father was this drunk.

"Just the two of us, you and me," he said with emphasis on his words. "Now tell me, are you're afraid?"

Horatio looked away and gritted his teeth as his jaw muscles tensed. He wondered for a second what would happen if he did tell him he was afraid.

Suddenly two very large hands tightened around his throat. His eyes went wide as he gasped out choking, "Dad…please!!!"

His father grinned and laughed as he repeated his words, yelling at him, "You think you're so smart, don't you boy!"

Horatio grabbed his wrists and pulled with all his might as his father climbed onto the bed and shoved him down into the mattress, choking him harder. Horatio felt himself weakening and struggled to hold on as his knee connected with his father's groin.

"ARRRG!!!" The father roared as he rolled off Horatio and held himself. "I gonna… beat the fucking shit… out of you boy!"

Horatio gasped for air as he turned and rolled right off the bed onto the floor. He was on his hands and knees as he tried to breathe taking in deep gulps of air. He choked rubbing at his neck and looked over to see his father getting up.

His eyes went wide as he scurried to his feet and tried to make a run for it off balance.

"I warned you boy! I told you never to fight me, but you never learn, do you! Your gonna learn now, I'm gonna beat you so bad, you'll never fucking forget it!"

He was right behind him as he shoved Horatio hard, pushing him full force right into the wall. He braced himself and his arms took the brunt of the impact as his body slumped right down to the floor.

He inhaled deeply as he heard the familiar almost whistling sound, of his father's belt being pulled off quickly. He tired to get up but was grabbed by the hair on his head and flung onto the bed face down. He thrashed and fought, as a knee was shoved into his lower back and his t-shirt was viciously ripped off.

He cried out in pain as the knee press right down into his spine and his head was yanked back by his hair. "Owww, stop… dad!"

"I got your fucking attention now, don't I? DON'T I!!!" The father screamed at him.

"Yes, YES!" He sobbed shaking, feeling as if he would break in two if his father pulled back any harder on his head.

The father laughed, "Good, you better fucking answer me if you know what's good for you." He said as he grabbed the back of his neck and held his head down, now pressing his face into the bed and smothering him. He suddenly straddled his hips and the belt buckle connected down against Horatio's back as he cried out in agony.

He felt his father's hand gripping him, brutally squeezing and shoving him down. He tried to fight back each time the father raised the belt up to strike again.

He cried out and grunted, turning, suddenly thrashing and swinging his arms all over the place wildly, "No, get off! Get off—" He yelled out as he bolted right up and saw Calleigh standing over him.

He was confused and dazed. His breathing was erratic as beads of sweat ran down his forehead. He took in a few deep breaths as she sat down on the bed next to him, staring very concerned.

"Horatio, are you ok?" She asked softly, seeing something in his eyes she never saw before.

He exhaled and nodded. "Yes," he replied in a very hoarse voice. He covered his forehead with his shaky hand and let his head rest back for a moment.

Calleigh watched with concern as he seemed to calm down exhaling deeply.

"Hey, I'm sorry Horatio I—"

"No, you didn't wake me, trust me on that. What are you doing here, though? What time is it?"

She gave him a small grin. "I wanted to surprise you and make you breakfast in bed, it's early."

He looked over at the clock and back to her, "It is early, I'm um, I'm sorry if I frightened you." He said, making a move to get up as she shook her head and put her hand right on the center of his chest, stopping him.

His eyes opened questioningly, "I need a shower." He exhaled softly.

"No,' she said, "What you need is rest and you're going to get it."

He shook his head right away, "Calleigh, that's not going to happen—"

"Really, just relax for a few minutes and I'll have you off in la la land again."

He shook his head no. "I'd rather not Calleigh, but thank you anyway." He said sincerely holding her gaze.

She narrowed her eyes and shoved him back down on the bed with a chuckled. She quickly cuddled up with him and sighed contented feeling him against her body finally.

"What are you doing?" He asked curiously as her leg wrapped around him and her hand began stroking his hair back.

"I'm putting you back to sleep and I'm going to stay right here with you, ok?"

Her hand was already relaxing and soothing his exhausted mind and body. "I, umm, I think—"

"Ssh," she said, as she put a finger over his lips and lifted her head looking at him shaking her head no. "Please, just relax for a few minutes then, ok, please?"

He sighed softly and gave her a slight nod as his eyes crinkled at the corners, it was impossible for him to say no to her. He held her sparkling green eyes as she gave him a beautiful smile.

"Thank you." She said, stroking his hair back softly and caressing his face gently. "I promise you won't regret it."

He grinned, "Mmm, you smell wonderful."

She chuckled, "Close your eyes, ok. I really want you to rest and I'll make us a nice breakfast when we get up."

He pulled her in closer inhaling her vanilla fragrance deeply. He closed his eyes as she relaxed him and rested her head against his chest. 'God this feels great.' He thought melting into her.

She whispered, "I have a nice surprise for you later, handsome."

He let out a low rumble. "Mmm, I already have the best surprise lying right here with me. There's nothing else I need with you right here." He said in a sleep-roughened voice as his hand slowly slid down her silky soft hair.

"I think you will be very surprised," she chuckled and kissed his neck.

Horatio's eyes opened as the surprise hit him. He swallowed and lifted his head a bit as he spoke softly.

"Calleigh… are you, pregnant?"

She laughed now and squeezed him tight as she found his eyes. "No silly, now just forget it and get some sleep."

"Mmm, ok but, sweetheart if you were, I would be happy, if that's what you wanted.

She cupped his cheek softly and planted a very soft kiss on his warm lips.

"Thank you Horatio, just hearing you say that means the world to me, but, I am NOT pregnant."

"Ok," he said, as he closed his eyes and mumbled, "You would make a wonderful mother and wife."

Calleigh's eyes went wide hearing him say that and she cuddled in closer against him as her eyes welled up. He was amazing she thought as she rested against him and thought about the words, mother and wife. She smiled feeling great just to hear him say that. She stroked his hair softly as she whispered, "Sleep with the angels."

No response came back and she felt him breathing evenly and knew he drifted off again. She inhaled smelling him and his manly scent she grew to love as she closed her eyes and followed him right into a deep contented sleep.


Calleigh was the first to wake to the slight stinging sensation coming from her lower hip area. She rolled over gently and saw the time, it was after 11 as her eyes opened and she sat up. She closed her eyes feeling tired still as she felt a hand reach around her waist and pull her back down into him.

She chuckled falling back as he quickly wrapped her up in both arms and held her.

His voice rumbled low, "You're not getting away that quick, you feel too good next to me."

She chuckled as she squirmed trying to get comfortable and pushing against him. She grunted low, "Unh, will you please let go so I can move a bit."

He grinned, "No. You're my prisoner beautiful, I can't."

She tried to squirm her way out but he held onto her tightly. "Prisoner? Horatio…unh, just…"

He chuckled and pulled her right on top of him as she yelped and her hip began to ache. She grimaced as he held her smiling and then furrowed his brows.

"Are you all right, did I just hurt you?"

She chuckled and buried her head in his neck laughing now, embarrassed. "No, you didn't hurt me, ok. I'm just a… a little sore is all." She said quickly trying to avoid talking about this right now.

"Mmm, good morning beautiful." He said as he kissed her softly.

"Good morning handsome and what time did you get home last night?"

"I left the office after three but I didn't want to disturb you so late."

Calleigh nodded, "So you got him?"

"Mm-hmm, case closed.

"Saturday is all ours?"

"It is, and how about Sunday too, you can have them both if you like."

"Ok, but I'm warning you Horatio, you have to let me go if you want breakfast sometime today."

"Mmm, not only do I want breakfast today, but I want it with you in my bed." He said as he turned her and now pinned her down with his body.

They kissed slowly and Calleigh felt that ache again as he grinded himself against her. She was trying to figure out a way to get away quietly without making him suspicious, which he already was.

She chuckled a little as a thought came to mind and he gave her a grin.

"What has you so amused?" He asked still holding her tightly.

She raised her brow and smiled as she leaned down and kissed him softly.

"Mmmm" His voice rumbled low as her soft lips gave him warm butterfly kisses over and over again, against his lips and cheek.

She broke off leaning her hands against his chest and lifted up holding his eyes.

He smiled and whispered, "That feels so nice, soft, and warm." He reached his right hand up and cupped her cheek. He slid his fingers into her silky soft hair and pulled her right back down to meet his lips.

Calleigh, who was trying to escape quickly became caught up in his seductive kisses as she remembered and broke off again sitting up. His hands moved to hold onto her hips as she lifted and yelped in pain wincing as his thumb press gently on the sore spot.

He released her immediately and searched her eyes for an answer. "Calleigh, sweetheart, what wrong, what is it?" He asked very concerned knowing he hardly touched her.

She smiled and felt her face get hot. "It's nothing ok, just trust me and I promise to tell you about it later ok, please. I promise you I am fine and well."

His brows furrowed and he frowned processing the situation. "Sweetheart, you're not fine, you're in pain."

She gave him a coy smiled and gently got up off the bed. "I promise you that I am fine. Now let me go start breakfast." She said smiling at him mischievously as she turned and walked out.

Horatio sat up and frowned as he wondered, what that smile was all about. A small grin formed on his lips, 'She's up to something.' He thought, as he got off the bed and headed into the shower.

He came walking out about 10 minutes later and found her sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for him. She gave him a smile and it quickly faded as her eyes trailed down his scarred chest. The scratch marks making her remember everything once again as her eyes went distant in deep thought.

Horatio stood where he was and looked down at the floor; he was feeling very guilty now. 'Dam, I forgot to grab a t-shirt.' He thought to himself, as he stood rooted to the floor.

His fingers played with the little dent in his top lip as he remembered it all again now too. He shook his head and looked back up to her speaking softly. "Calleigh, are you ok?"

She gave him a small grin and nodded. "I'm fine." She replied as she stood up and walked over to him.

'Shit!' He thought, as she walked right up in front of him. He wanted to tell her, but he knew she would be hurt again. 'Shit!' He sighed softly as she looked at him curiously.

"Are you all right?" She asked him now seeing his uneasiness as her eyes dropped back down to his chest. She raised her right hand and gently traced her fingertips over the broken scabs as her head leaned to one side.

He let out another breath watching her and feeling her now. "Sweetheart, I'm sorry you had to see this right now. I forgot to grab a t-shirt before I went in, I'm sorry." He said whispering softly as her eyes met his.

She held his eyes and gave him a smile. "It's all right, I know you didn't plan this and I know you have been wearing t-shirts ever since I've been with you now." She looked down and then back up at him as she spoke softly. "I'm sorry Horatio."

He shook his head as he gently caressed her cheek with his fingers. "No, you have nothing to be sorry for Calleigh."

She gave him a small smile. "Thanks handsome, but I do. I am very sorry she put you through all this and did this to you. I'm so sorry Horatio, and I don't know what else to say." She exhaled deeply and shook her head upset now.

He cupped her cheek and lifted her chin up gently finding her eyes. "Hey, c'mon, you don't need to say anything sweetheart, let's try and get past this together, ok? We have each other and we're going to have a very nice weekend, I promise you, all right. We're together now Calleigh and nothing is more important then that.

She looked down and nodded, "You're right and I'm glad I came over. It felt so good to have you…." Calleigh let her words trail off.

Horatio tilted his head to her questioningly, hoping she would finish.

She held his eyes smiling as she leaned up and gave him a very soft kiss and hug. She broke off and smiled again seeing him with just a towel around his waist. She smirked as she felt her face go hot.

"I almost forgot about breakfast." She said looking away.

"Mmm, I already did. You do seem to have that affect on me." He chuckled as Calleigh swayed her hips away walking back out of the room.

He stood there for a moment longer thinking; he was glad she didn't wrap her arms around him and feel the scabs on his back. He leaned forward peeking out the door making sure the coast was clear as he headed for the dresser. He opened the top draw as he heard her voice call out and quickly turned, grabbing a t-shirt.

She saw him quickly turn and gave him a questioning look. "I just wasn't sure if you…" She let her words trial off and walked toward him as he swallowed nervously, wondering if she saw.

Her eyes narrowed on his. "What's wrong? You're acting strangely right now and you have this guilty look on your face." She said, leaning to the side to see what was behind his back.

He turned still facing her so she couldn't see behind him and held up the t-shirt to her. "It's just my t-shirt." He said looking guilty as all hell.

She shook her head confused looking at the t-shirt. "Is something wrong, Horatio?" She asked softly holding his gaze as she wondered what was going on with him.

His brows arched and he shook his head slightly. "No, no everything fine." He replied softly looking down at the t-shirt in his hand.

Calleigh smirked and moved to go past him to the dresser as he quickly turned still facing her.

She gave him a puzzled look and put a hand on her hip. "Horatio?" She said as her voice rose high.

He swallowed and held her eyes, "Yeah?"

She narrowed her eyes and went to move past him again as he turned his body with hers. Calleigh, was now looking into the mirror. She froze as she saw why he was being so mysterious. She couldn't hide the shocked look in her eyes as Horatio's eyes went down to the floor, realizing he moved right into the path of the reflecting mirror.

She looked at the embedded scratch marks on his back and shook her head in disbelief. She looked at him to find him still looking down. She moved now to his right and he quickly took a step back.

She gave him a glare. "In-case you haven't notice, there's a mirror behind you now."

He nodded, "I…I know. Calleigh, I was going to—"

"Then why didn't you, and why are you hiding it from me now?" She said with a bit of anger in her voice.

He nodded his head and whispered low, "I didn't want to upset you all over again. I just though—" he sighed heavily, "I was going to tell you, I just couldn't stand to see you hurt again, because of me. I'm very sorry." He whispered low with anguish in his voice and sorrow in his eyes.

She held his eyes and knew he was telling her the truth, the moment he looked down again she moved past him and he hung his head in defeat.

She hissed a breath out in shock as her eyes took in the long scabs and ragged gashes. She exhaled softly as she raised her hand to-gently touch his back and he flinched.

She didn't know if it hurt him or just caught him off guard. "Does that hurt?" She asked

He shook his head no, feeling very uncomfortable with her behind him now. 'What and idiot!' He thought to himself, 'I should have told her.'

His mind spun as his guilt ate at him and Calleigh suddenly walked by him.

"Calleigh?" He called to her softly and she just kept walking, heading into the bathroom. He exhaled deeply knowing she was hurt and upset because of him again. He hung his head as his mind reeled and he wished he told her.

"Get on the bed," She said pulling him from his thoughts.

He lifted his eyes and held her gaze a moment in question. He saw the bottle of peroxide and cotton balls in the small basin she held.

He blinked confused quickly realizing she wanted to help him. Now he felt horrible and there was no way he was going to let her do this. He shook his head no, "Calleigh I'm fine, thank you." He said with sincerity.

She held his eyes, "It looks infected," she replied quickly.

"It's fine really," he answered, trying to convince her but she held onto his eyes and gave him a glare. He looked down seeing and feeling her irritation. He sighed softly. "It's nothing, I'm fine." He repeated softly.

Now she glared and shook her head at him clearly annoyed. "Just get on the bed," she said with attitude in her voice.

His brows rose in surprise and he looked down and saw her put one hand on her hip waiting. He knew she was pissed. 'This is not working.' He thought, sighing softly as he nodded walking over to the bed and sitting down.

"Lay on your stomach for me," She asked as her tone went soft again.

He turned to her to argue but her look and posture quickly told him he would lose that battle. He sighed softly and gave in, laying flat on his stomach now.

'Thank God,' she thought as he finally gave in and settled down. She sat down on the bed beside him and soaked the cotton in the peroxide. "This is a little cold, ok?" She said warning him.

"Mm-hmm," He mumbled as the coldness hit and the stinging began. He gasped as his whole body tensed and she watched his muscles all tightened up in his back.

"You ok?" She asked in a tender voice seeing his discomfort.

He lifted his head a bit and looked over his right shoulder at her. "Mm-hmm," He sighed, and he turned back as his eyes went wide.

"Did you put anything on this at all?" She asked as she gently patted the cotton ball down on the wounds.

"Umm no, nothing." He said leaning down on his elbows and resting his hands on one another. He put his head down on them and closed his eyes concentrating on her gentle touch. He sighed softly and she could see all the muscles in his back relax again.

She smiled knowing he was relaxed finally and finished applying the peroxide to his wounds. She gently let her left hand rest on his shoulder blade as she began lightly massaging the knot she felt there.

Her fingers gently rubbed and he let a soft groan slip, enjoying the gentle massage she began to give him.

"Good?" She asked, feeling much better herself right now.

"Mm-hmm, thank you for—"

"Ssh, just relax and close your eyes, ok?"

"Calleigh, you don't—"

"Ssh!" She hissed cutting him off. "I said relax, I can feel how tense you are right now. Just try to relax."

Horatio let his head relax to the right as both her hands began a slow gentle massage on each of his shoulders. She ran them down the sides of his back as her thumbs press and released on the knotted tension there.

He groaned low feeling her apply light pressure with her fingertips as she worked on his lower back right above the towel.

She closed her own eyes hearing him groan his pleasure as her hands gently and smoothly worked him over. She opened her eyes and peeked to see if his eyes were still closed. They were and she wondered if he dozed off, he was exhausted and needed all the sleep he could get.

She gently removed her hands and watched him breathing evenly. She leaned down and kissed his right shoulder lightly. She found herself somewhat aroused from giving him the massage and began placing soft kisses all over his shoulder and neck. Her hands slid up and down his sides as he let a soft groan slip.

His eyes opened and closed the moment he felt her lips on the back of his neck. He lifted his head up just a bit as she threaded her fingers right into his hair, gently directing his head back down as she place more soft kisses all along the back of his neck.

He felt himself aching and shifted his hips on the bed as he turned looking over his right shoulder at her; she gave him a teasingly soft kiss, just barley brushing against his lips. He was unable to hold or deepen the kiss in that position as he shifted to move again.

She held him, feeling him trying to turn over. "No, stay there ok?" She whispered with huskiness.

He heard the desire in her voice and wanted to pounce but nodded yes and stood put for her.

He felt her get off the bed and turned looking over his shoulder for her. "What are you doing?" He asked in a gravelly voice as he heard her unzipping her jeans. He felt himself harden more and pressed his hips into the bed automatically. He turned looking over his shoulder, straining to catch a glimpse of her beautiful body.

"Relax and stay put." She ordered softly as she tugged on the towel at his waist. "Lift up for me." She asked as she pulled the towel free and completely off him now.

His eyes went wide, he didn't want her to have to look at his back, but she made it clear this is what she wanted. 'I guess I should do as she asks.' He thought to himself, as he felt her climb back onto the bed and straddle his bare body.

"Mmm," A low moan emanated from his throat feeling her warm, soft skin, now bare against his own. He exhaled and turned looking over his shoulder again. He watched as she folded her arms and lifted her shirt right over her head in one smooth motion.

He felt his breathing increase with the anticipation of what she was up to.

She chuckled as he strained to look back at her. "Relax and lay your head back down." She said, as she unhooked the clasp on her bra and took it off.

His voice went husky felling her warm silkiness against his skin. "Calleigh… I need to make love to you." He said with raw built up emotion.

She slowly leaned her body forward and lied down against his back, breathing her warm breath against his neck.

He gasped a breath as he felt her thighs tighten around him and her warm soft breast press right up against his back. She felt incredible against him like this, so soft and warm. He felt his breathing increase even more as his heart began racing. He looked over his shoulder to the left as she quickly found his lips and kissed him softly.

She broke off and whispered, "I need to make love to you too."

He lifted up on his elbows and she quickly leaned down near his ear, whispering, "Stay there, don't move, ok." She sighed softly, "Oh god, this feels so good." She said, as she slowly slid her hands and fingers down along his stretched out arms in a tantalizing caress. She slid right back down to his shoulders as she kissed his neck and slid her warm body against his. She slid her silky legs down over his thighs and calves in a mind-blowing caress.

He panted, "Uhh, god," as he felt her soft silky skin slide all along him.

He swallowed hard and licked his very dry lips shifting under her, trying to find a comfortable position.

He felt her hand slide down his right side and over his rear slowly coming back up. He let out another strained breath feeling her touch and caresses slide all over him.

She slid her hand back down his side to his right hip and whispered near his ear, "Lift up."

He looked back at her as he easily lifted his hip and she slid her right hand under him, stroking him softly, feeling his engorged hardness.

He gasped, "Uhh, god, Calleigh…I need—"

She quickly attached her lips to his ear and stopped him short as he gasped out another breath letting his head drop back down.

"Oh god!" He growled low as her soft hand stroked him so slowly, at a tortuous pace. His mouth opened as he gasped for air in ecstasy. He couldn't hold back and began to-slowly move his hips, undulating into her silky soft hand.

She leaned right back to his ear whispering, "Does this feel good?"

"Oh god! Yes, yes it… does." He said in a choppy breath.

"And, how about this?" She whispered low, seductively, letting her hand slide down lower to cup him gently.

"Uhhh!" He moaned as his eyes squeezed shut and his mouth opened in ecstasy. "Cal, I need… I need…." He panted breathlessly as his right arm went back and his hand quickly found the back of her thigh. He slid his fingers in a slow caress to her rear and gentle squeezed and pushed her against him more.

"Ooh," She moaned low feeling his hand touch and trace all along her silky soft backside.

Her warm breath covered his ear and he turned into her, finding her silky golden hair and soft lips once more. He ran his hand up and felt the thin fabric of her underwear, softly gliding over it. She felt incredible lying naked on top of him like this, he wished for her to stay there forever, but quickly realized his need to be one with her now.

She slid off him to the left a bit and he quickly turned and captured her lips in a full-blown heated tongue kiss. He quickly slid his body right up against hers and lifted his leg over her soft thigh. He groaned low as he pressed his hips against her and his mouth devoured her in hot, wet, hungry kisses.

His right hand cupped her cheek and caressed her face as he lovingly kissed her. His left hand rested on her smooth stomach as he slowly began to caress her silky, soft skin with his fingertips.

Calleigh sighed softly loving his touch. He was so soft and gentle as goose bumps ran all over her. He knew right where to rub and caress, as his fingertips slid along her smooth stomach, sliding up to her soft breast.

"Ohh," She moaned softly as her back arched up and her soft flesh rose right into his gentle hand.

Their kisses were becoming shorter as the need for air became necessary. They broke off breathlessly as Horatio searched her sparkling green eyes. She smiled as her hand and fingers threaded into his hair never taking her eyes off him.

His gentle hand and fingers slid across the swell of her breast and began to trace the curve slowly. Again and again he touched her, his touch gradually firming while her skin grew increasingly warm and her nipples hardened. Finally, he curved his fingers and cupped the soft mound of flesh in his palm. Her mouth opened as she moaned and tipped her head back as sensation whipped through her, the warmth melting through her, spreading and filling her.

He was quick to cover her mouth again as he felt her hands slide and caress all along his masculine lean body. Horatio broke off their kiss only to brush his lips along her jaw to her ear. He was beyond thought, he only wanted to take what he had been craving for what seemed like weeks now. His attention, his senses were entirely focused on the woman he loved.

He nuzzled on her ear whispering huskily, "You feel incredible, so soft," he murmured with a moan.

She sighed, "Oh, god," as she felt his warm wet tongue trace along her ear. She quickly reached for his head and turned his mouth right back to her as she began giving him hungry, needy kisses.

He kissed her back with equal fervor as his hand slid down the center of her stomach. His fingers reached the satin fabric of her underwear and he slid his hand over toward her hip, squeezing with his hand and pulling her into him more groaning.

"Ohh, Oww!" She gasped and moaned as her body jumped from his touch.

He broke off right away to see a grimace on her face and questioned her.

"Calleigh?" He whispered holding her gaze.

"I'm fine," she said breathlessly as he held her eyes to find the truth. "It's nothing, please, don't stop," she asked huskily as she leaned forward and began kissing him again.

She lowered her hand to his and moved it off her right hip area as she kissed him. He went easily with her hand as he softly caressed it, knowing she had pain. Her right hand left his and caressed his side, tracing down to his hip and rear, as she kneaded and pulled him against her more.

His hand slid down over her satin underwear and lower as his fingertips began to caress her inner thigh.

She moaned her pleasure as she broke their kiss, "Oh, Horatio…you feel so good." She said panting now.

He began kissing her neck and slid down a bit to her shoulder as he planted soft sweet kisses all along her bruised collarbone. His fingertips slowly working their way back up her inner thigh,as he encountered her satin underwear.

She moaned softly again and again now as his fingers slid along her underwear and across her begging nub. She gasped as he looked at her to find her biting down on her bottom lip, lost in sensation.

He groaned and kissed his way lower to her left breast, where he began to kiss and caress it with his hand and lips. Her nipples were begging for attention as he traced his tongue in circles around her areola, teasing her even more.

She moaned in pleasure as his tongue grazed her taut nipple and his lips finally locked on it as he gently suckled.

"Ooh, god, Horatio!" She panted holding onto his head as she submerged her fingers in his soft hair.

He groaned as he suckled her breast and licked her nipple at the same time. He enjoyed feeling her hands and fingers curl into his hair and travel down his back caressing gently.

He slid over to the other breast and began kissing and licking as her back arch up. He gently slid his fingers against her warm covered center making her moan and cry out to him.

"Horatio, please, I need you—" She whimpered in need.

"Mmmm," He moaned his response as his tongue began to travel down her smooth stomach.

Calleigh was moaning feeling herself on the edge ready to fall off at any moment. His hands slid up to her breast as he softly caressed her while kissing his way lower toward her underwear.

Her stomach tensed and her back arched as his soft lips kissed her all over making her skin tingle with desire. Her fingers gripped his hair and held onto his head as he drove her insane with desire. He kissed his way over to her right hip and slipped his fingers under the band of her underwear. He kissed lower as he slowly slid them down and now noticed why she had pain there.

He smiled and removed his lips, lifting his head to find her emerald eyes sparkling back at him.

She smiled as she leaned back on both her elbows looking at him. "I guess you're, getting your surprise sooner than later." She said in a dry breathless voice.

He nodded, and gave her a grin looking back down at the small tattoo that now resided there. He looked closer and gently ran his fingertips over it as she flinched. He found her eyes again and smiled at her dipping his head, as he began to give her the softest kisses she ever felt all around it.

She moaned in instant pleasure as she felt his warm breath and soft lips return to her achy skin. He kissed and caressed the area softly with gentle care, until he finally place one soft kiss right on it and lifted his head to find her eyes again.

He slid up to her and covered her mouth in a loving kiss. "It's beautiful, just like you."

She smiled and ducked her head, "I was… hoping you'd like it."

"Mm-hmm. I do, very much." He said tracing her lips with his fingers.

She whispered low, "So, I figured; now you'll know…."

Horatio felt his heart drop as he realized what she meant. "Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry. Calleigh, I'm so sorry about everything." He said sincerely holding her gaze.

She cupped his cheek, "I know Horatio, and it wasn't your fault, besides I thought about getting it anyway before. I had it planned out." She said with a grin.

His voice went deep, "Did you now?"

She nodded, "Uh-huh, I know how special roses are to you and I really loved the idea of having you with me permanently."

"I like the idea that you want me with you permanently." He replied softly.

She caressed his face softly and held his eyes as she whispered softly, "Make love to me Horatio."

He held her loving eyes as he nodded and kissed her softly. He broke off as he whispered, "Are, we safe yet?"

Calleigh smiled thinking he had to be the sweetest man and the most patient as she answered. "We are safe, I'm protected."

He held her eyes and kissed her again murmuring, "Then, I wish to make love to you all day long."

He slowly slid back down her body trailing soft kisses as her hands clung to him, the anticipation driving her mad. He kissed her stomach and slipped her underwear down and off her legs as he took her beautiful body in.

He dipped his head and began kissing all around the tattoo again as his hands ran up her legs and over her thighs in long smooth caresses.

Calleigh began moaning feeling him so close now, feeling his loving caress and warm breath. His words of love overwhelming her as he whispered the one tiny word under the tattoo, "Unity" he said, kissing the pair of roses there. One white and one red, their green stems were wrapped around each other and going right through a small red heart.

"Unity," she repeated in a soft whimper, as he kissed his way over to her soft golden curls. She moaned and tensed under him as he reached for her right hand and entwined their fingers together. Her left hand and fingers curled into his hair and their lustful eyes met in a long look of desire.

"Lay back for me, let your body relax." He said in a sensual smoky voice.

Calleigh closed her eyes to his smooth voice as it covered her and let her head drop back down. She swallowed and licked her lips trying to moisten her throat, as the anticipation built her up even more.

She felt his warm breath upon her as she tightened her grip on his hand and moved her leg.

"Relax yourself, sweetheart." He whispered as he slid his hand over her soft curls and down over her center in a smooth caress.

"Oh god," she gasped lifting her hips up and into his hand more. "Horatio, I'm not—I can't…."

"Ssh, close your eyes, ok?"

She nodded biting down on her lip and hummed in a whimper, "Mm-hmm."

"Now take a deep breath and let it out slowly," he said in a deep husky voice lowering his head, craving for what was right in front of him now. He waited until she let the breath out and gently extended his tongue, licking softly in a long smooth stroke."

"Ooh, God!" She cried out immediately finally feeling him on her, but losing control as her hand gripped him so hard her nails dug into it. Her legs flailed and shook as he quickly slipped his arm under and held onto her thigh.

He used his left forearm on her right thigh as he still held Calleigh's hand in his. He gave her a moment to relax and dipped his head down again, gently licking in and upward motion, in short smooth strokes.

Calleigh's legs began to shake around him and she was moaning his name repeatedly in pleasure. "Horatio, Horatio, Oh, Ooh!"

Her breathing was heavy and ragged; he could feel all the tremors in her body as she reached closer to climax. He knew she was very close as he slid his arm out from under her thigh and caressed her inner thigh, sliding his fingers up to her warm wetness.

"Horatio, I need you." She cried out breathlessly, rummaging her hand and fingers wildly through his hair.

"Yes love," he replied in his smooth sexy tone as he slid his finger against her warm silky wetness. He wanted to give her pleasure first because he didn't think he was going to last very long like this. He slowly inserted one finger as Calleigh moaned and thrashed her head tightening her hold on his hand even more now.

"Oh, god… Oh ohh," She heaved breathlessly.

"Mmmm, let it happen beautiful, let go for me." He said in a tone so sexy that every nerve receptor she had went hot and she began to tingle from her ears down to her burning core.

He curled his finger inside her finding that special place that gave her extra pleasure and full release. He pressed gently with his finger and licked at her aroused nub, licking up in short smooth strokes, building her up more as her whole body began to shake all around him.

Her hand groped at his hair now and she tried to break free of his grip. She felt herself tingling with pleasure that coursed straight through and into her burning core. She was swimming in her own arousal now, nothing matter but the feeling of pleasure that was radiating through her.

She began gasping, "Horatio! Oh god! Ohh, god!" She panted and lifted her hips, bucking up against him more as her head thrust back, "Oohhh, god! Horatio! Oohhhhhhhhhhh! She cried out exploding, feeling her release as he continually licked at her pulsing core.

She panted through her mouth crying out with each gasp as her orgasm tore through her. "Ohhh! Ahhh! Huhh! Huh!" He felt her clenching around his finger and pulsing as wave after wave of pure intense sexual pleasure coursed through her. She was breathing hard as he finally slowed and stopped looking up at her now.

He smiled seeing her completely breathless and drained. He saw her chest heaving still and noticed her face was bright red, going right down to her chest. She moaned softly still coming back down to earth, from that very intense climax. He watched her lick her lips and take in numerous deep breaths as her left hand dropped off his head. Her right hand finally let go of his and he chuckled low, feeling pins and needles in his hand from all her squeezing.

She lifted her head a moment to look at him and he saw the spark in her eyes. That twinkle and glow that he grew to love. She gave him a smile that was quickly followed by a deep blush and let her head drop back down with an exhausting moan, "Unnh."

He smiled and slowly crawled back up to her, kissing his way back up her beautiful soft stomach and chest, paying quick attention to her peaked nipples. He leaned right over her and held her gleaming eyes. "Mmmm, you are incredible." He said in a voice as smooth as honey.

She pursed her lips and turned her head as he brought her mouth right back to his in a soft kiss. She opened her shinning eyes and her face was glowing, he would swear it. She held his eyes and bit on her lower lip, "Oh god, I missed you Horatio."

He caressed her face softly, "I missed you also and I knew I wouldn't last for you, so I wanted to take care of you first."

She smiled and shook her head. 'He has to be the sweetest and most thoughtful man I know.' She thought, as she cupped his cheek and kissed him deeply, wanting to return the same affection, he just gave to her. She ran her hand smoothly down his chest to find him hard as a rock still.

She didn't hesitate now as she kissed him again and whispered, "Make love to me, be one with me. I need to feel you inside me."

He nodded, "Are you ok, I mean, I know your hip is—"

She cut him off and put her finger to his lips. "Please, I need to feel you."

He smiled as he leaned down again for a soft kiss, shifting his weight, leaning on his hands and moving his legs in between hers now. He felt her heat right up against his length as he slowly slid against her warm wetness groaning low.

Calleigh moaned and shifted on his next stroke as she guided him into her warm softness. His eyes closed to her as he felt her softness envelope him like a gentle glove, grasping him tightly, so warm and soft. He slowly increased his pressure, sliding in slowly as she gasped and bit down on her lip moaning. "Ohh, you feel so good."

He held her eyes for as long as he could until his own pleasure made him close them once again. Slowly now he started to slide in deeper as she lifted against him and thrusted down, unable to wait any longer, burying him to the hilt. A gasp of breath was expelled from them both at the deep penetrating sensation.

He groaned and clenched his jaw feeling himself deep in her warm softness. He stilled a moment reveling in the sensations coursing through him as she lifted her hand to his face and pulled him down for a gentle kiss.

He leaned down more against her body trying to remember her sore hip as he rested on his elbows now looking right into her eyes. "Uhh, sweetheart, you— are on fire, and I'm... not going to last long." He groaned deeply as his breathing increased.

Calleigh wrapped her hand around the back of his head and pulled him down to her lips again. She began kissing him hungrily now moaning in need. "I need to feel you, Horatio." She moaned as he began to-gently rock his hips against her.

"Uhh, god!" He groaned in a deep expelling breath, feeling so much sensation. He felt that familiar tingle and shook his head trying to will it away as his hips moved on their own accord. He threw his head back and squeezed his eyes shut as he felt her tighten and clench all around him. He growled as his hips began to thrust against her now, losing himself in her completely.

"Uh, Cal…" He gasped as he opened his eyes to find a look of pain on her face and completely stopped moving. "Are you all right?" He asked breathlessly.

She whimpered, "Mm-hmm, don't stop, please."

He nodded yes to her and shifted himself nearly upright on his knees, taking his weight off her hips. "Better?" He asked as she nodded with a smile.

"Yes, much better, sor—Ohh!" She gasped as he began to move again now slowly at a different angle.

He lifted her left leg to his chest and held onto it as his thrust came slow and deep. She felt his tip touching her deeply inside as she moaned and felt her body drawing closer to another incredible climax.

"Oh my god! Ohh, Horatio!" She moaned and cried out grabbing the sheets with her hands.

"Mmm, yes! You feel wonderful, Uhh!" He groaned as he thrust and reached his left hand to her breast caressing her gently.

Sensation was going to her head. Her breast were tightening and tingling, her sex was hot and growing wetter by the second, as he thrust himself in deeper each time. She was getting closer and closer as she panted her pleasure feeling him so deeply.

"Oh god, Horatio!" She cried out reaching for his hand on her aching breast. She pulled it right to her mouth as she moaned and began sucking on his fingers.

He growled and his hips began moving faster with quick deep strokes as his right arm held her leg tightly to his chest. His lips opened and he began to kiss and lick on her leg that was pressed against his face.

Calleigh began to buck and cried out thrashing, grabbing at the sheets again. He felt her contract and he dragged his wet fingers straight down the center of her chest to her aching nub. Her head pressed back and her eyes closed reveling in his touch as her back arched up against him. She was breathing ragged and panting as moan after moan came out now.

She was lost and barely hanging on. He rested his hand against her pelvis and began to massage her wet nub with his thumb up and down, using just the right amount of pressure. She cried out instantly and began to shake as he continued to massage her nub at the same time he was thrusting into her. "Oh god! Oh god! Ohh! Ohhhhhhhh!" She cried out moaning and groaning as she exploded and flashes of lights went off behind her tightly closed eyelids. She was pulsing and shaking so hard from the intensity of it all as wave after wave rolled over her.

His thumb continued to work on her as he gripped her leg even tighter to his chest giving her all he was worth. He groaned feeling himself swell up more, ready and unable to hold back anymore now. "Uhh, Calleigh! God!" He groaned in a ragged breath trying to breathe.

She panted, "Please! I want to feel you! Please!" She begged breathlessly.

"Yes! Yes!" He grunted looking right at her now as he gave a nod and thrusted in hard and deep. His breath came fast and short as he gasped for air hanging on, still rubbing his thumb against her sex and keeping her on a continuous high with him. He groaned deeply as he held onto her leg and felt his liquid fire raced right up his engorged length. A guttural groan came out as he crushed her leg to his open lips and exploded deep within her crying out, "Ugggggggggh!"

He groaned and grunted as he empty every bit of his love into her. She moaned and panted still feeling her spasms, wave after wave as he twitched deep inside her. He took in deep breaths as he tensed and held her leg tightly against him still; trying to get control of his quivering muscles.

Calleigh's whole body trembled in small aftershocks. "Oooh," she moaned softly as her breathing began to calm down some.

He exhaled deeply finally finding the strength to let go of her leg as he gently put it down and slid up beside her body. He made sure to put some of his weight on top of her left side remembering how she loved his closeness afterward. He smiled and looked right into her glassy green eyes. "Too heavy?"

"God no, you feel great right where you're." She said in a raspy voice, cuddling even closer into him. She sighed heavily and smiled brightly as he held her eyes. Both were taking in each other's beauty and all the drifting sensations that went through them. They held one another closely basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

Horatio leaned in closer to her lips and softly kissed her holding her glowing green eyes.

Calleigh kissed him back softly and opened her mouth to taste him as they shared in a slow passionate tongue kiss.

"I love you handsome." She whispered close to his lips, softly caressing a finger across his cheek.

"Mmm, and I love you beautiful." He whispered back as he took her hand and kissed her open palm holding it to his face.

They held one another closely now not letting go. Horatio held onto the woman he loved and Calleigh was holding onto the man she loved.

He sighed softly whispering, "Have I told you how wonderful you feel against me?"

She smiled, "Yes, I believe you have handsome."

"Mmm, how's the pain, any better?"

"What pain?" Calleigh said blushing as she buried her head in his neck laughing.

Horatio chuckled as she lifted her head back to him. "When did you have it done?"

"Yesterday afternoon after I spoke with you. I planned on it for a while now and finally found the right opportunity. Do you like it?"

"Mm-hmm, I love it, it's beautiful."

She smiled as he leaned on her more putting her flat on her back again. He held her beautiful green eyes and dipped his head giving her light butterfly kisses all around her bruised shoulder.

Calleigh moaned softly feeling his soft lips once again as goose bumps covered her. "I forgot about breakfast." She said, reaching for his head and holding his gaze. "Are you hungry?"

His eyes tightened on her for a moment and then crinkled at the edges. His lips curved up and he dipped his head again giving her more tantalizing butterfly kisses as he murmured, "Starving, and I really loved breakfast in bed." He said in a seductive tone wiggling his brows to her.

She began to laugh, "You're so bad."

"Mmm, I thought you said I was good?" He replied giving her an innocent look teasing her.

She swatted him with her hand and laughed, "No, I said you were So Very Good." She said with her beautiful bombshell smile.

"Mmm, well what if I want to try for great?" He answered gently sliding his fingertips over her right shoulder and trailing a path to her breast, tracing the dark circle around her areola teasingly.

She moaned softly as he kissed her shoulder and hummed her words. "You're… great, and wonderful, and… Oooh." She sighed softly as his fingers gently slid across her tightening nipple.

He started placing kisses all over her chest and side sliding down on her body slowly.

She moaned softly feeling his lips and gentle hands as she quickly became caught up in him. "What— where are you going? She asked in a husky breath, almost hypnotized by his ministrations now.

"I need to take a… closer look at my surprise." He whispered in a velvety tone, easily sliding himself between her legs once again. His hands both slid up her inner thighs teasingly as he focused on the small tattoo. He traced his fingertips over it lightly as she flinched.

"Mmm, I think it needs a little tender loving care, don't you?" He asked in a smooth tone looking up at her.

She leaned up on both elbows and held his dreamy blue eyes nodding yes to him in a trance now. "Uh-huh," she sighed softly.

He began giving her soft kisses all over her hip area and felt her fingers thread into his hair as she moaned. "What- about- breakfast." She asked in a choppy breath.

"Mmmm," Horatio's right hand reached down and suddenly pulled the sheets up over his head. "I'll… have to get back to you on that." He said in a very deep and husky voice from under the sheet.

"Ohh, my..." Calleigh suddenly gasped as her mouth opened in pleasure and her body collapsed back down on the bed with a thud.

"Mmmm," His voice vibrated along her soft smooth skin sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body.

"Horatio! Oh my, god!" She cried out in a short, sharp gasp.

A very low rumble followed by a chuckle came from under the sheet. Calleigh chuckled as her head pressed back into the bed and she began to giggled, "Horatio, Horatio!!!"

Distant laughter and sighs of pleasure soon fill the house as they made slow sweet love once again right into the afternoon.


Horatio came strolling out of the bathroom from a very refreshing shower. He walked over to the side of the bed and his head tilted slightly taking in her glowing form. He smiled widely, very happy right now as his emotions took over. He let his eyes slide over her in a long thorough caress. 'So beautiful,' he thought as her head rested toward him and her hair was sprawled out onto her pillow. The sheet covered her but one thigh was sticking out uncovered and he grinned thinking of all their lovemaking. He shook his head smiling, feeling a slight tingle already and quietly walked away.

He slipped on a pair of jeans and a dark blue t-shirt as he headed out of the bedroom but suddenly stopped in the doorway. He slowly turned and leaned on the doorframe watching her sleep, thinking how lucky he was to have his Calleigh back. He exhaled softly as he stared at her in awe and then snorted a small laugh. 'Walk away now Horatio, or you'll soon be skipping lunch too.' He thought as he grinned and finally mustered the strength to walk away.

He headed into the kitchen wondering how much would be enough. He shook his head and thought, 'I could never have enough of her, to me, she is like the air that I need to live.' He opened the refrigerator and smiled as he took out a wide variety of fruit, popping a grape into his mouth. "Mmm." He hummed his approval with a smile knowing she would love this and began to fix lunch for them.

A little while passed and he looked at the time. It was almost two in the afternoon as he headed back into the bedroom. He smiled as soon as he saw her body turned flat on her stomach with the sheets bunched up under her. He sat gently on the side of the bed and softly called her name. He ran his right hand down over her silky hair and right onto her bare back and body. He slid his fingertips softly down her spine and to her lower back right above her beautiful derriere.

Calleigh let out a soft sigh and she turned over and looked at him. She smiled and stretched languidly as she caressed his arm with her hand. She sighed softly in a low raspy voice, "What time is it, why didn't you wake me?"

He had a wide smile on his face as he held her twinkling green eyes. "I wanted you to rest beautiful."

She smiled and felt hot in her face suddenly reaching for the sheet now and covering herself. She looked at him and sniffed the air, "Mmm, something smells delicious."

"That would be lunch, if you're hungry yet."

"Um-hmm, I'm starving and I was supposed to make food for you, not vice versa." She said sitting up and smiling at him.

"No worries, ok. I'll even let you make it up to me later." He said holding her gaze as his hand caressed her and he helped her up.

"I'll take a quick shower and—"

"Take it after you eat, ok. Everything is waiting for you."

She gave him a curious grin and swayed her hips over to his closet pulling out a shirt. She slipped it on as his grin turned into a full-blown Horatio smile, watching her incredible sexy body sway.

"We, have to get out of this bedroom right now," he thought, but didn't mean to say it aloud as Calleigh chuckled listening.

"I'll be right out just let me use the bathroom, ok?"

"Mm-hmm," he nodded yes and watched as her body moved with beauty and grace putting him right into a trance.

She closed the bathroom door and pulled him from his haze as he shook his head and closed his eyes. He chuckled as he headed back to the kitchen.

A few minutes went by and Horatio was leaning on the kitchen counter putting grapes in a bowl. Calleigh snuck up behind him and swatted him playfully on the backside. He turned to her with a grin.

She lifted her hand and her index finger gave him the come-hither signal, calling him to her. "Good afternoon handsome." She said lifting up on her tiptoes as he leaned down to her.

"Mmm, good afternoon." He replied as he kissed her softly and licked his lips.

Calleigh brow rose seeing that and she questioned, "Yum, grapes?" She asked curiously looking in the bowl now.

He nodded as she leaned on the counter and looked in the bowl.

"Mm-hmm, and what else would you like with them, sweetheart?" He asked checking out her gorgeous legs.

"She giggled, "Ummm… Cool whip?"

He laughed now and she suddenly leaned up and kissed him hungrily on the mouth. They broke off and he blinked a few times surprised as she did it again. This time she opened her mouth and pushed against his lips with her tongue, capturing and sucking on his tongue.

Horatio was rocked at the intensity of feelings that just went through him. He was quickly swept away by her and now hard as a rock. Her hands traveled down his chest and to his full throbbing erection bulging right out of his jeans. He gasped as she started to stroke him right through his jeans. Their kiss broke off as they both clung to each other breathlessly.

Her fingers quickly went to his pants button and she tugged it open with a grin, making his hips rock back and forth. Horatio shook his head grinning as he leaned back on the counter letting her completely manhandle him now. He swallowed hard as she stroked him again through his jeans, gasping, expelling a heavy breath of air, "Oh God Calleigh!" He groaned as his mind reeled.

"You started this." She said, pulling him down to her for another scorching kiss.

He broke off breathless with wide eyes, "Me?" He said questioningly in disarray.

She bit her lip groping at the bulge in his jeans, cupping him as he opened his mouth in pleasure again and she shoved her tongue right back in. "I want all of you this time," she whispered in a hungry tone.

'Oh god.' He thought as she kissed his neck and stroked him eagerly. He felt like he was going to burst right out of his jeans now.

"Everything you have got to give me." She finished saying as she slowly lowered his zipper down feeling very bold.

He growled low and curled his right hand into her silky golden hair kissing her passionately. He felt her hands slowly graze across his bulging arousal and finally shove his jeans down off his hips. She cupped him with her hands as he groaned and threw back his head, breaking the kiss. "Uhhh!"

She smiled as she bit down on her lip and watched him lose total control. His chest was heaving and he was breathing incredibly hard with his mouth open as he groaned low.

He leaned forward to kiss her again and she teased him and licked at his lips not letting him capture her mouth. His blue eyes were glazed over and sparkled at her as her hands cupped and massaged his hardening length.

She smiled at him and leaned back up to kiss him now giving herself fully to him as his warm tongue probe her mouth. Her hands released him as she reached up and submerged them into his soft hair. She gave him hot, hungry kisses, as they both began breathing heavily through their nose. She let her hands slide down the sides of his face and chest, as she held his gaze and slowly lowered herself down his lean body.

He swallowed hard feeling very dry as her hands slowly dragged down his chest and stomach. He leaned more of his weight back on the counter as he felt her tugging his pants down. She smiled wickedly as his arousal sprung right out at her and she held his eyes looking right up at him as she slowly ran her fingertips up both his legs. "Uhh, Cal," he groaned at the sensation.

"Umm, I miss this," she hummed as her small soft hand held his manhood and made him suddenly jerk. He looked at her with hungry eyes as she licked her lips and gave him a smile, stroking him so slowly.

"Uhh!" He groaned again and shook his head at her with a small grin.

She held his eyes as she snaked her tongue out and licked slowly all over the tip, spreading a small bead of arousal that had formed there. "Mmmm," she moaned softly taking just the tip into her warm mouth.

"Ughh" He let out a loud groan as her lips closed around him and he leaned his elbows back on the counter more.

"Tell me what you want handsome, talk to me," she said, as she let his heavy organ drop from her mouth for just a moment.

He looked at her in complete awe as his chest heaved and he thought, 'Talk, she wants me to talk. I can hardly breathe right now.' He nodded yes completely mesmerized by her.

She smiled at him and pressed her glossy lips right onto and over the tip as he grunted and jerked feeling her warm, soft wetness cover him. She let out a muffled moan and took most of his length in her warm mouth, sliding her tongue along his long length.

"Oh god, Calleigh! Uhh!" He grunted tipping his head back as his hands found the edge of the counter and he held on tightly.

She gently cupped and massaged him as she slowly began to move her mouth up and down on him completely covering him. She swirled her tongue around teasing the tip and covered him again fully as he gasped and bucked moaning.

"Jesus, Cal!" He grunted tightening his grip on the edge of the counter as her hand and mouth worked in unison, stroking and massaging his slick length.

She listened as his breathing went ragged and deep and looked up to see his knuckles almost white from hanging on so tightly. She slowly licked the underside coming right back up to the tip. She felt his legs shake and his body go tense. "I want all of you," she panted with huskiness in her voice now. She looked up as she saw the creases in his forehead and reached for his left hand placing it gently on her head. She felt him wanting to thrust forward but knew he was holding back and wanted to relax him. She looked up at him and whispered, "Relax, feel me, move with me."

He nodded yes swallowing hard as his hand cupped her head and he gasped, "You feel incredible, warm, so soft, Ahhh!" He grunted again as she covered his long length and now placed her hands on his buttocks.

She pulled him into her deeper as he threw his head back with a loud gasp, "Oh, shit! Cal! Cal!" He choked his words out as she took him in deeply and made him touch the back of her throat. She pulled him into her creating a rhythm as his hips began to rock steadily. He gasped and moaned as his fingers curled into her hair and gently held onto her.

"Mmmm," she moaned as she breathed through her nose, massaging, licking and sucking, driving him insane now. She looked up to see his eyes closed, his brows furrowed and his mouth open gasping for air. She moaned again as the vibration made him buck against her and he released her head grabbing onto the counter feeling his surge begin.

She watched as his chest heaved and his open lips began to quiver. She felt him swell more right in her mouth as his buttocks tensed in her hands and he grunted, "Uhh! Oh Cal, Cal!" He gasped out warning her.

She rocked him into her mouth even faster letting him know she was ready for him. Her hand massaged as her mouth covered him again and again, taking him in deeply.

His whole body tensed up as his fingers gripped the counter and he felt the rush of his surge. His legs began to shake as his breathing came in short ragged gasps. He clenched his jaw and threw back his head as he grunted, "Cal! Cal! Calleigh! Ugggggggggghh!" He let out a long guttural groan as his hips bucked uncontrollably and she completely devoured him. His entire body shuddered with each pulse and he almost doubled over from the intensity of it all. Carefully she held him and licked around the tip of his length, extending his pleasure even further.

"Uhh, Unnh," He groaned out as she gently released him and ran her hands smoothly down his legs in a soft caress.

She watched his chest heave and listened to his ragged breathing. He loosened his grip on the counter, still breathing heavily and slid down to the floor next to her.

She smiled at him as her beautiful face glowed and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

He gave her a grin and lifted his arm, wrapping it around her protectively still catching his breath.

"Umm, that was nice," she said with a bright glowing smile.

He nodded, "Mmm, it was… amazing, it was wonderful." He said inhaling a deep breath.

Calleigh chuckle, "I'm sorry but I couldn't keep my hands off you."

Horatio grinned and turned to her kissing her softly. "I um, I'm not complaining sweetheart, I feel the exact same way. I have missed you so very much."

"I missed you too, can't you tell." She chuckled and he began to laugh.

"Are you hungry?" Horatio asked with a grin.

Calleigh nodded, "Starving."

Horatio lifted his arm up and reached stretching as Calleigh's head came off him and she wondered.

"Horatio, what on earth are you doing?"

He suddenly pulled down the bowl of fruit and gave her a grin. "I'm getting you an appetizer.

She smiled blushing at him, "I just had an appetizer." She chuckled.

He smiled feeling hot in the face and looked down shyly as she lifted his chin to her. "Caught you off guard, didn't I handsome." She said chuckling, reaching into the bowl for a strawberry. She lifted the strawberry to his open lips. "Say Ah," she said laughing.

"Ahhh," He said opening his mouth more as she place a strawberry in it. She leaned in and covered his mouth coming away with half as he began chewing.

Calleigh gave him a mischievous grin as she finished chewing and wiped the corner of her lip with her pinky. She licked her glossy lips and opened her mouth to him in a gesture for him to feed her now. "Ahh," She said waiting as she closed her eyes.

"Keep your eyes closed." He said reaching his arm up onto the counter again as his hand searched around. He grabbed a small container and pulled it down. A huge smile formed on his face now as he dipped two fingers in and scooped up a nice amount of cool whip. "Don't bit down on this, ok." He warned.

Calleigh kept her eyes closed but he saw her brows furrow as she questioned, "Horatio?"

"Say Ahh," he said, and gently held his fingers to her lips as she closed them around the small dollop of cream.

A smile instantly formed on her face and she opened her eyes to him giggling. She reached up and held his hand as she sucked and sensually licked the rest of the cool whip off. He moaned low as she finally opened her eyes to him again.

She smiled wickedly at him saying, "You should have told me that was there the whole time."

"Lucky for me you didn't see it." He chuckled as he started to get up and held out a hand for Calleigh saying, "Ma'am."

She laughed taking his hand and got up watching him gather himself. He pulled his boxers and pants back up as Calleigh moved in closer to him. She leaned up and gave him a soft kiss.

Horatio held her eyes as he lifted a gently hand to her cheek. "Have I told you how happy I am that you are here?"

Calleigh smiled and nodded yes. "Well then handsome that makes two of us. I'm happy I came over too."

He gave her another very soft kiss and held her against him closely. "Stay with me?" He whispered, almost in shock the words came out of his mouth.

She lifted her head off his chest and held his eyes and a smile formed growing wider. "I planned on it handsome, today and tomorrow."

He tried not to show his pain, but he was hoping she meant permanently. He realized she didn't but he knew in his heart it was too soon. He didn't want to push her but found himself needing her more and more, aching to be with her, to be close to her. She warmed his heart and soul and gave him a peace he never knew could exist until now. He sighed softly and gently held her head to his chest once again, caressing her soft cheek with his thumb.

"You know my offer still stands," he said softly with his chin on her head.

"I know," she replied as she hugged him tighter and realized what he meant now. "I think after the next two days you will grow very tired of me."

He leaned back and she looked up at him. He shook his head no to her. "That sweetheart, would not be possible. I could never tire of you, ever."

She smiled and shook her head. "You're one of a kind Horatio, just when I thought you couldn't get any sweeter, you do. I'm glad we are together again. She held his eyes and gave him a soft kiss whispering, "I love you handsome."

He smiled and nodded, "I love you too, more than you know." He said softly as he took her hand and led her to the balcony.

Calleigh smiled as he held out a chair for her and she sat down. The table was set beautifully. Her eyes scanned over it and noticed there were three plates. "Are we expecting company handsome?" She asked as she nodded to the extra plate.

Horatio smiled as he sat down next to her and waited for her to pick up the cover on her plate. She gave him a curious look as he leaned his elbows on the table and folded his hands.

He leaned in toward her now and gestured toward her plate. "Go ahead, pick it up." He said softly holding her curious eyes.

Calleigh chuckled lifting it up, "What, more fruit I bet an—" She stopped talking immediately as she saw the small suede box staring at her. Her eyes went wide as thoughts ran though her head but he was quick to put her at ease.

Horatio slid his hand over hers and tilted his head slightly holding her beautiful green eyes. "It's nothing really, just a little something you needed. Trust me on this, ok?" He said softly.

Calleigh gave him a small nod and picked it up looking at him once again. She looked back at the small box and opened it as her eyes lit up and her smile grew wider. She shook her head back and forth at him now. "How did you manage this?" She asked running a finger over the sparkling item.

"I hope you don't mind but I made a quick visit to your place while you were sleeping. I heard it was broken."

She smiled and shook her head staring at it now. "Eric." She said with a smile. "Of course I don't mind Horatio, I was meaning to pick up a chain for it too."

"Well, now you don't have to, all right."

She nodded and stared as she seemed to drift off. He wanted her to have only good thoughts about this, not bad. He quickly covered her hand again and pulled her from her haze. "Calleigh, are you ok?"

"Um-hmm, sorry I was just thinking, you know?"

"I know, and I understand completely."

She leaned her forehead on his and sighed softly. "I love it Horatio, thank you so much, it was very thoughtful of you." She said smiling at him as she backed off.

He nodded and held her gaze, "May I?" He asked softly reaching for the box.

She nodded with a bright smile. "Uh-huh, I would love if you did."

He got up and lifted the small chain out of the box. He walked behind Calleigh and gently brought the chain in front of her as she lifted her hair up for him. He gently closed the clasp and ran his hands over her shoulders. He sat back down and leaned in to give her a soft sweet kiss.

She ran her fingers over the rose feeling its weight back on her neck again. "I love it, thank you."

He nodded, "Ok, so are you ready to eat now?"

She chuckled, "Yes, I'm starving what do you have under here?" She asked as he put another covered plate in front of her.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" He grinned.

She picked up the covered and gasped, "Horatio!"

He chuckled and began to laugh at her reaction.

She lifted up the two CD's and shook her head at him, "You're really something you know that. So, what's under your plate?" She asked teasingly.

"Nothing." He chuckled, "It's waiting in the stove."

She leaned in and gave him a kiss. "Thank you so much, I was beginning to miss them a lot."

"No problem, I was able to salvage them for you. I thought you may like to have them back."

"Yes, I love them." She grinned." So, tell me Horatio, are we really going to eat today?"

He took the CD's from her and got up. "I'll be right back." He said walking back inside and right over to the stereo. He put in his Michael Buble CD and hit play, making his way over to the stove. He grabbed an oven mitt and took out two plates heading back outside. He put one down in front of her and the other near him as he sat down again and watched her smile as he lifted her cover.

"Umm, food at last." She chuckled and picked up her fork as the music started playing.

He smiled widely and watched her take her first bite of the ham and cheese Frittata. She looked up at him and smiled, chewing, "Ummm, this is great. Are you going to eat or stare?"

He chuckled and looked down shyly, "I'm sorry, I can't help it, you… captivate me." He said feeling rather hot in the face.

"Well eat and I promise I'll captivate you again in a little while, ok?" She said chuckling, taking another forkful.

"I don't doubt it sweetheart." He replied as he started eating and listened to the music playing. He picked up his glass and tilted it to her as she quickly picked hers up too. "To you, beautiful." He said softly with deep emotion in his voice.

She shook her head no, "To us, handsome." She said as she gave him a bombshell smile.

Horatio smiled and suddenly felt overwhelmed with love and emotion for her. Her beautiful smile and words gave him so much hope and happiness. He wanted to pick her up and twirl her around in his arms.

'It would have to wait.' he thought, as she continued eating happily. He didn't want to stop her from enjoying herself now.

They ate and relaxed looking out at the beautiful ocean as the music played. Horatio stood up picking up the plates and Calleigh helped bringing in the silverware and glasses.

Calleigh stood at the sink near him now. "Horatio?"

"Hmm?" He asked turning to her.

"Thank you for everything. I love the chain, and the CD's were very thoughtful. It's still Saturday and I only been here a few hours but I'm having a wonderful time and I wanted to share that with you." She said softly as her green eyes shined at him.

He blinked a few times feeling his own emotion well up and nodded as he moved in closer to hug her. "I am very happy that you're here with me. I've missed you and I…" He sighed softly as she cupped his cheek and smiled at him.

"Finish, please." She asked sweetly holding his crystal blue eyes.

"You give me a peace and happiness, I have never known before."

She hugged him tightly now as her eyes welled and the phone rang. "I'll get it for you." She said not wanting him to see her tears. She walked over to the coffee table and picked up his cell looking at the caller ID. "Uh-Oh, it's the Chief." She said walking back and handing it to him.

He gave her a grin. "Thank you." He said as he opened the phone.

"Horatio." He answered.

"Well Lieutenant I just wanted to say well done and thank you."

"I was more than happy to get the job done sir."

"I don't doubt it Horatio." He said, as a woman called out in the background, 'That call better not be work related or you will be sorry!'

Horatio almost chuckled into the phone remembering what he said to him about southern woman.

The woman continued, 'Do you hear me James!' "Yes dear, I hear you. I'm, just talking with a friend sweetheart." The Chief replied sweetly.

Horatio was holding back now. He waited for the Chief's next words as he covered his mouth and Calleigh looked at him curiously.

"I just wanted to touch base with you Horatio and tell you good work, as always."

"Yes, thank you Chief, but I couldn't have done it without the help of my team. I'm lucky to have them sir."

"Yes and I'm lucky to have you Lieutenant." The Chief said as the woman yelled out, 'James Michael Burton.' "Whoops, all right Horatio, you have a good weekend." He said quickly as the woman started yelling in the background.

"Umm, yes sir." Horatio answered chuckling now as he listened in closely.

"Sweetheart it was just a friend, really, look I'm off the phone were done." The Chief said as she answered, "Don't you sweetheart me!" She replied as the phone click off.

Horatio had a grin on his face as he closed his phone and put it back down sitting on the couch now. Calleigh walked over to him and cuddled up next to him.

"Ok, what's so funny?" She asked.

"The poor Chief just got in trouble for talking business while on a weekend getaway with his wife."

"And you think that's funny."

Horatio chuckled, "Yes, only because he just got done telling me yesterday how tough she could be. He was worried they were going to have to cancel their trip because of the shooting."

"And off with his head." Calleigh chuckled, as Horatio nodded yes to her. "Well I'm glad to see they didn't have to cancel after all, thanks to a certain Lieutenant's hard work." She chuckled kissing him as a slow song came on and they both hugged and listened for a moment in deep thought.

'Another summer day
Has come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I wanna go home

Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh, I miss you, you know

And I've been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you
Each one a line or two
"I'm fine baby, how are you?"
Well I would send them but I know that it's just not enough
My words were cold and flat
And you deserve more than that'

Horatio kissed her forehead and whispered, "May I have this dance?"

She turned to him smiling and kissed his lips softly, "Yes, I'd love to."

They stood up and Calleigh coiled her arms high around his neck as Horatio wrapped his arms around her waist. They held one another in a close embrace as Calleigh rested her head on his chest and hoped to hear him sing again. Their bodies swayed slowly back and forth as Horatio rested his chin on her head and slowly began singing the words to her in his very soothing voice.

'Another aeroplane
Another sunny place
I'm lucky I know
But I wanna go home
Mmmm, I've got to go home

Let me go home
I'm just too far from where you are
I wanna come home'

Calleigh closed her eyes entranced as she listened to his warm, soothing voice, flowing smoothly over her. She bit her lip hearing all the emotion in his tone and the warmth in his words. She hugged him tighter letting him know she needed him too.

And I feel just like I'm living someone else's life
It's like I just stepped outside
When everything was going right
And I know just why you could not
Come along with me
'Cause this was not your dream
But you always believed in me

Another winter day has come
And gone away
In even Paris and Rome
And I wanna go home
Let me go home

And I'm surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
Oh, let me go home
Oh, I miss you, you know

Let me go home
I've had my run
Baby, I'm done
I gotta go home
Let me go home
It will all be all right
I'll be home tonight
I'm coming back home

The song finished and Calleigh leaned up for a soft loving kiss holding him tightly still. She sighed softly hugging him as tight as she could, wishing this moment could last forever. She loved to dance with him but now she also loved to hear his voice, to hear him sing to her was incredible. He melted her right in place. She felt like she was floating in his arms as his warm soothing voice covered her and completely relaxed her.

He gently pulled her down on the couch with him as she quickly straddled his lap holding his intense eyes. She held his gaze as she let her fingers trace his face and lips tenderly. She smiled at him leaning in and began giving him the softest kisses ever. She kissed his top lip and then bottom, as he opened his mouth to her and kissed her with deep passion.

The next song started playing and pulled Calleigh right out of their kiss as she looked back at the stereo in shock. It sounded like a hot rendition of the James bond theme. The loud trumpets and drums were not something she had heard on her CD before and she turned back to looked at Horatio, who grinned at her.

'Birds flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good'

"This is my CD, it's the special edition. It has a few extra songs on it as you have noticed."

"I have definitely noticed and I think I love it." She replied with a mischievous smile.

Horatio gave her a boyish grin knowing she knew the song but just not this remake of it, or so he thought.

'Fish in the sea
You know how I feel
River running free
You know how I feel
Blossom on a tree
You know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good'

He pulled her down for a kiss again as Calleigh began moving her hips to the very sexy tempo. Horatio's hands immediately went to her waist as she began to grind on him. Their kiss broke and he looked up at her in awe as she smiled playfully and began a sensual dance right in his lap.

She sat up more as he swallowed hard and licked his lips. His hands stood on her waists as her body began to sway erotically on him. He watched as her eyes slowly closed and she lifted her golden hair up in a smooth sensual move.

He groaned low feeling himself ache against his jeans that were very confining. She grinded down and did a sensual slide that started in her hips and went right up to her shoulders in a long fluid movement.

'Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That's what I mean
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me'

He growled and inhaled deeply quickly becoming entranced by her. Her eyes opened and held his as she began to roll her hips against him over and over to the beat of the music.

He groaned and let his head fall back as his eyes closed. His mouth opened and he gasped, "Uhh! Sweetheart, Uhhh! His breathing increase as he held onto her with an open mouth panting now. She let her hair fall as he opened his eyes and then she leaned forward, submerging her fingers in his hair as she pulled him to her chest teasingly.

'Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me

And I'm feeling good'

Horatio lifted his hips and groaned tightening his grip on her waist just a bit. Calleigh smiled and knew she had him as she leaned back and slowly began to unbutton her shirt. She went slowly, button-by-button as she rolled her pelvis and thrusted her hips on him.

He groaned and tucked his chin as his jaw clenched watching her. She was driving him crazy and he wanted to take her right now. She reached for his hand and lifted it to her partially opened shirt. He slowly slid in and gently found her right breast as he caressed it softly.

Calleigh immediately bit down on her lip and tipped her head back in pleasure closing her eyes. She moaned softly as she began to roll her hips more and held onto his hair with her right hand. She opened her eyes to find him looking right at her with very hungry eyes. She rolled her hips as his head went back again in pleasure. She softly cupped his cheek and slowly slid her thumb right over his dry lips.

Horatio groaned and quickly captured her thumb within his mouth, suckling gently and teasing her with his tongue. She shook her head and smiled as she began to back off him. He gave her a confused look as she stood in front of him and began to unbutton her shirt the rest of the way. She banged her hips to the music seductively and turned letting her shirt come off her shoulder just enough for him to see her bare skin.

She wiggled her brows at him over her shoulder and picked up the CD remote, hitting repeat. He chuckled and sat up on the edge of the couch. She sensually swayed her hips to the music coming back over and stood in front of him.

She rocked her hips as his hands held onto her gently and he leaned in and kissed her stomach. His fingers went to the last button on the shirt and undid it. He leaned back in and kissed her stomach again, trailing his tongue all around her navel. His hands slid down to her hips and over the thin waistband as she slid away.

He watched her as she swayed seductively down the hall toward his bedroom. He smiled and got up keeping eye contact with her as she gave him the come-hither sign with her finger. He tucked his chin and smiled as he shook his head making his way down the hall.

Calleigh turned giving him her back as she let her shirt fall off her shoulders. She held it on still from the middle as she shimmied her shoulders at him.

He walked up behind her and began kissing her shoulders as he wrapped an arm around her waist keeping her close. He pressed himself against her rear and whispered in her ear with huskiness, "This is the second time you have seduced me today."

Calleigh turned as he held her in his arms. "Well then I guess it's your turn, handsome." She said with a slow slide of her hand over his bulging arousal.

"Mmm, I guess it is, beautiful." He said as he quickly lifted her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

"Horatio!" Calleigh yelp in shock. "What are you doing?"

"Mmmm, my turn." He replied in a low husky rumble, carrying her to the bed.

In the distance, the music played on and on as the song kept repeating itself, and the day turned gradually into night. They made slow sweet love over and over again to their hearts content without any interruptions.

They went to bed holding one another closely, both knowing they could and would, conquer anything that came between them. Their love was strong and true, it was extraordinary. They were meant to be together as sure as the sun and moon in the sky. They both fell asleep as the words repeated in their heads over and over again, 'And I'm feeling good.'

The End

Ok, Let me hear what you think. I went all out here with the fluff and the music to go with it. I hope you all enjoyed it and I hope I made you smile!

Calleigh's little seductive strip scene, should be read while listening to the song 'Feeling Good' By Michael Buble. (You can listen to it at his site.) Trust me and go do this and you will have an exact picture of how she was dancing. LOL I absolutely love this song now and can only think of them each time I hear it. Caution, it will make you smiled and start shaking your hips, among other things! Warning, you may start shedding clothes too. LOL

I hope you are Smiling!

Capture II:Blood for Blood is up next, stay tune.