Calleigh waited as Horatio locked up the door. She took his hand and they walked down the porch steps together and towards the Hummer parked in the driveway.

They were halfway there when suddenly Calleigh put a hand on his chest and got in front of him, stopping him. She looked up at him, her eyes earnest. she began.

Horatio answered, looking down at her face intently.

Horatio, just so you know...I want to, but... I don't have anything, I'm not on anything... Calleigh said feelingly.'s all right. Horatio reassured her. Plenty of time for that, Cal. he added, a twinkle in his eye.

Calleigh couldn't help smiling at this, and impulsively she hugged Horatio again.

Anyway...just holding you would be more than enough for now. Horatio whispered into her hair.

Calleigh could feel the tickle of his breath and her knees weakened. She put her arms up around his neck, almost hanging off him.

Horatio smiled and lifted her feet off the ground, and Calleigh squealed in delight. The sound filled Horatio with joy and he picked Calleigh up, swinging her around. Her laughter rang out in the darkness and Horatio set her down, holding onto her as she regained her bearings.

Calleigh was still laughing a little. Oh, Horatio! she said breathlessly. She hugged him and stood up on her toes to kiss him, then took his hand to go towards the vehicle. Calleigh felt so lighthearted at that moment she could've skipped alongside Horatio.

Calleigh and Horatio snuggled up in the back of the Hummer, nestled in blankets and each other. There were blankets but no pillow, but that was all right... Calleigh's head rested on Horatio's chest.

They were silent for the longest time, just holding each other. Both had waited so long that being in each others' arms alone was bliss.

Calleigh finally spoke. I love the sound of your heart. she said softly, lifting her eyes to look at Horatio.

You do know it's beating a little faster now. Horatio informed her, his eyes teasing.

Calleigh almost blushed, she was so happy. She didn't say anything but nestled her cheek against him in response, and kissed his chest. She felt his hand go up to her hair, stroking it gently.

The two fell silent again. Horatio's hand moved from Calleigh's hair down to her back, then up to her hair again. She closed her eyes momentarily, just breathing in his scent. Calleigh opened her eyes, and Horatio was playing with a strand of her hair. She smiled at him, and he smiled back.

You know, Horatio...if I'd known we were going to end up like this today, I'd have worn my favorite clothes, I'd have washed my hair... Calleigh told him, her eyes dancing a little.

You look perfect. Horatio told her honestly.

You flatter me. Calleigh said, though she was pleased.

It's my first opportunity. Horatio said simply.

No, you've said things before. Calleigh said, enjoying this. That I looked good in all black...remember?

Horatio looked slightly abashed. I remember...and I haven't changed my mind. he said, coloring slightly. I'm surprised you remember... he teased her.

Calleigh giggled delightedly. You think that comment just slipped by me! she exclaimed.

Horatio shrugged. I guess I almost hoped it did... I figured it probably wasn't the best thing coming from your Lieutenant...

Calleigh shrugged. I didn't mind. she said, her eyes sparkling.

Horatio nodded. And for the record, Calleigh...I think you look good in lots of different colors. White, pink, blue...Well, there go my fantasies about wearing black for you! Calleigh teased him.

...You always look nice. Uh, but Calleigh...don't give up the fantasies. he added dryly.

Calleigh laughed. I won't, I promise. she said.

They were quiet another moment. You look nice in's your coloring. Calleigh told him, sounding a little shy. I love that green shirt you have...Really... ...Because I have blue eyes, and my grandmother always said blue and green aren't supposed to go together... Horatio mused.

But you just said I looked nice in blue, and my eyes are green! Calleigh protested, giggling.

Horatio frowned, considering this. He had just said did that work? But you're a woman! And you're...Calleigh. You look good in everything. he tried to explain.

Calleigh was giggling. This is so silly. she said affectionately.

I like being silly with you, Calleigh.

Now Calleigh was laughing. Horatio Caine likes being silly! This is too good. she exclaimed.

Horatio was laughing too, and Calleigh felt so close to him at that moment. Lying in the back of the Hummer with Horatio, cuddling and being silly! She'd never dreamed the day would end this way.

It was evident Horatio was feeling the same as Calleigh, because he gathered her close in his arms right then. I'm so glad we're here right now. he whispered to her.

I am, too. Calleigh said, gazing into his eyes.

They were quiet for a moment, just gazing at each other. Finally Calleigh began to kiss Horatio again.

It was so gratifying to Calleigh to want Horatio and to be able to fulfill that want... Calleigh kissed him softly but intently, wanting him to know with each kiss how she felt.

Horatio responded in kind; soft, gentle kisses to Calleigh's lips and her cheeks. She smelled so clean and good, she was so sweet and so beautiful... Horatio revered each touch of his lips to Calleigh's skin. She was a princess to him.

Being under the blankets together offered an exciting intimacy, and neither Horatio nor Calleigh could resist reaching for each other, just a little. It was tender and exquisite; wonderful for what it was and yet leaving sweet promises of things to come. Horatio and Calleigh kissed tenderly, lovingly; tentatively exploring each others' bodies as their breath mingled.

Calleigh's hands kneaded Horatio's firm chest and his hands lingered on her waist. Horatio's hand gently caressed the soft curve of Calleigh's hip, the other on the small of her back. She slipped one knee gently against his groin, making him moan softly and her giggle a little. Horatio let one hand trail across the small of Calleigh's back when her shirt pulled up...her soft flesh was irresistible. She tugged on the front of his shirt, twisting it in her hands. Their affections were reluctantly left to kisses and caresses; both knew how easy it would be to be pushed to the point of no return.

Eventually Calleigh lay back, breathing heavily. Her eyes were dark with arousal and she looked up at Horatio propped up over her. she whispered. She searched his face with her eyes.

Horatio gazed at her as well, and couldn't resist leaning down and kissed her lips once more. She responded, and they engaged in another prolonged kiss.

Horatio released her, and Calleigh rested. Her lips slightly swollen, her face moist with kisses...Calleigh reached up and stroked Horatio's cheek. He took her hand and kissed it, his eyes never leaving hers. Horatio traced the outline of Calleigh's face, lingering on her cheekbones. He ran his finger down her nose and over her lips, gently playing over her lower lip. Calleigh instinctively kissed Horatio's finger, her eyes never leaving his.

There was so much to say, but neither of them had the words right then. Finally Horatio leaned down and just buried his face in Calleigh's neck, and she sighed with pleasure.

Calleigh's eyes were closed, and Horatio rubbed her cheek with his finger. You tired? he asked her gently.

Calleigh opened her eyes and smiled at him. Mmm...not really tired... I think I'm just more relaxed than I've ever been. Calleigh admitted.

Might be a good idea to get some sleep. Horatio murmured into her hair.

As long as it's together. Calleigh told him.

Horatio smiled into her hair and nuzzled his nose into her neck. What Calleigh just said...he'd never heard anything more wonderful. He cradled Calleigh in his arms and pulled the blankets up around them. Well, there's just one problem with that. he told her affectionately.

What's that? Calleigh asked him.

Well, when we're asleep...we won't know we're together. Horatio said teasingly.

Well, that's okay. Calleigh said demurely. Maybe you'll dream about me, and when you wake up I'll be in your arms. she suggested, her eyes bright as she looked up at him.

Oh, this woman... She melted his heart. Horatio knew if he even attempted to respond to this one, it would come out incredibly sappy and mushy. He could only gaze at her.

Calleigh could sense his dumbstruck awe, and she just laughed affectionately as she reached back and took the barrettes she wore out of her hair. She shook her hair out a little and set the barrettes on the window ledge above them. Okay, I'm ready. she said, laying back and holding out her arms for him. Horatio put his arms around her, and they cuddled together quietly for a few minutes.

Calleigh was enjoying the comfort of lying in Horatio's arms, but she realized there was something she was going to have to take care of before she went to sleep. Horatio, I'm sorry... I have to get up for a minute...I have go to the bathroom. Calleigh said, reluctantly rolling out of his embrace. He let her go, his hands slipping off her body. And no, I'm not going to contaminate the crime scene. she said. I'll just...I'll just be right back. she said, getting up and heading for the door.

Horatio felt a surge of protection for her, even stronger that what he'd known before. Don't go far... he called.

I won't. Calleigh said, stepping outside and shutting the door.

Horatio sensed the automatism in her comment, and he suddenly, irrationally couldn't do enough to protect her. Crazy people, animals...who knew what was out there! It was ridiculous, but as though she had this new aura of vulnerability to her. Horatio jumped up and went over to the door, opening it.

Hey, wait... Cal, I won't look, but just humor me and do it right beside the vehicle. Horatio told her.

Calleigh put her face in her hands for a moment and sighed. Horatio...I'm a big girl, you know. she told him, sounding somewhat amused.

Horatio looked helpless. I know, but... he trailed off. We're so far away... We don't know what's out here...

To Calleigh, Horatio was the one somehow appearing vulnerable right then, and for that she would indulge him. She sighed. All right, fine...but you'd better not look. she mock-threatened him.

Horatio bowed his head and held up his hand. I promise. he said. He ducked back through the door.

True to his word, Horatio stayed in the vehicle and even kept his head turned the other way until he heard the door open again.

Well, I guess this is one way to get comfortable with each other. Calleigh said, giggling a little self-consciously as she climbed back in the back with Horatio.

Horatio gazed at Calleigh as she carefully stepped over the equipment, making her way back to him and their little nest. She still giggled a little, her hair falling in front of her face as she bent down. He just marveled at her, watching her. She was so precious...she could just be his world.

Calleigh took off her shoes and kneeled down beside him. And was it not for the cover of darkness, the fact it was late at night, a little of Calleigh's own vulnerability shown...Horatio probably could never have said it, but he did. I just want to hold you. Horatio whispered to Calleigh, his voice almost raw with emotion.

Calleigh's eyes softened. she said gently. Of course. She was struck with tenderness as Horatio sat up and gathered her in his arms.

Horatio pulled Calleigh so close she was practically in his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly. She was warm and soft, and heavy in the most wonderful way. Smaller than him but just...supple. Horatio stroked her back and buried his face in her warm neck for a moment. He kissed her upper arm and stroked her soft blonde hair. He felt her soft breath on his skin, and he held her tighter. She was so real in his arms.

Calleigh closed her eyes, feeling such intensity for the man who held her. She sighed with pleasure and responded to Horatio by nuzzling his face with her lips and her nose. Calleigh then began gently batting her eyelashes against Horatio's cheek. She didn't know if he would get the significance, if he even knew what they were...but to her they conveyed tenderness and affection, and she wanted to give them to him.

Horatio breathed, overwhelmed by her responsiveness.

Mmm, Horatio... Calleigh whispered. She grazed his face with kisses and looked at him, her eyes lidded. Horatio leaned in and kissed her soft lips, and they just gazed at each other. Horatio reached up to stroke Calleigh's hair again.

And then, holding her back to support her, Horatio gently lay Calleigh down on the floor of the Hummer. He drew the blankets up over them, laying down beside Calleigh. He slipped one arm under her head for her to rest on, and moved his body closer to hers. He kissed her forehead gently, then her cheeks and her lips. Calleigh responded with a few soft kisses of her own.

Horatio squeezed her. Holding you is the best feeling in the world. he whispered, his voice husky.

Calleigh's smile was the most beautiful reward. She kissed him once last time, then tightened her grip on him and sighed.

And for the very first time, Horatio and Calleigh fell asleep in each others' arms.

Calleigh awoke to an unfamiliar hardness against her back and a pair of familiar blue eyes gazing down at her. Horatio. In an instant Calleigh remembered everything, and a rush of happiness washed over her. She smiled.

Hey, Cal. Horatio said affectionately. Good morning...Hi...what time is it? Calleigh asked, reaching up to stroke his face.

He took her hand and kissed it. he answered.

How long have you been awake? Calleigh asked him.

Horatio shrugged slightly. About twenty minutes. he told her.

What have you been doing? she asked.

Horatio's eyes danced. Watching you. he said, as though it were obvious.

A little smile played on Calleigh's lips. she told him, though she was pleased.

You've still got tears on your cheeks from last night...poor thing. Horatio noted, stroking her face. He could see the the shiny streaks in the dim morning light.

Calleigh smiled. I would've thought you'd have kissed them all off. she said playfully.

I guess not...I'll have to try harder... Horatio murmured. He leaned down and began kissing her cheek.

Calleigh murmured, unable to help it. She closed her eyes and lay still for a moment, enjoying Horatio's kisses to her face. She arched her back, stretching out and sighing. That feels so nice, Horatio. she murmured.

Good... Hey, are you still tired? he asked, stroking her hair. You want to go back to sleep?

Calleigh opened her eyes and shook her head. Now that I'm awake, I want to be with you. she said almost shyly. Sleeping is a waste...It's not if you're tired. Horatio told her, but he was secretly pleased at this comment. So what do you want to do? You want to stay in here... Or do you want to go down to the beach?

Calleigh's eyes lit up. she said. She sat up, combing through her long hair with her fingers. She straightened out her clothes and Horatio turned to a box in the back and began to dig through it.

We've got some granola bars here...should we take them with us? Horatio suggested.

Calleigh said. That should help with the morning breath...she thought, glad for this. Horatio grabbed a few granola bars and two bottles of water, and he and Calleigh exited the vehicle.

The pre-dawn world was cool and slightly breezy. Horatio took Calleigh's hand as they began walking towards the beach. It was deserted so early, with only a few swirling gulls in the distance for company and the sound of the tide.

Horatio and Calleigh sat down in the sand in front of a washed-up log, about fifty yards from the foaming water. Horatio leaned against the log and Calleigh sat down in between in his legs. She leaned back against him, and smiled when he wrapped his arms around her. Contentedly, she leaned back against him.

After a moment's thought, Calleigh reached back into Horatio's jacket and fished in his pocket for a granola bar.

Horatio laughed. Help yourself. he said wryly. Calleigh giggled as well, opening the package. She took a bite, then held it back for Horatio to take a bite as well. He did. They were silent a moment, chewing the granola bars. Horatio opened one of the water bottles as well, and they both drank from it. Calleigh took the bottle and ground a little spot in the sand for it beside them. Horatio put his arms back around her.

It's beautiful here. Calleigh commented.

It's lovely. Horatio agreed. So quiet...And the air feels so nice. Calleigh added. So fresh... A slight breeze blew up, and Calleigh shivered a little.

You cold? Horatio asked her.

Oh...not really. Calleigh said, smiling at him.

You want my jacket? he asked, rubbing her back.

I think I'm okay. We'll get warm if we're together... And besides...I've got more body fat than you, you know. she teased him playfully.

A smile touched Horatio's lips. Just the right amount. he told her.

Ooh...right answer! Calleigh teased him, although she truly was pleased at this response.

Horatio squeezed her tighter, and began to rock her a little in his arms, back and forth. They were quiet a moment, and then Calleigh spoke. I can't believe this is real, Horatio. she said, sighing.

Neither can I. Horatio said softly.

There was another silence. Calleigh looked back at Horatio, and found him gazing at her. she asked affectionately.

Horatio shrugged slightly. I'm just thinking of all the things I'm going to get to say to you now. he told her.

Like what? Calleigh asked, intrigued.

Horatio shrugged again. Like how much I love your hair... How beautiful your eyes are...

Calleigh smiled, and it lit up her whole face.

What that smile does to me... Horatio added.

Calleigh laughed out loud then. she said affectionately, a happy flush creeping up on her cheeks.

Calleigh truly was flattered at Horatio's words, but the comment about her hair made her feel a little self-conscious. She hadn't brushed it, and she knew it must be a tangled mess. She combed through her hair with her fingers awkwardly, and then remembered she had some elastics in her pocket from yesterday. She reached for them.

Horatio looked at Calleigh as she cocked her head to one side and began fashioning a braid. He watched in quiet fascination as her fingers expertly weaved her hair into the braid and wrapped it in an elastic. When it was finished he reached out to touch it; he couldn't help himself. He stroked the one braid as Calleigh fixed the other side. She finished the second braid, and leaned back against him. There, that felt better...

You look so cute with braids in your hair. Horatio told her fondly.

Calleigh turned her head to look back at him, her eyes bright. That another one of those things you were wanting to say? she asked affectionately.

Horatio pretended to sigh. It was. he admitted.

Calleigh giggled and leaned back against him. I think I'm gonna like this. she said, sounding content.

They were quiet for a minute, and then Horatio gently pressed his face against the back of Calleigh's head, brushing his lips along the part in her hair. Calleigh shrugged her shoulders and smiled at the tickle. Horatio gently blew air along the part, making Calleigh giggle. He then picked up her braids and put them to the top of her head, trying to tie them in a knot. Horatio, what are you doing! Calleigh exclaimed, laughing now.

Calleigh...I'm a scientist. There are all sorts of things I'm curious about...your hair is just one of them!

Calleigh was still laughing. You're too much, Horatio. she said fondly. She took one braid and tickled his face with the tail.

Horatio was chuckling, too. Okay, I'll stop teasing you now. he said, kissing her cheek.

Why? I like it. Calleigh said playfully.

Horatio just kissed her again and he put his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. Calleigh leaned back against him and put her arms over his, keeping them in place. Horatio kissed her neck a few times, and the two fell into a comfortable silence once again. The day was getting lighter, and bright streaks of red and yellow were beginning to appear in the sky.

Finally Horatio spoke. Calleigh...when you told me yesterday... How long had you felt that way? he asked reflectively.

Oh...a long time. Months. Calleigh confessed. How about you? she asked curiously.

Horatio looked out into the ocean. he said softly.

Calleigh's breath caught in her throat, and she gazed at Horatio's profile. She studied the side of his face for a moment, then reached up to cup his cheek. she echoed softly.

Horatio nodded, and Calleigh could see the traces of pain still in his eyes. She searched his face, and, not knowing quite what to say, she leaned up and kissed him. We have a lot to make up for. she said.

Horatio took her hand and kissed it. We're going to make up for it now. he told her.

Calleigh smiled. We've already started. she said.

Horatio nodded, looking at his watch. The last six hours have been...amazing. he said, only slightly tongue-in-cheek.

Calleigh chuckled as she settled back against him. Six hours and counting. she concurred.

Horatio took in the crinkles of her cheek as she still smiled from his comment. His eyes caressed the white gold of her hair, her delicate eyelashes and down the bridge of her nose. He'd teased Calleigh about all the things he had to say to her, but...he really hadn't been kidding. Such strong emotions swirled inside of him as he watched her. Every time you smile like that, my heart swells. I could never get enough of you. You're so beautiful. You're the light of my life. Horatio thought these things silently to himself as he held Calleigh Duquesne in his arms. In time, he'd tell her all of them, and more.

The sun's coming up. Calleigh noted, squinting slightly at the bright light on the horizon.

Indeed it is. Horatio agreed.

Calleigh looked back at him, knowing he meant something more.

For us. Horatio told her.

Calleigh smiled.