Author has written 17 stories for Kingdom Hearts. twilighttries: (n) (twahy-lahyt-trahyz) 1. an insane girl who laughs at almost anything and has trouble stopping. 2. one who is obsessed with roxas or kingdom hearts. 3. dreamer who wants to fluent in 10+ languages. 4. a teenager who particularly fond of showtunes and techno music. love: -kingdom hearts (I, CoM, II). bawled my eyes out. over the moon about this game. gahh. -final fantasy x. tidus and rikku are retarded, but i love them anyhow. -final fantasy xii. vaan is so cute. and the moogles are adorable! -music. it keeps me going. - language. i think it's fancinating how people can think and speak in other langauges fluently. - sea salt ice cream. -manga. -fruits basket. i love yuki and tohru. :) - the titanic. i'm facinated with the disaster and the movie as well. kate winslet and leonardo dicaprio are amazing in it. hate: - ignorance. - misspellings and bad punctuation. - when people assume that because you're gay or do drugs, you have AIDS. and ves virsa. - king mickey and ansem the wise. die. - xemnas' voice. urgh. 'ships: namixas, larxel, rikunamine, akuroku kaiora, roxette, larxel, clorith, mickeyblackhole, axeldemyx, zexiondemyx, haylette, penelovaan, vaanashe, balthierpenelo, yunatidus. a semi-important note: i'm not the best author. i know that. i mostly rely on reviews to tell me what's good and what isn't. so please, tell me your thoughts, good or bad. thank you so much and i love you all. |
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