A/N: This is a really stupid drabble.
Really. XD
Why are you reading it?
Turn back while you still can...
Unless you're bored or something. XD
Disclaimer: I no own the KH series. 'Poking leads to pregnancy' - my older cousin. One of Roxas' lines (the innocent-yet-perverted one XD) is also quoted directly from Nii-san (OkashiraShinomori). Jeez, he's in my disclaimer a lot. XDD
Poking Leads to Pregnancy
by Kyoto-chan
"Poooooke," an obviously hyper Roxas said, jabbing Axel's left cheek with his right index finger while his head hovered over the redhead's shoulder.
He ignored the younger boy's attempt at annoying him, only to get poked again.
"Poking leads to pregnancy."
Axel looked up from his book (OMFGAXELREADS?) and to his side to look Roxas straight in the eye.
"What the fuck, Roxas?"
"Demyx said it. He read it in one of the books in the library," he blinked.
Axel raised an eyebrow, "Since when do you listen to Demyx?"
Roxas grinned, "I didn't listen to Demyx, I indirectly listened to that book Demyx read!"
Axel paused, thinking of a response.
"Roxas, lay off the sugar, and make sure you don't talk to Demyx when you're hyper."
"But if you think about it, poking really does lead to pregnancy!"
"...Demyx is rubbing off of you."
"Butbutbut! Pregnancy is from poking the right thing in the right place...repeatedly!" Roxas said innocently, although his statement was far from it.
Axel sighed, "Roxy, you're insane" - he raised an eyebrow again -"got it memorized?"
A devilish glint danced upon blue eyes.
"What do you want me to do? Give you a fucking demonstration?"
Roxas grinned. He tackled the older man, laying him on the couch.
He perfectly knew males couldn't get pregnant, but he didn't exactly care, you know.
Roxas decided he had to listen to Demyx's stupid comments more.
A/N: My God...I needa get dirty thoughts out of my brain. XD
And before you guys ask or something, yes, in my brain (while I imagined this drabble, anyway), Roxas is um..."a topping", if you please. XD; (Please don't get that joke...PAH-LEEZE don't get that joke. XDD)
R&R. Flames eaten. -grin-