Author has written 12 stories for Evangelion, Guilty Gear, Scryed, Final Fantasy: Tactics, Yu Yu Hakusho, Game of Thrones, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Look... If you review one of my fics, give it the once over, in fact do it twice! I need criticism that tells me what I'm doing wrong. To anyone that has followed that... Thank you very much. I feel that you've helped me. Okay, I'm new to Fanfiction (at least writing them). Comments on what I do right are appreciated, but I know that my writing isn't perfect. I'll definitely be posting some stuff in the future. Thanks to anyone that cares. Um... It's been forever. I think I'm back though? I dunno... We'll see. At the moment, I'm trying to focus on Bloodstained Lineage, but as with all things, life gets in the way. I work hard, and drink harder, so half the time, I'm just not available at the computer. I'm trying to remedy this situation. On that note, if any of you folks remember me from writing Evangelion fanfictions, I wouldn't be surprised if you see my name pop up there soon too... Ideas, Ideas, they keep spinning through my head. Except for Bloodstained Lineage. I dunno what the FK to do about that one... |