Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Hello everyone! And welcome to this little space on the Internet that I tend to inhabit! My pen name is Cyra Hakkai. Pretty much my name for everything. If you see it, like on Gaia (I actually had someone recognize me before! It was weird!) it's usually always me! I have no idea who else would ever use this name. It was a rather random outcome of an obsession of mine. Mind you, that was six years ago. So there. I live in America. I don't always agree with what our nation does. I am a teenager. Ignore my girlish obsessions. I enjoy the basics: music, movies, life, reading, writing, art, drama, acting, drawing, rain. You know. The stuff practically EVERYONE puts. Right? I am opinionated. Fiction I read: Saiyuki! (AKA: My Junior high obsession. I'm over it though. Lucky you!) Harry Potter! (You are NEVER too old to enjoy Harry Potter! And if you think you are... you need to get a new brain or something. Freak.) Smallville! (Awesome show. I prefer CLEX. Because, who likes love triangles! And besides, the good/evil thing ALWAYS works.) Supernatural! (OK... I admit. I enjoy Wincest. It just works you know? I mean... they kill off all the women anyway. They are trying to tell us something!) Moonlight! (It's cute. Don't deny it. You love it. Who doesn't love Mick/Beth or Mick/Josef or Beth/Josef?!) Heroes! (Yes... more slash... yes more brotherly love... yes. You cannot escape it. Petrellicest for the win.) Star Trek IX! (Meaning the new movie. Nothing wrong with TOS, but who doesn't love Kirk/McCoy Academy days?! It's too cute!) I sometimes read: PoTC, Kingdom Hearts, Loveless (But rarely.) I am not embarrased to admit that I enjoy reading slash. And if you don't like reading it... you will. It's all in good time. It grows on you. You'll LEARN to like it. Otherwise face me and my dislike for homophobic people. Don't be afraid of things that are different. |
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