Author has written 6 stories for Sailor Moon X-overs, Disney, and Sailor Moon. I also have an Angel (as in Joss whedon world) story under the name mitos secret.I'm 19 and studying English (lit language and creative writign) at Uni. I'm also in England, the country. Fanfiction is great because you get to see people blossom and grow as a writer, its great to watch, I just wish I could see some of my favourite authors early tries. ^_^ I view my writing here as a chance to improve, try different styles and through all of your help see what works and what doesn't. I appreciate your reviews and feedback very much, I appreciate honesty and if something in my stories isn't working or you think I could do something differently or better please let me know. With your help I can maybe get good :-) I will provide a detailed and honest review of fictions as long as I am sure the author will not be offended and I would like people to do the same for me. Whilst I don't pretend to be an expert or know everything I will try my best to help people out in their fics. I'm sure my writing is no where near as good as a lot of people's that I review so if I review your fic and you don't like it please don't think I'm being 'holier than thou' because I'm not trying to be. I'm just merely applying the things I have learned to try and help others. I write for fun, I review to help. That's the theory anyway. My updates are sporadic as I'm busy but I'll try and keep them regular from now on, promise. lol. some sites I like to visit related to ff: |