AN: Hi guys ^_^ Many hugs to all of you who cares about me ^_^ My finger is better now, thank you. I've found a way to type with only nine fingers, and I've learnt how to play volleyball with my left hand^^;; This wasn't suppose to be out until at least a few weeks later, but since I'm in such a good mood, I've decided to post it now. It's the first time since school started that I don't have to stay up till 3am to cram for a chemistry test ^^;; From this story on, each new chapter or story I write will be dedicated to one of the people who responded to my note. I just want to say thank you for being there ^_^. This is the Schuldig/Usagi/??/?? Square ^^;;
Dedications: To Akiko-chan. Thank you so much for being a great friend… even though it takes us forever to reply those emails. We both need to work on not procrastinating as much ^^;; You'll get the Schuldig/Usagi/??/?? Soon ^_^ But now… I'm tempted to make the triangle into a square ^^;;
P.S. Does this count as a bribe Mingming-chan?
She loves me … She loves me not.
Fragile petals floated to the floor, joining the grown pile of broken flowers. Flowers just like her, destroyed before it could even have a chance in the world.
She loves me … She loves me not.
Ironic wasn't it, that out of all the people in the world, he was the one doing this. He, who nothing could be hidden from, was trying to find out how she really felt, using this childish method.
She loves me … She loves me not.
He knew. He knew that she loved him. But his fingers kept plucking the petals from the poor flowers, until nothing was left but the bare stems. Damn Crawford. The American saw what was going to happen, but kept the future to himself for his own sick twisted sense of humour.
She loves me …
The last petal of the last flower. Desperately, he searched for more flowers. Anything to keep his mind off of thoughts of her… and to keep himself from entering her thoughts. Slamming over doors, he looked everywhere, but just as he predicted, empty. As empty as the void inside his mind, his heart.
It wasn't a big surprise. All the flowers were gone. Along with the four kittens who worked at the Koneko no Sumi le. Probably crying over their little rabbit's beach side wedding right now.
She always did dream of getting married on the beach. Of course she never told him. There were never any romantic talks between the two of them. But how many times had he saw the same dream played over and over again at nights when he took fugitive peeks into her dreams.
It was always the same. The graceful, but eager figure clad in the tradition white wedding gown, half walking, half dragging an amused Balinese. And at the alter, it would always be him, his ruffled orange hair held back with a white bandana, the wearing same smirk that he always gave her, but this time, there was real warmth as he waited for her, so they could be truly joined in body and soul.
A beautiful dream. A childish dream. An impossible dream. Why? Because she was getting married right now. And he was still here, waiting. Waiting for her to come back. But she was not coming back. She was walking up to the alter, to be joined to another.
"Why can't I marry for money?"
He could still see the anger flashing dangerously in those sapphire eyes, when he confronted her with her decision.
"If I can't marry for love, I can at least marry for money!"
For money. He had that too, God knows that his private savings account in Switzerland had enough dough to buy a country. Being a member of Schwarz might not be the most comfortable job, but it puts bread on the table, and then some. But it wasn't as if she needed the money. She was one of the richest woman in the world.
He couldn't blame her for her choice though. He would do the same thing in her place. After all, love does not exist. So why bother deluding yourself with love, when it was just a more polite version of lust? Why not go for more practical things. Why not go for the next best thing in life. But why did she have to choose that bastard out of all the loaded bastards out there?
He could tell that the Weiß kittens weren't happy with the little rabbit's decision either. The look on Ayabassin's face had the same effect as a third atomic bomb. It took both Balinese and Siberian to keep the red head from clawing out her 'fiancé's' heart… that was, if the bastard still had one to be torn out of.
Fuck. Why was he so concerned for the blonde anyways? Love didn't exist in this world. There was only pain, and more pain, the only thing that exist in the corrupted world. A world that he helped to create.
Schuldig. Guilty One. How many times had he looked down with glee as men degrade themselves in front of him, just to be allowed to live a few seconds longer? How many times had he grinned in pleasure as his victims howl out in pain as he destroyed them from inside out. The high, the ecstasy he felt as the shrieks of pain reached him through his telepathy. He never gave a damn to anything. He was the Guilty One.
So why did he want to punch a hole through the wall every time he thought about her in bed with that bastard? He shouldn't care right? He didn't have feelings, he was the Guilty One. It didn't matter if she was fucking with someone else legally for money, or if she was fucking someone for money in a back alley. It wasn't any of his god damn business.
It was all because of those three fucking words. Why did she have to ruin everything? They had everything working just the way it was suppose to be.
Now he wasn't just confused, he was feeling guilty as well.
Harsh laughter bounced off the walls of the empty flower shop. Imagine that, the guilty one feeling guilty. Wouldn't Crawford have another field day with this one too? But he was too tired to care, to put it bluntly, he felt like shit.
The smoke from a lit cigarette soon filled the room. Calming down a little after the nicotine and tar filled his lungs, he glancing down at his Rolex, he noticed with grim amusement that it was almost time.
He still had time.
It was suppose to be a million dollar wedding, everything an innocent little bunny could ever dream of. He snickered, except in this case, the bride was anything but innocent. He smirked, what would the groom do, if he knew about his soon to be wife's story for the past few years? But then again, Chiba Mamoru wasn't what you would call a clean business man either.
It wasn't rare to hear his name in the underworlds where Schwarz roam in the dark. The things he did to climb to his position now as the CEO of the largest tobacco company was only known to a few. A few who were sly enough to hack into his computer systems, and was able to live long enough afterwards. There weren't many. Only eight to be more exact. Schwarz and Weiß, and maybe the bunny herself.
It would only be a matter of time before either assassins group end his innocent charade. Not that Schwarz gave damn about what the bastard did. But they still liked to keep everything under there control, Chiba have to be eliminated sometime, since he was gaining a little too much power to the likings of Schwarz. And second, it was fun to see the kittens' faces when they learn that their mouse was already killed by another.
It would only be a matter of time before Chiba would be destroyed… Why shouldn't he help speed up the process a little? It would be his wedding present to the groom. A smirk appeared at the corner of the handsome mouth as the half smoked cigarette was lifted in salute before it was smashed into a flower pot.
Walking out through the backdoor of the Koneko no Sumi le, he didn't bother to close the door. What was the use of closing it, when the lock was blown to pieces anyways.
Taking out a stiff white envelop, he pulled out the elegant card imprinted with silver wedding bells. When she handed him the invitation, they both knew that he wasn't going to show up.
But it looked like he might be able to make it after all. With a nice surprise for the groom too. He grinned, putting the card back into the pocket of his spotless white trench coat. He could feel the comforting weight of his pistol resting against the card.
The dark shades slipped over the jaded eyes, as he hopped into his convertible. Orange hair flowed behind him as he speed away towards the beach.
You are cordially invited
To witness the joining
Of Chiba Mamoru and Tsukino Usagi