Dream of Reality

Chapter One

by Makura Koneko

"Congratulations, once more, Chiba-san," My Uncle Taito shook hands with Mamo-chan, and I, on his arm, beamed. He turned to me, and embraced me; I was reluctant to let go of Mamo-chan, even for a moment, even to hug a beloved relative. I was back in his arms quick enough, though, and my friends all around me grinned at the eagerness with which we held each other.

"Thank you, Tsukino-san," Mamo-chan said- he was still such a prince!- to my father's brother. "But it is I who must congratulate you on being related to so lovely a creature as my Usako." He looked down and winked at me. I grinned. I knew he meant every word, but the tone -lavished with sappiness- was for the sake of my cousins, all vivid green with jealously. I only cuddled closer to him.

The party, our engagement party, ended soon after that. I even managed to offer to help clean up. Minako had only laughed, shooing us away and telling us to go home and get some rest.

According to everyone except my parents, Luna, Artimus, and the Senshi, Mamo-chan and my wedding wasn't until next week.

But we hadn't been able to wait...

We had been officially married no more than an hour after he had first proposed, so, naturally, we were already living together...and sharing a bed.

Sleep came easily that night, after several long lasting goodnight kisses over mugs of hot chocolate before a fire and warm cuddles. I snuggled up next to him, wrapped snuggly in his warm embrace. He kissed me on top of my head, through my mane of golden locks...I glanced up at his face...he kissed me...and I, Usagi Chiba, went to sleep.

She would never wake up.

And yet...in a way...she never went to sleep in the first place.


"Dreams...they're a funny thing." So Luna had said one night, when I had awoken from the oddest dream; in the dream, I had just awoken from a long, deep sleep to see a face above mine, concerned, calling me 'lady.' I hadn't been able to shake the feeling that the dream was more than just a dream...never did I imagine the extent of the meaning of the dream.

Yes, dreams are a funny thing, mainly because they are so hard to understand, to control. Even harder than reality. Maybe that is because what we perceive as reality, is actually just a dream...a dream within a dream. Maybe as you read this, you are actually asleep, and you won't realize it till you wake up. Perhaps you will never realize it. You know how some dreams are; you know you dreamed, but you don't remember what. I'm sure there are times when you dreamed vividly, and, in the morning, don't even remember dreaming at all.

Or maybe, when we sleep, our spirit goes to another place, where you are an entirely different person. And when you awaken, your spirit returns to slumber once more, like a reversed reality. A mirror dimension. Maybe some people you know are actually the spirits of a 'real' person in another realm. Eerie thought, ne? But with that theory, at least people you know as your dream self are real, somewhere. But what if...what if you suddenly woke up, and realized that your family, your friends, your hair color, your memories were all created simply by randomly released neurons in your brain? What if your reality, is no more than a dream?

When that happens, that is when the true nightmare begins.

My friend, the face I had seen when I had awoken within a dream, the concerned one with the voice calling me 'lady,' he had asked me to record my 'dream life.' I find with my new reality, that my handwriting is perfect, my spelling nearly flawless, as if I have had a whole other life of training, one I don't remember.

This account, the one you are reading now, is the end to my story, following right after the engagement party of my beloved and I, which you read above. That day was the end of my life as Usagi Tsukino. I went to sleep that night...and for all accounts, never woke up. At least, not to what I had previously perceived as reality. But in going to sleep that night, I came into another reality...or is this simply all the dream? I don't know. You read, and you decide.


They had split up. It was the safest; a group of two or less attracted much less attention than a group of nine. Each would look for the entrance to the opening over the fires of Mount Doom, as well as anything else useful, and they would meet back up outside.

They each carried a replica of the Ring, forged by the wizard Gandalf hastily a few days before...maybe if one of them were captured, if they had a fake, maybe some would believe they were the only person come to destroy the evil object. It was a hopeless ploy, they all knew, but the only one they had.

It was the white elf of the Fellowship that discovered what would be their entire world's salvation, though he, Legolas Greenleaf, knew it not.

The shadows were thick with evil and malice. Even simple darkness was cleaner than the blackness that surrounded everything he passed while slinking down the hall. He was only glad for the dark cloak the Lady Galadriel had given each of them, that hid his lighter colored clothing and hair from giving him away.

He came to another door; another dungeon, from the looks of it...but no need to take chances. He crept to the door. His hand, pale compared to the blackness that surrounded him, and lifted the door handle, but not before peering inside through the slits in the door. He slipped inside, the silence and stealth of his kind aiding him in this endeavor.

The room inside was just as dark as the hall; only his Elven eyesight allowed him vision. Still, he was careful of tripping over anything. It was this caution that kept him from falling prey to a series of steps leading downwards, the floor having fallen away long ago to reveal these steps just before him. He spotted the steps just in time, and skirted back, frowning at the slight noise he made.

Did this lead to the fiery pits which they all sought?

One way to find out...

Down and down he went into the darkness, keeping one hand on the wall, lightly, not even letting his fingertips disturb the dust that lined the walls.

His senses began tugging at him, and just as he had sensed the uruk-hai coming their way on the banks of the river, so now he sensed he was nearing something also of great evil....great, great evil. He narrowed his eyes in the darkness as he perceived a sort of light ahead...like a black glow. And yet...through that black glow, a trickling of purity sang to him. A pinprick of light, true light, sheathed in all that black vileness.

It was then that Legolas finally emerged into the cavern; high vaulted ceilings supported by inwardly arching creatures that looked like a cross between demons and angels. Between each pillar was a skeleton strapped to the wall; the remains of lavish satin and silk gowns adorning the once beautiful female bodies, now no more than bones.

A huge chandelier hung high above, covered in age old cobwebs, the candles chewed away by various vermin.

Legolas but glimpsed all this before his gaze was pulled directly to the alter, atop a three foot high dais, in the very center of the room. His eyes widened ever so slightly at the sight. That was the only thing that betrayed how his heart had stopped. Whether in fear or awe, he did not know.

A woman lay atop the alter among satin and silk and gauze pillows of black and gold. A large square of sheer black gauze, lined with black diamonds, was on top of her, pulled tightly over her curves by the weight of the diamonds that hung over the sides and end of the alter. Only her shoulders, neck, and face were exposed, along with the mass of hair that reached a shade of darkness not even the evil around him could achieve. The locks pooled around her, overflowing onto the floor all around her and her alter. Black diamonds, black opals, and black pearls, netted by strings spun of dark silver were woven throughout the entire mass of tresses.

Her skin was alabaster white, as if she'd never seen pure light at all, let alone the sun. Her arms, visibly laying at her sides underneath the black gauze, were slender, as if they'd never moved, the muscles ever unused. Her face, Legolas could see as he brought himself to take a step closer, was set in an expression of peaceful slumber, a slight smile on her dark red lips. Long, thick lashes naturally curled brushed the top of her high, elegant cheek bones, her eyes closed. Somehow Legolas thought with confidence that they, her eyes, were as black as her hair, and -probably- her heart.

But what was that pinprick of goodness he had sensed? It was gone, now...or was it? He walked closer, his gaze intent on her face.

"Lady?" He whispered, his voice barely audible. The darkness around him seemed to eat up the sound. He stood over her now, looking down at her sweetly beautiful face.

What was something so lovely doing in so evil a place? What foul plan did Sauron have for this maid?

Legolas touched her cheek; her skin was as cold as death, yet he could oh-so-faintly feel the barest heartbeat of life in her. "Lady?" He repeated. Was this a mistake, trying to awaken her? That was when he spotted them; underneath the gauze, shackles, chains, holding her down to the alter; she was a prisoner, much as the other women strapped to the wall had been, those who were now skeletons. He glanced at them again; was this woman to share their fate? Had she known them? Now that he looked closer, he saw, on the brow of each skull, an odd mark, it's color still vivid, as if it was almost glowing. He frowned. They meant something, those simples. Foul or good, he did not know.

Legolas turned his attentions back to the black lady before him. He touched her cheek again, letting his fingertips run up her face, across her brow-

The result was instantaneous; light flared! Real light! It burst forth like a fountain from her brow, from a mark that was shining so brightly Legolas couldn't block it out as he was forced to stumble back. The light lanced at the darkness surrounding the girl, but was shattered. The beams of light were smashed by the darkness, and as Legolas watched, the light fell back down as rain; it was raining tiny stars all around the girl...they, the tiny stars, hovered all around her, and she was surrounded by a cloud of light....silver in color, he now noticed, when it had been golden a moment ago.

He could see the mark, now. Two, actually. An upturned, golden crescent moon, and a dark silver upside down one, overlapping it. They flickered in such a way that it looked as if they were fighting for dominance...as Legolas watched with fascination, the golden one flickered...and died. The dark silver one glowed warmly for a moment, then it, too, faded till it was only a simple outline on her brow.

Legolas looked around, sure that the light show must have attracted someone, but no one was around. Silence reigned supreme, as if there wasn't even air to carry sound at all. Yet Legolas breathed.

He stepped up to the girl on the alter once more.

"Lady?" He asked once more, touching her other cheek with the back of his hand; did she still live? Yes, beneath her cold flesh, blood flowed.

He was caught off his guard when the woman's eyes abruptly, and without warning flitted open. His presumsion of her eye color was shattered when he saw that they were the most vivid, vitalizing blue! Her eyes were large, full of innocence and sincerity...it took Legolas's breath away. Even as her eyelids began to flutter closed, Legolas saw, as the eyes began to flicker as a solid silver-black eating away at the blue, he saw...

He saw the universe.

In a tenth of a second, the Elven prince was taken through nebula clouds, to the birth place of a new star, a new solar system, to see the death of another, the creation of another species, the song of the starlight weaving around the moonbeams that danced around every moon.

In a moment, he had seen, and been everything...simply by glimpsing the eyes of a girl who lay as though in death in the heart of the most evil place on earth...

A need to get her out of that place, a desire to let her see sunshine, to let her feel the wind in those glorious tresses of hers, to let her experience for herself the glory of seeing spring, become summer, of summer becoming fall, and then diving into winter. He wanted to teach her how to climb trees, how to pick the ripest fruits...he wanted to see those eyes again, as they finally fell closed with the sweetest, softest sigh.


At once all of his senses were alert to the sounds of a mini-army stomping by above. His grip on his bow was as if he had never let go of it, as he whipped it out from underneath his cloak, accompanied by an arrow as he flung his hood back. He slipped around the other side of the alter. The vibrations in the floor gave away the arrival of two, no, three Orcs in the huge cavern.

"She's still there..." One of them grumbled. "Whutz the mahster want with 'er, anyway?" It grumbled nasily.

"He wants her to die, o'course," The other wheezed. "He seemed 'appy enough when the others went 'poof' and their flesh turned to dust."

"Me thinks it's a sort o 'if I can't 'ave her, no one will' type thing." A third said. Hisses and cries of pain were heard moments later as the other two clobbered him. After a few more grumblings, the three of them left, hobbering up the steps, leaving a hidden elf prince with some thoughts to chew on as he followed suit, giving the slumbering maiden one last look over his shoulder, with a mental promise to return once he had finished his scouting. He slipped up the stairs, silent as ever, forcing himself to think of the task at hand.

He didn't notice when her eyes fluttered open once more behind him...


The woman yawned and arched her back in a bit of a stretch, expecting to feel her Mamo-chan beside her. She smiled through her daze at the memory of yesterday's party, and the thought of the other parties to come...

Then she realized her husband wasn't beside her. She frowned...He usually stayed with her either until she woke up, or he woke her up himself...maybe he had waken her, and she'd just forgotten, she tried to reason... It wasn't unlike her...

Then the scent and sensations hit her...

She opened her eyes...

...And immediately wished she hadn't. Fear gripped her; she lay on a bed that was made on top of what appeared to be some sort of alter. She lay among red and gold and black satin and silk sheets and pillows. A sheer black gauze lay over her, pulled taught by the diamonds that lined the edge of it and hung over the sides of the alter.

The room she was in was most decidedly some sort of tomb or dungeon; skeletons lined the walls...skeletons wearing familiar gowns...bearing familiar symbols on the brow of their skulls...

Usagi screamed...

And the sound was eaten up.

Usagi began to panic. Where was she? Where was Mamo-chan? Why did the skeletons around the room have her Senshi's symbols on their foreheads? Was this some sort of freaky icky warning?

A million ideas and reasons flew through her mind; was Demando back? Had he come for her? Had Chaos come back and decided to keep her for its own amusement? Had some new enemy found a way to capture and confine her while he/she/it wrecked havoc?

That last thought made Usagi's eyes flash with determination. She'd show them! No evil was gonna keep her a prisoner! How dare they think they could chain her while they do as they please with her planet! With her home! And did they honestly think these phony skeletons would make her think her friends were dead? Ha!

Usagi gripped the gauze and tossed it aside, the black diamonds tinkling against each other as she did so. Her movements weak and stiff with sleep...perhaps from a sleeping drug, as well. She swung her feet over the side of the bed...

And yelped as, simultaneously, cold metal yanked her ankles back, and she felt her legs collapse back down to the cushions, trembling. She reached down to rub her sore limbs-

And realized her wrists were shackled as well, and her arm, her hand, her fingers were trembling. She groaned and plopped back down onto the feather soft mattress and pillows. A headache pounded between her temples. She looked at the chains; they were long enough so that she could reach her hand to massage her forehead, at least. She tried to reach up to rub her brow...and whacked herself on the cheek! Her hand...her hand was shaking so badly...she looked at it...and it took all her concentration to close and open her fist...it was as if she'd never used her own arm before...she couldn't coordinate... It was then, as she let her arm fall back down beside her, that she noticed someone's black, black hair all around her. She forced herself to sit up, though now even her backbone and stomach and back muscles were trembling...she looked behind her, all around...but there was no one... With trembling, barely-able-to-move-hands, she touched a strand of her hair...she tried to grab it, but her fingers wouldn't obey her commands. She set her elbow down on the tresses, and pulled her head up...

...And yelped with the pain it brought her scalp.

This was her hair!

But...but her hair...her hair was gold....not black....

From that realization, everything, every sense, every bit of reality came crashing down...

Her skin was too white...

She couldn't move her own body right...

She couldn't sense her Senshi...

She couldn't feel the Silver Crystal...

She couldn't feel Mamo-chan...

She was surrounded by sickly thick evil...surrounded by darkness so solid you could cut it...

Then everything blanked out. Usagi was still conscious, but her mind, her heart seemed to simply...shut down. She lay back down among the pillows and cushions, gripping a corner of one of the pillows, her eyes, now a solid silver-black, wide, staring, unblinking, her breathing shallow and too quick.


"What do you mean, you cannot return with me?" Boromir hissed; he had met up with Legolas, both had reported to each other that they'd finished their scouting routes, and neither had found anything. Now the elf prince was saying he couldn't leave quite yet,

"I have a promise to keep," Legolas told him, his voice barely audible. He turned, sticking to the shadows so that Boromir could barely see him; it was as if the elf had merged with the shadows themselves!

"I'm following," Boromir told him stoutly. His tone left no room for argument, so Legolas said nothing other than to throw the human warrior a glance over his shoulder that clearly stated, 'you get us caught, I'll kill you myself.'

This promise was of some importance, then, Boromir thought as they eventually made their way to a particular door. Legolas glanced in, then, throwing a brief look to Boromir, the first he had since that first one, he slipped inside, leaving it open a crack to allow the other Fellowship companion to follow.

When Boromir entered, he found that the Elven prince was gone. He looked around, and barely caught the slight shift of a shadow below; a fall-away stair case! So hidden in the shadows he would have fallen in, had he not caught the barest flicker of Legolas's cloak behind him. Boromir made silent haste to follow, so as not to get separated. All the while he was thinking, "What sort of devil-trap is he leading us into?"


The sight that met Legolas's eyes upon entering the magnanimous cavern was a different one than last time; the woman was away, laying on her side, gripping one of the pillows as she stared with glassy, unblinking eyes at the far wall. Shock, he realized. The poor girl must have awoken, panicked, and slipped into shock...it was more imperative than ever to get her out there.

Paying barely any mind at all to Boromir behind him, Legolas strode across the cavern. He touched the chains that bound her, upon reaching the alter; he expected the sparks that flew. He wished for his warded tools, but knew he had no time to even improvise making any.

"If I fall, but she is free, take her, leave me, and go." Legolas said. Boromir nodded, but Legolas didn't even look at him. Taking a deep breath, he grabbed the chain around her wrist, and *shoved* with all his might everything he had *into* the very spells around the chain and shackle...

The metal sparked, fizzed, and burst into a fine powder.

It took every ounce of Legolas's Elven resolve to keep from stumbling from the exhaustion that washed over him. But it was that same Elven resolve that replenished him quickly enough. He gripped the chain around her right ankle, and repeated the process. This time it took a little longer for the fizzing and sparking to give way to the poofing of dust, but it came to pass nonetheless. This time Legolas blinked with weariness several times, taking several deep breaths before moving to the left ankle shackle. This time it took a grunt and a physical shove for it to even begin to spark. It took a gasp and a reminder of what he had seen in the girl's eyes before he managed to pull what he needed out of himself and into the spell, shattering it and the shackle; the powder that resulted wasn't as fine as the first 'poofing' had been, but the shackle and chain was no more, and thus good enough.

'One more,' he thought to himself, too exhausted to even notice how drained he was...or the concerned looks Boromir was giving as he gripped the hilt of his drawn sword tighter.

Legolas grasped the last shackle, putting his hands over the metal and around her right wrist, the one resting beside her beautiful face. He used his fingers to close her eyes so that no dust would get in them before renewing his grip once more. He took a deep breath...

And shoved.




He pulled every last ounce of strength from his soul, but still it was not enough....

'No! Not when I'm so close!' his mind and heart reached out to the girl, who was so close to being free...

Only Boromir saw the spectacle that arose next; with a breathtaking display each skeleton lining the round room, seventeen in all, burst into it's own starburst of flaring light and magic. Silver-violet, pink, gold, navy blue, blood red, forest green, burnt orange-gold, sea aqua-blue, bright yellow, deep purple, dark burgundy, ice blue, pale red, pastel green, faded orange, blue-black, blue-white....

As he watched, the skeletons -and the clothing- began to crumble to dust that dissipated before it even reached the ground...and in the center of the light-illuminated clouds of dust, was the origins of the lights. Where a skeleton had been, there was now, the same color as the light, a spike-star-shaped crystal.

They began pulsing...

Boromir whirled around...how can one fight light and crystal stars with a sword???!!!

The pulsing continued... A cry was released... Boromir whirled, and his eyes widened; Legolas and the girl both were engulfed in a dark silver-black glow, that was pulsing in sync with the seventeen crystal stars...

Without warning, and with a silent blast that shook the entire palace, the crystal stars rushed to the center of the room, forming a ring around the girl and elf at the alter. Boromir barely had time to throw himself to the ground to avoid having one of the crystal stars pierce right through him. The stars flashed once, brighter than the sun. A starburst flared out from the center of the sphere of light, engulfing the entire cavern. The cavern began to shake! Chunks of stone fell from the ceiling!

And still there was no sound...only silence and violent vibration. An explosion unlike any other lifted Boromir right of the ground and slammed him into a pillar. He fell to the ground, groaning, holding his side as blood seeped out of his mouth. He forced his eyes open against the bright light, where he barely made out a tall figure thrust away from the alter the same as he had been...the same time the last chain shattered...

The explosion that followed...it was so beyond human comprehension, time seemed to stop for Boromir as it took place. All he knew was that something had happened, something so beyond him it had caused him to see and hear and feel nothing but the whiteness that surrounded him. Something was happening...but he didn't know what...he could only cling to the whiteness until it released him back into a reality, once that reality had calmed to a level his human physic could handle....


Legolas, too, floated in that same whiteness, though he could ever sense the girl near him... she was in the center of it all, the center of the power, both good and evil, the center of the light and the darkness. The center of the universe she held in her eyes and heart and soul. The center of the love that had once been showered down upon her by the beings that lived, pulsing within the star crystals that spun around her... Just as he could sense *her* he also sensed that she had absolutely no grasp of just who or what she was... She couldn't know. She was too pure, to simply innocent. She wasn't even human...

Another presence...one of the crystal stars....it appeared just before him, glowing a soft silver-violet.

"*Thank you...*" The voice wasn't even a voice, but a gentle sense of gratitude, radiating from the silver spike-star-crystal. The gratitude stemmed from every single star, to the silver one, to be conveyed to him...

"For what?" Legolas found he was thinking the words, rather than speaking them, but it seemed it was good enough, for the emotions projected to him by the silver star were ones that directed his attention towards the girl; that was what they were thanking him for. For freeing her. A gentle knowledge entered his mind, tentively, as if the silver star crystal were asking his permission to tell him something...he gave his consent. Like a gentle trickle of water, he knew, suddenly, who she was. What she was. Who - and what- the crystal stars were...

"You were her mother." Legolas addressed the silver-violet star. The star hummed gently, agreeing. He looked to the gold one. "You were her lover, her husband." The gold one, too, hummed. To the pink, he said "You were to be her daughter...yet you were never even born." The pink one seemed to sigh sadly in agreement. "And you..." He gave his attention to the blue-white and the blue-black ones. "You were her teachers. You taught her, loved her, as if she were your own." Legolas looked at the rest of them. "And the rest of you...you were her guardians, her friends." He nodded to the four whose colors were copies of the first four, but muted, paler. "You were to be the guardians and friends of her daughter. You all...you all protected her, this girl, this woman, even in death...you were her companions even in the dream-prison Sauron constructed for her... When you died, Sauron stole your souls, gave you bodies, but let you die..." He looked to the pale silhouette that faded into existence before him; he put his arms under and around it, and it settled into his arms, slowly beginning to solidify.

"I see...." he said. "Sauron placed this girl, your beloved princess, in a sleep, while her soul and spirit weaved for itself its own world...an alternate earth where she was a heroine, just like she'd always wanted to be. When you all died, your souls joined her in her dream world, protected her soul from the evil that was saturating her body... So everything she ever knew, Beryl, The Dark Moon Family, Nehelania, Chaos...they were all demons her own subconscious conjured up...they were enemies she brought on herself to force herself to raise her power...she somehow knew the day would come for her to be released, to take revenge on the one that trapped you all here...while in her dream world, she trained herself without even meaning to...she doesn't even realize what has happened, does she?"

All at once, the spirit star crystals pulsed, confirming what he had put together from the knowledge that had been slipped into his mind by the star that had once been Queen Selenity.

"I will take care of her, I promise," Legolas vowed. "Until she can resurrect you all, I promise I will be her guardian in your stead."

More gratitude washed over him, and at last the silhouette in his arms became solid; Princess Serenity lay in his arms, peaceful as could be. In this white spirit-plane, her hair was it's proper star-gold, her skin peachy-rose. But as the white began to give way, as it began to release him and the princess back into the real world, both her skin and her hair began to take on the colors caused by being saturated in evil for thousands of years. As he watched, the stars came together in a small cluster over Serenity's heart. They pulsed together, once, twice, before gently glowing and fading...fading...fading down together until there was nothing left but a small, pure crystal star, that gleamed every color of the rainbow when the light glanced off it just right...

The Crystal, at the very last moment before the last of the whiteness around them faded, settled between her breasts, over her heart, sank into her flesh, and disappeared, safe until she called it out and summoned her friends and guardians to awaken so she could give them form once more...


'C'mon, let's go!" Legolas came back into himself and back into the real world to find Boromir at his side, and the cavern crumbling around them. Sound existed once more, and the noise was deafening. Shaking himself and renewing his grip on the girl in his arms -thankful that somehow her hair had been shortened and he didn't have to worry about tripping over it- he and Boromir both dashed for the stairs, dodging falling debris and desperately trying to keep their balance all the while.

The flight up the stairs was perilous; missing stairs gave way to bubbling magma below. When they reached the hallway, they didn't have time to be dismayed before they were set upon by orcs; only the luck of the orcs being more disoriented than they were allowed them a fighting chance. Legolas brandished a sword he pulled from somewhere, since he didn't have both arms available for archery. Cradling the small woman in one arm, he slashed his way, Boromir before him, to the open corridor that lead to the outside of the fortress.

An orc grabbed Serenity's hair, but it slipped from his hands like water. While he stared at his hands in surprise, Legolas beheaded him, unconsciously shielding Serenity from the spray of inky blood that followed. A cry went up beside him, and he turned to find an orc, its top half lying atop its severed legs, and Boromir standing over it. Legolas nodded his thanks before leaping forward at another monster that raised it's ax above Boromir's head from behind, running it clean through, then yanking his sword out to swing it at yet another creature. The orc skipped out of the way, right onto Boromir's blade. Boromir shoved it off, and leaped forward again...

The battle raged on, but at last they stumbled through the doors, running ahead of the mass of orcs. Ahead of them, a gray, cloaked figure raged towards them on a stampeding black horse, another gray horse behind him.

"Hurry!" Gandalf cried. Legolas, without pausing leaped atop the gray steed, Serenity held tightly to him, her eyes open wide with horror; she had awoken during the fight! Legolas had no time to even be annoyed at this, as he whirled the horse around and sped towards the huge gates. Orcs were desperately trying to shove the massively huge and heavy things closed, but they were too late; Gandalf, Boromir behind him, and Legolas, Serenity in his arms, flew through them with nary a hair's width to spare.


It was well into the next day before the girl in Legolas's arms, before a camp fire that was surrounded by now ten travelers (Sam, Frodo, and Gimli asleep on their cots), that Serenity showed any sign of acknowledging the real world. She was well awake, but the shock of awakening to find herself in the arms of a strange, most decidedly not human male, in the middle of a bloody battle she did *not* want to think about...that tends to have negative affects, as the Fellowship was discovering...

At last, after several failed attempts, Legolas was forced to simply lay her down on a mat and tuck a blanket around her, and return to the circle of the Fellowship to retell what had happened...

"But why would Sauron care about stopping a simple girl from being reborn?" Pippin asked.

"Because she is a threat to him," Aragorn said, playing with a bit of dried venison. "Because her power is opposite of his, as well as exceeding his, if Legolas's story is any indication." He glanced to the girl sleeping beside the aforementioned Elven prince. "He fears her."

"Does he?" Boromir asked. "It seemed a bit too easy to get her out of there, if you ask me. I'm not saying it was easy, mind you all, but if she is what you all say she is... If I were Sauron, I'd put a bit more security around her than a few spelled shackles."

"There are other forces at work here." Legolas said. "Forces beyond our comprehension." He threw a small stick into the fire, watching the sparks that flew up. Legolas looked down at her, slumbering with that same peaceful look on her face...

"Hey, you said that even though their bodies were dead, her guardian...people, their spirits were still there?" Merry asked after a moment. Legolas nodded. "Well then, it wouldn't surprise me if, during all that time they were they, they worked on eating away at what defenses were there, maybe obliterating some of them completely."

"You did mention a...black glow that surrounded her," Gandalf reminded Legolas. "Perhaps it had been a sort of shield at one point. Merryadock has a grand point." Merry beamed.

"Perhaps..." Legolas tossed another twig into the fire before looking down at the girl again. "It makes me wonder what is to come for her, this girl who is so much more than she appears..."

"That, I think, is not yet for us to know," Gandalf said. "We have played our part in the game of some grander scheme. Now it is up to this girl, and those 'forces' you spoke of, to make the next move. Whether or not we will be involved is yet to be seen." With these words, the wise old wizard lay down on his mat, and slipped into slumber. The others followed suit, leaving Legolas up to simply gaze at the girl. He wondered if the damage done to her body, her evil-infested body, would be undone by simply being away from all that darkness; the silver-black mark on her forehead *was* fading...

Legolas sighed. As much as he meant to do his best to keep his promise, he couldn't deny the truth in Gandalf's words; something grander than even he, an elf, could perceive, something that -as much as he hated the thought- didn't include him... A 'game' Gandalf had called it. Was that all it was?

He didn't know...but he did know that, whatever it was, be it a game, scheme, ultimate plan, random events of the cosmos, or destiny guided by the hand of some greater being, Legolas knew this; the girl, this woman, this princess, just as she had been the center of the good and the evil, the light and the darkness, so was she the center of the tapestry of fate and destiny that was being woven throughout time...

As Legolas shook away his deep -too deep for any mortal, or even an elf to decently contemplate- and lay down in his cot beside her, he never noticed the silver-black crescent flicker, and fade... Only to be replaced, as the girl whom was the star peace in the ultimate game of the universe smiled gently in her sleep, not with the previous golden, upturned crescent moon, but with a white, eight-pointed star...

To Be Continued…

Well, this story won the poll! It shall be continued.

This story follows events as I perceive one of the many ways -were Lord of the Rings to be incorporated with Sailor Moon- things would go, if the Fellowship never broke up. Below I list the things different from the two actual series and this story.

1) The Fellowship never broke up

2) Boromir never died.

3) Merry and Pippin were never kidnapped, and Gandalf met up with them before they got to Mordor, so all nine are now at Bara-dur.

4) Mamoru isn't a jerk.

5) Usagi is at least eighteen.

6) Chibi-Usa never existed.

7) Usagi has all her memories from the Silver Millennium.

Thank you all for reading!

 Hope Make the Universe Shine,
Makura Koneko