![]() Author has written 22 stories for One Tree Hill, General Hospital, and Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. "The greatest ironies of life: having the right person at the wrong time, having the wrong person when the time is right, and finding out that you love someone after that person walks out of your sight ..." So you want to know a little bit about me? Well okay then. I live in a little city you might have heard of called Las Vegas. I've got two kids but I guess you could really care less about that? When I started writing fanfiction, I mostly wrote for the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was one of the only shows that I watched reliqiously and shipped hardcore. I floved the following couples: Buffy/Angel (otp), Will/Oz and Xand/Anya. On Angel- I never really shipped any of the relationships. Mostly because I was waiting for Angel to grow some balls and wake up from whatever au universe he was living in and remember that Buffy was the love of his life. Or unlife. I hated the Cordelia/Angel crap almost as much as I hated the ending of that show. Then, in 2003 I began to write again. Only this time it was for the show One Tree Hill. Which I loved. And although it isn't no where as good as it once was, I still love the show as a whole. Couples I liked: Brooke/Lucas. Nathan/Haley. Jake/Peyton. Brooke/Julian. But honestly, I really loved Brooke and could ship her with almost anyone. The only other show I've ever written for is General Hospital. I'm in love with Jason and Sam, although I'm really scared they're about to mess them up. Again. Here's a little more about me: Shows I watch/watched: Pretty Little Liars, Once Upon A Time, Beverly Hills 90210 (original), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Roswell, Dawson's Creek, Angel, any of the CSI's and Law & Orders, One Tree Hill, General Hospital, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, sometimes the new 90210, 24, Supernatural, and of course the reruns of: Saved by the Bell, That 70s Show, Friends etc. Couples I ship/shipped: Ezra/Aria (PLL), Charming/Snow (OUAT) Dylan/Brenda & Dylan/Toni (BH90210), Buffy/Angel, Willow/Oz & Xander/Anya (BTVS), Joey/Pacey (Dawson's Creek), Brooke/Lucas, Nathan/Haley, Millicent/Mouth (OTH), Jason/Sam, (Izzy/Denny, Mer/Der, Christina/Burke, Addison/Mark (Grey's), Addison/Pete (PP), Tony/Michelle (24), Kelly/Zack (SBTB), Jackie/Hyde (T70S) and Monica/Chandler (Friends). Couples I loathe: Dawson/Joey. Jason/Liz. Lucas/Peyton. Dawson and Joey are soulmates. There is no doubt about that and I don't pretend otherwise. I just couldn't enjoy them as a couple, Dawson was made to seem too whiney and Joey seemed to never be satisfied enough with him. Jason & Liz- anyone that knows me knows how I feel about them. That said I can not stand Liz. I want her to shut up and disappear from that show and never come back. Lucas/Peyton share a connection almost like Dawson/Joey. I think they love each other but I think it's for the wrong reasons. I honestly believe they bring out the worst in each other. Peyton clings to Lucas because he has always been there for her and Lucas goes to Peyton because he knows that deep down- she won't turn away from him. She'll be there for him regardless. "Love that we can not have is the one that last the longest, hurts the deepest and feels the strongest." So you want to know about my work? This is what I can tell you: If tomorrow never comes: (reading over and trying to update) I am not giving up on this story. Although the chapters are few and far between, it's still essential to me that I finish it. It Feels Like Home to Me: (on hiatis) Wait for You: (unfinished and on semi permanent maybe complete hiatis.) |