What can I say after so much time w/out updating? One thing I know is that I am committed to finishing this story. If you're a fan and you never thought I'd update again...welcome back. If you just found this story...welcome. I love fanfiction and I'm grateful for other writers/readers who also love this site. Enjoy!

Ch.22 Caught inside and no way to carve


Vincent Van Gogh. Vincent Price. Vincent Redd. Hell even Sam Vincent and Jay Vincent. Those were a few of the Vincent's Lucas could think of and they had one thing in common with Lucas: they were unreachable.

And the Vincent Lucas just met wasn't any different. He seemed cool, calm and collected in his (stupid) leather jacket, with his (stupid) smirk and his obvious overwhelming infatuation with Brooke.

So when Rachel said, "Goodbye Mr. D'Onofrio" flirtingly while blowing a kiss with her hand Lucas was agape.

Rachel was the driving force behind Lucas being here and she was flirting with a man who had no resemblance to Vincent D'Onofrio.

But that was another Vincent you could add to Lucas' list.

The final push for Lucas was when Rachel looked at Brooke and said "Yummy."

Lucas cleared his throat loudly and glared at Rachel.

"Oh right…I almost forgot why we were here. If George Lucas over here weren't so quiet…" Rachel stared pointedly at Lucas, "maybe I wouldn't have forgotten."

Brooke shook her head, "Am I missing something?"

Lucas laughed while pointing a finger at Rachel, "George Lucas…that's good."

"I'm sorry to interrupt whatever moment you two are having but does someone mind telling me what the hell is going on." Brooke's voice was serious.

Lucas' smile faded as both Rachel and he turned toward Brooke.

"It's unfortunate you stayed up all night because you're really pissy when you don't get enough sleep. Although you think last night's activities would have…"

"Rachel." Lucas warned her with a deep voice.

"Lucas." Rachel said mockingly.

When Lucas just stared back at her Rachel finally threw up her hands. "Fine. I'm going to go get some coffee."

As she started to walk away Lucas called out for her, "Get me one too."

A tired Brooke asked for one as well.

Rachel stood there for a moment, seemingly disbelieving. Slowly she walked back to the pair, "You know I was really just leaving to give you guys space…"

Brooke dug into her purse and slapped a $20 into Rachel's hand. "Three coffee's slut. And be quick, I'm exhausted."

"Well maybe if you hadn't…"

Lucas interrupted, "Rachel, just get the damn coffee's."

Rachel scoffed but quickly turned around and walked away.

"She means well but sometimes she can be…"

"A pain in the ass?"

Brooke smiled faintly, "Overbearing."

Lucas nodded, "That's another way of putting it."

Brooke fiddled with her jacket, "Either way she matches me point for point, beat for beat. It's nice to have someone like that in my life."

After a moment of silence Brooke asked, "What are you doing here?"

Lucas grinned, "I was in the neighborhood."

Brooke didn't bother to point out that he had already used that excuse before. In fact she seemed pretty nonchalant about the comment, only responding by nodding. It wasn't until Brooke finally spoke that Lucas realized he was waiting for a comeback. So when she said "Let's sit down" Lucas was left with wanting more. A witty remark or one of her endearing laughs would have been better than just a nod.

Brooke sat down in the waiting area on a couch and Lucas sat right next to her but stopped short when he wanted to put his arm around her. Mornings after weren't supposed to be awkward when you knew the person so well. When you were in love with said person. But then again a lot had changed over the years. And Lucas was the only one who had admitted to being in love.

"So, how's Victoria?" Lucas asked

Brooke laughed lightly then answered, "Stable."

Lucas wanted to ask what the laugh was about but wasn't quite sure if he should. Brooke was obviously put off by his presence.

"How much did Rachel pay you to come here?"

"Nothing actually, besides a few threats…" Lucas looked at Brooke, "do you think I could have gotten some money out of it?"

It was supposed to lighten the mood, to illicit a smile, but it didn't.

Brook rubbed the middle of her forehead roughly, "You'll have to excuse me because I'm not sure I've gotten any sleep and I'm waiting to hear about a woman I'm not even sure I care about so I may not be at the top of my game right now, but what are you really doing here?"

Lucas looked perplexed. "And none of that 'I was in the neighborhood' or any other completely aloof response which purpose is to distract me from what is really going on. Be forward. Be honest."

For the most part Brooke was looking anywhere but Lucas, until the last two statements.

"I had an amazing night with the women I'm insanely in-love with. In the morning she's gone and there's a note but no explanation. I found out from red that Victoria was in an accident and I thought you would need your friends. There's no other motive here Brooke."

'Psshh' was Brooke's closed mouth response but loud enough for Lucas to hear. "Did you ever stop to think that maybe leaving had less to do about Victoria and more about me…"

"What? Running away?"

The two were standing now at a close but safe distance. This part of the waiting room wasn't crowded and there were only a few other people in chairs further away from Brooke and Lucas, so they fighting was contained. For now.

"Don't you dare say that running away is what I'm good at…"

"No you're right, you're the best at it and please stop acting so shocked. You ran away from us the second time, you ran away to LA, New York, France, Italy, anywhere where your problems weren't but I've got a news flash for you Brooke…" by now Lucas was mere inches away from Brooke's face "…they follow you everywhere. By the time you stop running you're not going to have anything left."

Brooke slapped Lucas across his left cheek. "Going off to launch a clothes line, traveling to better appreciate my predecessors and fashion, moving… but moving forward to see where a good fit is, to a place I want to call home. All of that Lucas is not running away it's called living. And as for last night…just because you've got it figured out does in no way mean that I do too. You knew that before we kissed and when we went back to your place. You want answers quicker than I can give them and want I really wanted today was to just get away from you."

Lucas looked deflated, "Am I that awful to be around?"

"No," Brooke answered softly, "what I meant was that you have all these things figured out and all these feelings figured out and you need and want some reciprocation from me and I…I just can't because huge parts of me don't trust you. Because sometimes I feel like I'm in high school again just waiting to watch how fast you moved on. Or I'm reading your damn book which I'm lucky to get a footnote in and I just wonder: was I ever first for you? You never really treated me like a boyfriend should have. I was always down on your list."

"You have to stop treating me like I'm the same person I was in high school. I'm different, better, older and much wiser. You can't keep throwing the past in my face or we can never move forward."

"That's just it Lucas…. I don't know if I can stop. Because I'm still hurt and angry but mainly frustrated. All the 'why's' that you never answered. And most of all the deep pain caused by the two people I loved most. I don't think I really forgave either of you…" Brooke paused, "and I'm not sure I really want to."

Lucas shook his head and tried to rack his brain for anything else. Anything he could say. But he was coming up blank.

"I know it's not fair…what I did last night," Brooke said, "honestly I wasn't thinking about today. I just knew that you were there and I wanted you. I know you want me, I know…" Brooke reached up and gently turned Lucas' face toward hers, "…you love me but my feelings for you are inconsistent and…"

"That's not true," Lucas interrupted quietly, "I think you want and love me just as much as I do you."

Brooke smiled sadly and let her hand drop from his face, "Maybe but maybe not and you have to let me figure that out. In my own time. In my own way."

The two stood in silence wishing the other would understand.

Lucas shuffled his feet, "Well…hell…I guess I'd better…uhh…"

He paused giving one last, long look at Brooke and knew that this conversation was over. It had to be for her.

"I should go," he finally finished and turned to leave.

Lucas ran straight into Rachel at the same time that Brooke reached out her hand for him. His eyes darted to Brooke's hand clasping his and then back to Rachel.

"Coffee," Rachel chirped happily and handed Brooke and Lucas their coffees.


"Thank you."

Lucas and Brooke answered at the same time.

Rachel eyes them wearily, "I waited for the appropriate time but if we don't start drinking these they're gonna get cold. C'mon lover boy, let's have a sit."

Lucas clearly wanted to say something so Brooke interrupted him.

"You came all this way Luke, at least have coffee with me." Brooke said as she squeezed his unresponsive hand and let it go.

Brooke went to sit back down and Rachel tugged on Lucas' jacket.

"Did you really come up here only to get relationship answers? If so then you should leave. Just because she doesn't want to talk about it doesn't mean she doesn't want you here. Either step up to the plate or get out of the game."

Without waiting for a response Rachel tugged Lucas toward the chairs