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![]() Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter, Romeo and the Black Brothers/ロミオの青い空, and Les Misérables. "After all this time?" "Always." -Severus Snape and Albus Dumbldore, Harry Potter and the deathly Hollows. “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.” ― Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Hi I'm "Slytheringirle" (formly known as Always711) Hey, random person scrolling through my profile, I just want to say THANKS for wasting your time to read this! About me: I'm a huge HP fan! but I won't say that "J.K Rowling" my favorite author well...to be honest she actually is but well you see...there are some stuff she did or actually wrote I can't forgive her about. I don't really mean I can't forgive her about see...well...um...AAAAAAAAAAAH...ok so I'll just tell you the reasons without actually describing my emotions because it's just so damn hard! ok...you're probably annoyed by now I know I'm talkative well almost all teenage girls are like that I mean,OK...OK...I'll go on with the reasons so here we go... she actually Killed Sirius! she killed Remus! she didn't give Harry the family he always wanted. she paired RL/NT,HP/GW. Ok..OK so did I get my point across? I don't really hate her or blame her just...some sort of feelings I can't describe. My Pottermore information: Hogwarts house: Slytherin Wand: Sycamore wood with a Phoenix feather core, 10 3/4 and surprisingly swishy flexibility Patronus: Randall cat Ilvermorny house: Wampus Gender:Female Parings:(Harry/Sirius) Love it! (Remus/Tonks) I'll die before I even say that I like it! (Harry/Ginny) Never not even in my worst dreams HATE IT!(Harry/Draco)Over my dead body! (Draco/Ginny)NEVER! (Draco/Hermonie) I simply HATE IT!(Harry/Remus) I love it especially when Moony is mentor! but I can't stand a fanfiction without Harryxsirius bonding is the main the charcter! (Harry/snape) I like it when Snape is Mentor but not father son, well I sometimes like it father son, depends on my mood! (Sirius/anyone) romanticly. Honestly people would you marry a person who spent 12 years in Prison? Not to mention that he is in mid thirties, isn't that age a bit old for relationships? Why I hate/love pairings: slashes/romance:I hate them all except Harryxsirius,and only rarely,I'm just not the type of romance,slashes,and marriages. However recently I grew a liking for the (Harry/Snape) slashes, but still depends on my mood, Harryxsirius bonding as fatherxson is so adorable.Ron/Hermonie (romantically) You just can't imagine one without the other. My opinion about the characters: l love Sirius he is my favorite character, mainly because he is the the father Harry always dreamed of. I HATE Ginny because till ootp she isn't a main character even rarely mentioned then all suddenly becomes a main character.I also love Harry and Remus exactly like Sirius! I absloutly HATE Molly because she is really mean to Sirius. Snape...well...I hated him at the begging, I mean who didn't? Let's face it from the Sorcererstone till HBP and most of DH we HATED him, well I did, however even when I finished reading DH I STILL didn't like him, but, and after a while I wasn't really comfortable with his bashing but I still don't deeply hate it, however Snape mentoring Harry or father son relation ships are welcomed BUT they MUST contain Sirius in them. Cuz I simply LOVE him. My stories: I've written a one-shot called 'In love Memory' but not many read it and never, mind it probably was, really bad. Currently I'm working on a storie named 'The Darkness Within' (check out the story for the summary. 'scroll down to the end' Ok...Ok...sto-STOP throwing the T-t-tomatoes HELL STOP IT I SWEAR you got your point across)there won't be a schedule for upaditing I'll update whenever I can, and I'll work on one story at a time. How l found fanfiction?: well I finished the Harry Potter series and was reading them again however as I reached the goblet of fire we decided to go on vcation and usually when we return to the hotel at night I open my phone and search pictures for Harry and, and Sirius, one night I just thought what would happen if I searched Harry Potter and his three godfathers, my curiosity took the better of me and I searched it before going to the images section I found a story named 'Harry and his three godfathers'(or something like that), and, that is how I found fanfiction.net and needless to say it changed my life, and I'm HAPPY about it! (A/N:Just to be safe the below is coppied from ("padfoot-Moony-pronglet") In Remembrnace: In Remembrance to Severus Snape, A Slytherin who died like a Gryffindor, for his Lily may he have been forgiven in the end, In Remembrance to Fred Weasley, Who fought bravely to the very end, And whose jokes will forever brighten his other half, And will loyally await his soul mate and brother, With many jokes, He's got forever to think of them, right? In Remembrance to Dobby, Who was more free and full of love, Than any elf, and most humans; a truely free elf may he rest in peace! In Remembrance to Remus J. Lupin, The last real Marauder, Who was not just a wonderful father, An incredible husband and a brave hero, But an awesome warewolf too, In Remembrance to Nymphadora Tonks, Who died for the greater good, leaving behind the second mauraders son, And would probably hex me for calling her Nymphadora, In Remembrance to Alastair 'Mad Eye' Moody, Who's motto 'Constance Vigilance' kept him alive, In Remembrance to Tom Marvolo Riddle, A.K.A Voldemort, Who was pretty cool and cute when he was younger, But who got his ass kicked thoroughly in the end, In Remembrance to Albus Dumbledore, Whose past and wisdom confused us, Whose seeming betrayal shocked us, Who's betrayal we can all understand, But who actually turned out to be a great guy in the end, In Remembrance to Bellatrix Lestrange, Because it was awesome how Molly Weasley got her with the Avada Kedavra, She deserved everything she got in the end, In Remembrance to Colin Creevey, Who we really didn't know too well, But took a lot of pictures and died fighting in the war, So he must've done something good... Besides stalking Harry, In Remembrance to Hedwig, Harry's first real friend, Who lived and died soaring in the night sky. I promise to remember Harry, When someone grows up with no love. I promise to remember Ron, When someone is jealous. I promise to remember Hermione, When I meet someone with wisdom beyond their years. I promise to remember James and Lily, when someone dies before their time. I promise to remember Dumbledore, At the thought of the greater good. I promise to "Solemely Swear That I Am Up To No Good", for Gred and Forge, of course I promise to remember Moony, And fight for human rights. I promise to remember Snape, When my heart fills with remorse. I promise to remember Narcissa, When I'd do anything for family. I promise to remember Dora Tonks, When someone is hyper. I promise to remember Hedwig, who lived and died soaring. I promise to remember Percy, When ambition gets the best of me. I promise to be careful, For Moody's sake, of course. I promise to remember Padfoot, When one is wrongly blamed. I promise to remember Neville, when I stand up for what is right. I promise to remember the Marauders, When a friend says "Call me and I'll be there." Yes I promise that I will remember Harry Potter oh, and tell me please did the thingy above make you cry it certainly made me! NOW GO CHECK OUT MY STORIES! Be warned, only and only if you've added ,my story, 'The Darkness Within', then you can join the forum otherwise you'd bexpect blocked.Oh, and if you have any suggestions for the title of the forum fell free to tell me. :) Here is the link to my forum: /myforums/padfoot-pronglet/8345536/ "It might have escaped your notice, but life isn't fair...RIP Alan Rickman...you'll always be in our hearts...Always. |