A Godfather's Instinct

Disclaimer: Harry Potter has never belonged to me and it never will. It belongs to the genius J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., and all respectful owners. I write this for fun, not for money. Although, that would be nice, y'know.

Warning: Self-harm, angst, mention of child abuse, possible OCCness

Summary: They say a parent's instinct is never wrong. Well, Sirius may not be a parent but damn it he's a Godfather and that's just as good as any parent.

AN: I noticed in the last chapter that I mentioned Zonko's Joke Shop and the Post Office as being in Diagon Alley. At the time, I did not realize Zonko's and the Post Office is in Hogsmead, not in Diagon Alley. Also, after consulting my OotP book, I realized that I have been saying 'Harry's trial' only to realize that it is not a trial, but a 'disciplinary hearing'. So, if I make some more mistakes like that, please let me know. Thanks, and enjoy the newest chapter!

Chapter 3: We Need to Talk

When the light of early dawn shines on his face, Harry groans miserably. He doesn't want to get up today, the day of his disciplinary hearing. He literally feels sick to his stomach with nerves. What if he loses the case and he ends up being expelled from Hogwarts with his wand broken in half? What if Sirius can't get custody of him because the ministry learns that he is residing with a werewolf? What if he gets sent back to the Dursleys? Would he make it back out alive? The 'what ifs' are driving him insane.

Giving up on trying to go back to sleep, Harry gets up and grabs a shower. The warm spray does nothing to ease his anxiety. He dresses in a nice black and white suit with a red tie and, not really wanting to wear his Uncle's old socks, he puts on his Hogwarts uniform socks and then his black dress shoes.

Going back to the bathroom, Harry desperately tries to flatten his hair but to no avail. Frustrated, he brushes his teeth and walks out of the bathroom making sure to be very quiet so he doesn't accidently wake anyone up. As he makes his way down the two flights of stairs he has the grave misfortune of passing Kreacher who gives him a nasty loathing look that could rival Malfoy's. Harry is beginning to understand why Sirius says Kreacher is a very unpleasant person to be around.

When he walks into the kitchen he's shocked to not only see Sirius and Remus up and drinking coffee, but also Mr. Weasley. Mrs. Weasley must still be in bed. Quietly, Harry sits down beside Sirius who seems to be in his own little world. Remus is simply reading the Muggle newspaper and sipping away at some strong smelling coffee. Mr. Weasley looks up and says, "Oh, Harry, good morning!" This catches the attention of Remus and Sirius.

"Good morning, Mr. Weasley; Remus, Sirius," Harry says in what he hopes is a light-hearted and off-hand voice.

"Good morning, Harry," Remus and Sirius say pleasantly at the same time. A few moments of silence pass until Remus says, "would you like something to eat or drink?" Harry's stomach lurches at the idea of food, bringing his nausea back in full sway.

"Er, no thanks. I'm not very hungry. So, what are you guys doing up?" Harry quickly says in an attempt to change the subject. He catches the 'discreet' worried glances Sirius and Remus share with each other at Harry saying he's not hungry.

"Well, I have to go to work soon so I figured I could take you with me so we're on time for your disciplinary hearing," Mr. Weasley says pleasantly. Harry pales at the mention of his hearing. This doesn't go unnoticed by the three men. "Alright there, Harry? You look a tad pale," Mr. Weasley asks in a still cheerful voice.

"M'fine," Harry offers and attempts to smile but his smile turns into more of a pained grimace.

"You'll be alright, Harry," Remus says confidently. "You haven't done anything wrong." Harry could be mistaken, but Harry thinks he hears a little bit of pride in Remus' voice. Surely he hears wrong. Then again, Remus has to be proud that Harry managed to fight off two dementors with a corporeal patronus. After all, Remus had taught him the charm. That, and Harry fought off hundreds of dementors at the same time two years ago.

"Yes, Harry, you will not be expelled. If you are expelled, I'll personally make sure you don't wind up at the Dursleys," Sirius says seriously. For some reason, this provides the most comfort for Harry. With this, Mr. Weasley gets up and smiles brightly at Harry.

"I believe it's time for us to go. If we leave now we will be a whole hour early." Harry nods, but he secretly wishes they could wait until the very last minute to go. Of course, there is probably a reason why Mr. Weasley wants to make sure they are early. After all, Ron had said that his dad never leaves for work until the last possible moment, wanting to spend as much time with his wife and kids as possible.

Secretly, Harry's jealous of Ron having such a loving a family and of him having parents. However, Harry will never admit his feelings to Ron. It's not Ron's fault Harry's parents are dead, after all.

"Alright there, Harry?" Mr. Weasley asks him once again. Harry just nods as his anxiety about the hearing comes back. "Right, well, we shall be off. C'mon, Harry." Harry hurries after Mr. Weasley, sparing a hopefully reassuring look to Remus and Sirius. It probably comes off as a grimace, though.


As they walk through Muggle London and take a ride in a cramped phone booth off to the side of the road, Harry can't help the continuous sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Harry wishes that he had at least some toast before he left because now his stomach is not only growling, but he feels even sicker from not eating.

Maybe it's not nerves that are making him sick; perhaps he actually is beginning to catch something. That would be his luck, wouldn't it? Get sick before going to Hogwarts and have everyone fuss over him even more.

Harry pulls from his thoughts and sees Mr. Weasley struggling with the subway card reader. Harry swipes his own card straight across it and Mr. Weasley says, "Aha!" Harry might have laughed a little at his reaction and fascination with the Muggle items around him had he not been so nervous about the outcome of his hearing.

Sirius had promised Harry that he would do everything in his power to make sure he wouldn't go back to Dursleys. What if Sirius did everything he could do, but it wasn't enough? What if Sirius went and killed the Dursleys and got himself locked back in Azkaban? Harry can't live with the knowledge that because of Sirius' desire to protect Harry from the Dursleys, upon Harry's confession of being abused, that he ended up in Azkaban.

How far would Sirius go to make sure Harry never ended up with the Dursleys again? Surely Sirius wouldn't go as far as killing them, would he? Then again, why wouldn't he? They have hurt his Godson. What's some time in Azkaban if he has already spent twelve years there? He could survive another five years or so. After all, Sirius can be rash. However, hadn't Sirius proven that he isn't always rash?

Harry shakes his head to clear the conflicting thoughts as they finally walk off onto the ministry floor. Mr. Weasley leads Harry to an elevator and they get on. A woman's voice sounds through the speaker announcing which floor they are currently on. Nervous, Harry focuses on all the different people that get on and off the elevator. A large black man gets on and Harry recognizes him to be Kingsley. Kingsley whispers something in Mr. Weasley's ear and Mr. Weasley mutters, "Oh merlin. Change of plans Harry," he says simply.

"What," Harry questions already worried enough.

"They moved your trial an hour early. I knew we were right to leave an hour early." Harry's heart jumps to his throat and starts beating fast. He wasn't expecting the trial being backed an hour. At this point Harry can hardly breathe. Finally, the elevator stops and that same female voice sounds, "Department of Mysteries."

As Mr. Weasley leads him out of the elevator Harry shivers at the unnatural chill the stone walls and polished, black floor emits. On this level there are no windows to the outside. The only light provided is from the torches on the walls. The stone walls and similarly dark floors create a chilly, mysterious, and almost deadly atmosphere. The narrowness of the corridors only adds to the deadly and bone-chilling atmosphere. This atmosphere does nothing to help Harry's anxiety.

They pass a corridor with Lucius Malfoy, in all his arrogance, talking to Cornelius Fudge. Upon seeing Harry, Lucius stops and supplies a superior and smug look at the two. Grim faced, Mr. Weasley steadily stares Malfoy down and ushers Harry on, his gaze never leaving Malfoy's cold one.

"Well Harry," Mr. Weasley says in an 'all-for-the-best' voice, "I'm afraid I can't follow you past this point. Good luck." With this, Harry swallows painfully and opens the doors. As the doors start to close, he briefly sees Mr. Weasley offer him another confident smile, before they shut Harry off and leave him with a trapped feeling.

Turning around, Harry slowly makes his way down the stairs hoping to prolong his sure to be expulsion from Hogwarts. Then, that's when he feels them—dementors. His heart falls to the bottom of his stomach. He tries to steady his quickly growing anxiety. He wipes his sweaty palms on his dress pants nervously. He does his best to hide his fear. He barely manages to, and the dementors are not helping his situation. Finally, he looks at the large chair in the middle of the courtroom with chains hanging off it. For a second, Harry can see them expelling him and the chains encasing him as the dementors cart him off to Azkaban. The thought alone nearly makes Harry scream in fear and panic.

"Mr. Harry James Potter," Fudge starts in a pompous voice. A large group of judges sit all around him. "It's great to have your presence, late as you are." Harry swallows at Fudge's cold voice. This is not the same voice Fudge had used back in the summer when he accidently blown up his aunt.

"I'm sorry, sir. I was not aware that the time of the hearing had been changed." Fudge's face is impassive.

"Right; have a seat and we shall begin." Harry quickly takes a seat and tries his best to ignore the dementors and the chains on the arms of the chair. "Disciplinary hearing of the twelfth of August," Fudge says in his still pompous voice. His voice starts to grate on Harry's nerves. "Into offenses committed under the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery and the International Statute of Secrecy by Harry James Potter, resident at number four Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. Interrogators: Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister of Magic; Amelia Susan Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister. Court Scribe, Percy Ignatius Weasley—,"

"—Witness for the defense, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," a quiet voice from behind Harry says. Harry quickly turns his head, causing his neck to crack. Lo and behold, Dumbledore is striding gracefully across the room wearing long midnight-blue robes and a perfectly calm expression. His long sliver beard and hair gleams in the torchlight as he draws level with Harry and looks up at Fudge through the half-moon glasses that rest halfway down his very crooked nose.

There is a mixed reaction from the members of the Wizengamot; some are muttering, some look annoyed, and others look slightly frightened; however, two elderly witches in the back row raise their hands and wave in welcome. Once again, had it not been for his nerves, Harry would have laughed at the two witches' reactions. For once, all eyes were on Dumbledore, not on Harry. Fudge looks absolutely livid with his face contorted in clear dislike. However, the flustered look Fudge has does not go unnoticed by Harry.

As Dumbledore conjures up a chair and sits down with the tips of his long fingers steepled, he looks at Fudge with an expression of polite interest. Harry feels a little more light-spirited at seeing Dumbledore. Perhaps he might just win the hearing after all.

Sometime later Dumbledore sweeps from the room and Mrs. Figg, who had witnessed Harry fight the dementors off and turned out to be a squib, calmly gets up and spares a small wink and knowing smile to Harry before turning on her heel and walking away. Harry soon follows. As it turns out, thanks to Dumbledore's smooth defending and Mrs. Figg's honest testimony, Harry is cleared of all charges.

Still dazed at how things had fallen in his favor for once, Harry absentmindedly takes his wand back from the indifferent guard and abruptly stops—where would Mr. Weasley be? How is Harry supposed to go home? Suddenly, Harry felt extremely insignificant in this moment. However, as Harry proceeds to walk on, he nearly slams straight into Mr. Weasley.

"Ah, Harry, wonderful! I was just looking for you. I didn't see you leave the courtroom, I'm afraid. How did the hearing go? I ran into Dumbledore but he did not say anything on the matter." For the first time in a while Harry feels truly happy.

"Cleared—of all charges," Harry says brightly. Mr. Weasley claps on him on his shoulder.

"Excellent. Of course, with the evidence there was no way—the whole court—honestly," he cuts himself off several times before becoming silent. "Anyway, I'm going to take you straight home on my way to fix that toilet in Bethnal Green so that you can tell everyone the wonderful news! I know Ron and Hermione will be especially happy." Harry can't help but smile at the thought of seeing Ron and Hermione again. He's going back to Hogwarts! He won't have to worry about the Dursleys for quite some time now! However, Harry doesn't know that today will not be a day for celebration—at least, not entirely.


Upon arriving at Grimauld Place, Harry is quickly enveloped in a hug from Mrs. Weasley. Before either of them have a chance to say anything, he's assaulted by Ron and Hermione and then by Sirius and Remus. By the time all of them have let him breath, Mr. Weasley is already saying that he must be off.

"Harry, how did the hearing go?" Harry, still in slight shock at once again avoiding expulsion from Hogwarts, doesn't know who asks this.

"Cleared, of all charges." There is a collective cheer from everyone in the room.

"I told you that you had nothing to worry about, Harry," Sirius says happily. Harry can't help but match his smile. Fred and George give Harry a high-five at managing to get out of trouble once again. Nothing could ruin Harry's mood.

"Right, considering that it's lunch now, let us sit down and eat, yes," Mrs. Weasley asks pleasantly. Harry is quick to take his usual spot beside Sirius. This time, Harry puts generous amounts of food on his plate and hungrily eats; with his nerves gone, Harry feels especially famished. This pleases Remus and Sirius as well as Mrs. Weasley, all three of whom noticed how worriedly thin Harry was.

A few minutes after everyone finishes, the twins Apperate away with large smiles on their faces and Ron and Hermione get up to leave. Harry goes to leave as well but Sirius grabs a hold of Harry's sleeve.

"Can we have a word, Harry," Sirius asks pleasantly, sharing a meaningful look with Remus. A flash of fear flits across Harry's face. Have Remus and Sirius found out his secret? The nervousness from before his trial is back. "Don't worry, Harry; you're not in trouble." Sirius says brightly. Harry doubts this but follows his two guardians out the door and into the formal living room just off of the kitchen anyway.

Once there, Remus shuts the door behind them and casts a silencing charm on it. This does nothing to ease Harry's anxiety. Sirius sits down on one of the couches and invites Harry to sit beside him. Harry stiffly takes a seat beside him. At this moment his heart is pounding in his chest. For a brief moment Harry wonders if, in the silence, the two guardians can hear it.

"Harry," Remus starts gently, "we hate to ruin your ecstatic mood, but we have a few questions we need to ask you."

"Then don't ask them," Harry says in a half-hearted attempt at a joke. Remus and Sirius smile sadly at this.

"Haveyoubeencutting," Sirius spits out quickly, making Remus sigh tiredly. Sirius is forever tactful. Harry blinks at this.

"What?" Sirius draws in a deep breath.

"Have you been…cutting?" Harry squirms slightly under the inquisitive looks Remus and Sirius have on their faces.

"No, of course not," Harry says just a bit too quickly. Remus and Sirius frown at this. They both know Harry's lying. They also both know that Harry is just as uncomfortable as they are; perhaps even more so.

"We're not angry, y'know," Remus offers gently. Harry averts his eyes.

"I know." Subconsciously, Harry scratches behind his left ear.

"Do you?" Sirus inquires remarkably calm. Harry looks up at Sirius before quickly averting his eyes. Harry has never seen such caring and worried eyes on him before. He isn't sure if he likes or doesn't like their concern for him.

"Yes," Harry says firmly. Silence fills up the room and, despite its growing heaviness, Harry makes no attempt to break it. Sirius sighs tiredly.

"Why do you do it, pup?" His voice isn't accusing, or angry, or shocked; his voice sounds sad. Harry continues to stare at his shoe laces. That's the question he hates the most. The disappointment that is clear in Sirius' voice makes Harry nearly break down. He doesn't want to disappoint Sirius.

"Is it because of the Dursleys?" Remus asks Harry gently. Harry silently nods.

"That, among other things…" Both men frown at Harry's answer.

"What else, pup?" Harry shrinks further down into the couch. He has that insignificant feeling again.

"Cedric, being kept in the dark, hate…"

"Hate at what," Remus asks curiously. What could Harry possibly hate so much that would make him do something like this?

"…myself," Harry barely whispers. Remus and Sirius frown at this.

"Why do you hate yourself?" Sirius asks gently. Harry looks up at him.

"I just do." Harry looks away again and visibly stiffens when he feels Sirius wrap an arm around his shoulders.

"Harry, I can assure you that there is nothing to hate yourself over. You are one of the kindest, most considerate boys I have ever known. What happened to Cedric…it wasn't your fault," Sirius says softly.

"But it is! If I hadn't told him to take the cup with me…"

"Harry," Remus starts softly but firmly, "you were just being yourself. You couldn't have possibly known it was a Portkey. Sirius would do the same, I would do the same, and even your parents would have done the same. It's called being fair, Harry." Harry doesn't say anything in response to this.

"We need to remove anything sharp. And, I'd like your wand," Sirius states grimly, adding the last part on as though it is an afterthought. Harry stutters for a full minute at the insanity of it all. He's not a danger to himself! He needs his wand! Take away anything sharp, fine, but his wand? Really? They know he's underage and they know that he would never perform magic outside of school unless he absolutely has to, unless…his eyes widen with realization. They don't trust him anymore! Not after the dementors! Harry feels hot anger boil in his veins.

Harry takes a moment to calm his self and he sees the sad eyes of his Godfather and ex-professor. Said Godfather's hand is outstretched. Then, something just snaps.

Before Harry can register what happens, he shoves past his two guardians, darts from the room, runs up to his and Ron's room, and slams the door. Harry drags the heavy dresser across the floor and barricades the door. If Ron wants in, then he will just have to suck it up—Harry's not coming out or moving the dresser for anything in the world.

Harry briefly registers the knocks at the door. He's busy being curled up in the corner sobbing. It's not right, he never asked for this—he never asked for the fame or for the utmost admiration. Yet, everyone thinks he wants it all; the Daily Prophet certainly believes so, and now apparently Sirius and Remus believe he's seeking attention. Isn't his life just wonderful?

Harry doesn't know how long he stays curled up but he eventually uncurls himself and looks around the now dark room. Various shadows dance on the walls as if to mock him with their happiness. The dull rays of the almost full moon intensify the gloomy atmosphere of the room. Harry sighs tiredly. Maybe he shouldn't have done that to his two guardians—he had no idea the full moon is so close. Harry winces as he can only imagine how much pain Remus is in now—Harry may have just intensified that pain. This thought makes him curl back in on his self. Why does he have to make everyone around him suffer?

Eventually, Harry moves the dresser back, unlocks the door, and walks down the hall and up two more flights of stairs. When he reaches a specific room, Harry breathes in deeply and slowly opens the door. There, back against a wall, laid a magnificent half eagle, half horse creature with shiny orange eyes, a grey beak, and grey and white feathers. The feathers stop at the base of the creature's neck and turn into sleek, grey hair that you would find on a horse. Its tail is silky and grey as well and it resembles a horse's tail. No matter how many times Harry has seen Buckbeak the Hippogriff, the creature always manages to take his breath away.

After the customary greetings, Harry sits down and Buckbeak slowly treads over to Harry before settling down again. Harry absentmindedly pets Buckbeak, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of this day and all those weeks with the Dursleys. They left him alone for most of the summer but about mid-July they became less afraid of "his lot" and Uncle Vernon started the abuse back up. His aunt, as usual, did nothing. His cousin, Dudley, is very much the reincarnate of his father.

The door to Buckbeak's room opens and Sirius, with a slightly surprised look on his face, walks in. Harry continues to pet Buckbeak, pointedly ignoring his Godfather. Sirius tries to hide the hurt he feels. Harry doesn't hate him that much, does he? No, of course not, it is not in Harry's personality to hate anyone, even Draco Malfoy.

There is silence in the room and neither of the two breaks it; Sirius because he wants Harry to talk first, Harry because he doesn't want to talk at all, especially not to Sirius of all people. Harry's still a bit angry over the whole matter. Buckbeak screeches once as he attempts to get both peoples' attention. After about five whole minutes of comfortable silence Harry speaks up.

"Why did you want my wand?" Sirius regards his godson wearily.

"I can assure you Harry I trust you not to use it outside of school unless you're in danger." Harry blinks at his godfather in confusion.


"It's clear on your face. What's that Muggle phrase? Where there's a way there's a will?"

"It's where there's a will, there's a way," Harry automatically corrects Sirius. Sirius attempts to smile at this; however, his mouth doesn't move from its relaxed position.

"Right; you might not use it to conjure anything or whatever but you could easily attempt to stab your eye out or at least press the tip against your arms or legs or neck or what have you long enough to leave a nasty bruise. It's just a precaution." Harry doesn't say anything in return to this. Wow, was he wrong; Sirius wanted his wand, not because he and Remus don't trust him to use magic outside of school, but because it can also be used as a weapon. It makes sense.

"I never wanted this, y'know," Harry states plainly after a few minutes. Sirius tilts his head to the side.

"What did you never want?"

"Fame, recognition, attention, tragedy, for other people to die for me or because of me," Harry explains quietly. Sirius frowns in deep thought. The room goes silent again for another long moment until Sirius finally breaks it.

"Harry, everyone who has sense and knows you understands that you don't want any of that. In fact, once James matured, he didn't really care for it either. As for people dying, what you must understand Harry is that those who die for you love you; if they did not love you, then they would just let you die. Where Cedric is concerned, you did not know the cup was a Portkey and I'm sure had you known then you would have told Cedric not to take the cup; and, logically, not take it yourself." Harry doesn't comment on this but he does say something else instead.

"Sirius, why is that everyone close to me dies?" Sirius frowns at Harry's question and sighs tiredly.

"Harry, take a look around you—I'm not dead, Remus isn't dead, the twins, Ginny, Ron and Hermione, Molly…they're not dead and you're close to them, right?" Harry nods his head. "Well, I rest my case then."

A few more minutes of comfortable silence passes before Sirius stands up happily. Harry follows him.

"Well, I'm going downstairs. I could use some tea, feel free to come along." Harry agrees and, without even thinking about it, embraces Sirius in a tight hug. Sirius smiles brightly and hugs Harry just as tightly back. When they break apart, Sirius has the knife he gave Harry back in his hand. At Harry's questioning look, Sirius simply says, "You can have this back when you're no longer harming yourself." Harry's smile falls as he averts his eyes from Sirius.

"I understand," Harry finally says indifferently. Sirius ruffles his Godson's already messy hair affectionately as they say goodbye to Buckbeak and walk down the stairs, to the basement, and into the kitchen. Harry's met with a surprise as Remus is sitting at the table drinking some tea. Remus looks up at the two and smiles warmly. Harry frowns because he can see the exhaustion on Remus' face.

"I'm surprised you two are up at this hour; especially you, Harry. How are you feeling?" Sirius smiles down at Harry and ruffles his hair once again before he walks into the kitchen and sits down in front of Remus.

"Definitely not tired," Harry says, failing miserably to stifle a yawn. Both of his guardians laugh at his typical teen antics. Harry walks in and sits down beside Sirius.

"Would you like some tea, Harry? Sirius?" Harry nods his head and Sirius shakes his own.

"No, Moony; I think I'm going to get me something a little stronger," he says slightly tiredly. Remus only frowns but says nothing more. Clearly, Sirius was up due to a nightmare about Azkaban again.

"Well, Harry, are you hungry at all? You missed dinner." Harry yawns again and shakes his head.

"I'm fine; thanks," he offers as he sits in a chair only slightly lost in his thoughts as Remus gets up to make some tea. Sirius sits down shortly after with a small glass of fire whiskey. For a split second, Harry wonders what it would taste like—would it taste good? Would the fire whiskey live up to its name and burn his throat? Would it provide comfort or will it only make him feel worse? Sirius looks up at Harry curiously and then realization dawns on his face. However, he says nothing on the matter. Every teenager is normally tempted to try some kind of alcohol; however, Harry's much smarter than that and he would never drink the vile liquid. Then again…Harry has been feeling pretty down recently and, after he learned of his godson's…little problem, Sirius isn't too sure what Harry would or wouldn't do anymore. After a while, Remus comes back with two steaming cups of tea.

"So, Harry, what are you doing up?" Remus asks curiously, as he sips from the soothing tea.

"Couldn't sleep; reckon Ron's snoring kept me up—he sounds like a lion," Harry offers easily, not willing to admit to himself or his guardians that he had yet another traumatizing nightmare. Remus and Sirius laugh at this and Sirius launches into a story about James.

"Your father, Harry, was a horrendous snorer. Poor Moony here was lucky if he could actually get to sleep most nights. Well, Moony had enough of your father's snoring and he put a silencing charm on James. It worked—until James woke up in the morning and realized that he couldn't talk for the rest of the day. James never did figure out who did it, even after Moony reversed the charm." Harry laughs so hard tears come to his eyes and he has to take large breaths just to calm down. The force of Sirius' laughter causes him to fall backwards and roll on the floor laughing. Remus, meanwhile, just smiles mischievously.

A few more minutes pass by as Remus, Sirius, and Harry share stories from school until Harry starts to become drowsy—it must be the third hot cup of tea he has ingested. Harry fights to stay awake so that he can spend more time with his guardians but he eventually closes his eyes and falls into a peaceful sleep for once. Remus and Sirius continue to talk for a few more minutes before they realize that Harry is asleep. Sirius carefully picks Harry up and notes how fearfully light Harry is for his age. After Sirius places Harry to bed, he walks back down to the kitchen with Remus and pours himself another glass of fire whiskey. Remus pours himself a glass as well and the two adults sit in silence for a while.

"So," Sirius says, breaking the silence in the room, "what do you we think we should do from here?" Remus takes a small sip as he thinks on the matter.

"I suppose we just watch him and see if he stops; if he doesn't, then we can get him professional help." Sirius takes a small sip of his own glass before he speaks.

"What are we going to do about his not eating?" Remus downs the rest of his shot and sighs tiredly.

"I suppose we will just have to keep encouraging him to eat. There's hardly anything we can do at this point." Sirius also downs his shot of fire whiskey.

"Alright, I suppose I can live with that. I'm concerned about the increasing frequency of his nightmares, however. Do you think we should offer him some Dreamless Sleep potion? I mean, you don't suppose he will get addicted to it, do you?" Remus sighs tiredly. The full moon is growing ever closer and it is taking a toll on his already weak body.

"That could work, but perhaps we should owl Madam Pomfrey just to be certain?" Sirius nods his head.

"I suppose we should." With this, the two talk about Sirius' own nightmares of Azkaban before they leave for the comfort of their beds. There is no telling what tomorrow will bring. Hopefully, Harry will be in a much better mood tomorrow and will be able to actually get some good quality sleep tonight.

AN: Wow! This chapter ended up being A LOT longer than I thought it would be! I'm actually proud of myself since I managed to stick strictly to my basic outline for this chapter and not cast it aside as the plot bunnies take over, as I normally end up doing. I want to thank all of my favoriters, reviewers, and alerters; you guys are truly wonderful people that inspire me to keep working. I especially want to thank my beta reader as she works to make my stories all the better to you people out there! Although I have several more ideas for this story, I would enjoy your input! If you want something to happen in this, I will be more than happy to add it to my story, if it fits in with the plot.

As always, I hope I see you in the future as this story is nowhere near finished! :D

With care,

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