Author has written 10 stories for Beyblade, Saiyuki, D N Angel, Harry Potter, and Ninja Turtles. HEY! well first of all welcome to my profile thing! i'll make things nice and short since you're probably want to go and read more stories! NOTE: I AM IN SCHOOL PPLS!! THAT MEANS THAT I DO GET HOMEWORK, PROJECTS, TESTS, ETC. SO I CAN'T UPDATE EVERY 3 SECONDS! so i've made a list of what will be updated the fastest and the slowest: Highest Priority: Phantom of the Opera: Beyblade Style Face of Stone Soul Bonded Why Me? Working On: ChibiResponsiblityandLove? Why Did I Ever Let You Go? Fatal Blow Thief's Code On Hiatus Until Farther Notice: Deal With It Confusion well that's about it, i will leave now so you can get on with your reading! |