![]() Author has written 7 stories for Bleach, Code Geass, Naruto, and Sekirei. Update: May 24, 2012 Hey again, everyone. It’s been a bit hellish for me since I last updated. Stressful daily living, extremely difficult college classes, and the clusterfuck that was BioWare’s excuse for Mass Effect 3’s ending. Plus, looking back on my previous profile update, I came across as a first-rate douche bag. So, here’s a more polite, and more personal take on this Eothr Si’lan. Pen name: Eothr Si’lan. I came up with it almost a decade ago when I began the process of reading and writing fanfiction. It’s a mixture of Tolkeinian and my own personalization. Eothr is pronounced much like the people of Rohan, like Eomer and Eowyn. The “E” is pronounced as a long “A” and the “thr” is pronounced like “thur” in Thursday. The “Si’lan” is a hybrid of “silver land”, but the “a” in “lan” is a short a, like the “ah” sound. Personality: I’m a Gemini, born in the Year of the Dragon. My elemental affinity is Earth. I’m an only child with self-diagnosed Asperger’s Disorder. I like video games, Oriental food, and dark horse fanon romances. I dislike physical labor, tequila, and Harry Potter. My hobbies include listening to the Critical Hit Dungeons and Dragons Podcast, gaming, and reading fanfiction. My dream for the future is to one day start my own video game development company, Tsuchi Ryuu Yuugi (“Earth Dragon Games”). Favorite Anime/Manga: Bleach, Outlaw Star, Trigun, OuranHigh School Host Club, Hana Kimi: For You in Full Bloom, Negima! Magister Negi Magi, Blood plus, Zoids, Naruto (before the Year of Filler; and NOT Shippuden), Code Geass Favorite Movies: Star Wars Saga, The Last Samurai, The Fifth Element, Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, The Lion King, Quest for Camelot, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Dragonheart, WALL-E, How to Train Your Dragon, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’hooule, Ironman, Man on Fire, Spaceballs, The Sandlot Favorite Actors: Sean Connery, Denzel Washington, James Earl Jones, Patrick Stewart Favorite Books: The Percy Jackson and the Olympian series and The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan, Eragon by Christopher Paolini, the X-Wing series by Michael A. Stackpole and Aaron Alston, I,Jedi by Michael A. Stackpole, (and once upon a time, the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, but I grew to hate it after Book 5, so I finished the last two on principle and was glad to be done with them) Favorite Games: Ogre Battle 64: The Person of Lordly Caliber, the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess, the Mass Effect Trilogy (except for the last 10 minutes of ME3!!), the Halo series, Fallout 3, Brutal Legend, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Tales of Symphonia, Skies of Arcadia, the Fire Emblem series (not Shadow Dragon though…), the Golden Sun series, Pokemon Silver Version (generation 2, folks!), Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition (pen and paper style, baby!) -Addendum- Need to rethink my challenge before I put it up again For any and all who love D&D and RPGs, I listen to a podcast called Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast. It’s a live-play D&D 4E podcast put on by the Major Spoilers crew, and is completely free. If you like D&D or RPGs in general, check it out. Episode 3, Dramatis Personae, starts off with character creation for the n00b Stephen Schleicher, Major Spoilers founder, with the group’s Dungeon Master Rodrigo Lopez; Episodes 4-7 introduce 3 of the party members and Episode 8, In the Ruins of Moonhold, the final group set out on their Heroic Tier quest to save the world! The entire series is very comedic and educational, with a number of Q&A episodes, vignettes with B characters, a Dungeon Master’s Workshop between season’s 2 &3, and a few off-season specials involving other WotC D&D products and alternate campaigns. Check it out! |