Author has written 11 stories for Magic Knight Rayearth/魔法騎士レイアース, StarTrek: Voyager, Card Captor Sakura, Animorphs, Harry Potter, and Kingdom Hearts. BIG MAJOR NEWS: I'M MOVING EVERYTHING TO MY LIVEJOURNAL. IS JUST TOO ANNOYING TO DEAL WITH. I WILL STILL READ WHAT I CAN, BUT I'M NEVER POSTING HERE AGAIN! ANIMAIL WILL BE RE-POSTED AND CONTINUED ON MY LIVEJOURNAL, ABOVE. EVENTUALLY, I'M GETTING RID OF THIS ACCOUNT...I SWEAR.UPDATE: I really don't like anymore...the restrictions are way uncool. Don't look for any updates that much, unless on Animail!, just to tick 'em off. However, I'm going to be wrapping up Animail! this summer, and then I'll prolly just stick to writing one-shot fics. Thanks to everyone who supports Animail! and a bigger thanks to everyone who doesn't report it. Hi! I'm just your normal author (are there any normal authors on ?) well, as normal as we get! I luv Anime (Gundam Wing, Fushigi Yugi, Ayashi no Ceres, Shojo Kakumei Utena, Magic Knight Rayearth, Crest of the Stars, Saber Marionette J, Cardcaptor Sakura, Tenchi Muyo, and Escaflowne), Star Trek (Voyager, Enterprise, and the New Frontier books), Animorphs, and tons more . . . In cluding a recent obsession with West Wing and Yami no Matsuei... More on Me (like you peeps care)* My Muses* Name: Auroral Name: Heero Yuy Disclaimers: I don't own anything I write for aside from the original characters (Cere-Cere, Nadeshiko, and Clefa) which are figments of my imagination. I make no money writing this stuff (cuz if I did, I'd write more!) 0.~ I support Duet Maxine! |