Author has written 24 stories for Animorphs, Harry Potter, and Bible. To all the people who read/have read my work on this wonderful website: Thank you so much for everything. The reviews, the threats of death if I didn't update, the constructive criticism, the flames, and everything else. They meant the world to me when I was writing on here, and I still smile whenever I get a new review. Unfortunately, times have changed... I'm now in college studying English, and when I have time to write for fun, it's all original stuff (currently working on a novel as well as several short stories and poems) that I choose not to post because I hope to publish it one day. I've turned into one of the authors I always hated who wrote something people wanted more of, but they never finished it. For some of the stories, my muse just stopped bringing ideas; for others, I simply didn't have time to write them; and for one, life just changed so much that it's now impossible for me to write. However, because I hate authors like me so much, I do hope to one day finish The Unbeatable, even if I do so eighty years from now. Therefore, here's the status of each unfinished story: The Contact: First of a trilogy; continued in The Carried. The Carried: Second in the trilogy; continued in The Unbeatable. The Unbeatable: Last of the trilogy. Unfinished for now. On a quite possibly permanent hiatus. The American Animagi: Unfinished; will be left unfinished forever. Unfortunately, with the advent of the sixth Harry Potter book and some personal life changes I - as well as Shawna, Cassi, and Lenny - have made, the story simply cannot be continued. Please know that all of you who gave me such wonderful reviews are the people who gave me the courage to write and the confidence to continue. I'm now studying Creative Writing thanks to all of you, and when I publish, it will be because all of you were kind enough to leave a friendly comment or two. To those of you who gave constructive criticism or even flamed me, you are the people who allowed me to improve my writing, and my fiction would still be at the same level as it was in The Contact without you. FanFiction meant more to me than I could ever explain, but I've moved to a different point in my life, and I can no longer update like I used to. One day, perhaps, a long time from now... In the mean time, please keep an eye out for my original work. Hopefully I'll be able to publish at some point soon... If you have any questions, feel free to email me; I still use the same email as listed above. Once again, thank you for everything. I wouldn't be me today if it weren't for FFN. Sincerely, Allee, aka Ax. |
Aidyn Elcrom (0) Ami of Destiny (1) Chibi Chang (4) divel-17 (0) Graceful Blondie (0) Kate13 (4) | Lady Ardnassac (7) Lenny L (3) lightdiva (1) Lillybell04 (0) Olympian (4) | Peacockgirl (23) phennphenn (1) quackingduk (0) |