Author has written 61 stories for Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Misc. Games. Miiverse Survivors: Ya ha ha, you found Mommy! My brain has been abducted by Xenoblade X, to the point that I've lost my car I like writing to prompts!: I'm writing Hourly Challenge. On Twitter, every Friday there is a group doing the challenge of doing as much art as they can draw in one hour. Writing also welcome; they are very kind. If you want to join and can't track them down, hit me up. I take more than one hour sometimes... Yellow (Nopon father and son), HB & Veena the OC (3, no, 4 stories, H.B. is slightly scuffed), Indigen (Frye loses his pet grex, H.B. is slightly scuffed, this is a theme), Cross (Doug has h2h with 3 different Crosses about Ch. 11), Dual Shot (Lao and Murdress are caught smoking), Cutscene (Nagi vs Marnuck you know what I mean), Spidey the Skell (Doug & Alexa test an OC skell, 8 story monster arc, done!). If I'm writing Tatsu & Lin, you know I'm tired. Earlier: Apriltober 2020, 30 stories, 30 days. It was even more fun because readers gave me cool prompts, thank you! Husbands (blue speech bubble xenos and human), Just be Normal (Irina & Frye), Breakfast Challenge (Hope & Celica), French Class (Neesae and Rosie the OCs). Also two multi-part stories, Team Tobias (Tobias and Veven and Graham, oh my) and Hey Buddy (also a guest prompt! Frye, Phog, & a cave). Finished it with ridiculous Vandham&Lila the OC fluff, Guts (one last friend prompt, but mostly gave me permission to go wild). Happy 5th Anniversary: Build a Xeno, in which the Ma-non do not quite understand what BLADE wants from them, but Nagi and Vandham try to explain, carefully. Complete: Drunkard, Hobo, Liar. Started as an angsty slice of life in NLA, became an epic about the fallout from an even more angsty mission in Sylvalum, bouncing among 3 characters. Drunkard, Frye, of course. Hobo, a wreck of a character, but he's canon. Liar, Case the Headcase. Drunkard's Walk (harm warning), Leftovers, SRO Housing (lesser harm), featuring the Liar and the Hobo. Warning Label., Frye trying to drink the unspeakable. Wake Up Call, Irina is chill itself compared to this trio. OG Liar & Liar Duet, Case seeks help from Lila the OG OC. Half Truths, Spoiler Pt. 1, Spoiler Pt. 2, (harm!) it was a bad day in Sylvalum. Bedtime Stories, Case and Frye talk. Work Break, Excused Absence, Staycation, how I spent my vacation, in three parts, And, finally, Redshift, an alternate view of drunkards, hobos, and liars. My indulgent favorite is a non-Cross OC named Lila and her band of refueling station attendants, near the West Gate. She used to like Vandham once upon a time (and they still automatically flirt with each other if I don't pay careful attention to them). I have a lot of non-Cross OCs, filling up the city I love so much. My own Crosses don't get as much love. Roo, my true Cross, remains pretty arcane. Case, my baby Cross, has more fiction, primarily The Great Skell Robbery, which includes Nagi taking down a skell before morning coffee and Gwin falling into the gel moat, plus Drunkard, Hobo, Liar. I need to admit that I now have third Cross, Neesae, because she WILL keep showing up in stories and has a save file (only offline ... I needed it for the screenshots ... it was for a friend, honest). My WiiU connects again! |
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