Author has written 37 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Pokémon, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, X-Files, Harry Potter, X-overs, Red Dwarf, Stargate: SG-1, Doctor Who, Scrubs, Hex, Heroes, Torchwood, The Santa Clause, and Supernatural. I'm a girl, Dutch and that sums up those boring facts. My fanfics are all over the place, fandom-wise. It all depends on what I'm interested in. Homepage link goes to my LiveJournal if you wish to know more, for some odd reason. |
A.J.I. Ven (1) cyberwulf (57) damnmydooah (15) | Kojiro1 (4) Riona (58) scarlet dragon (6) | Tea-Cub (27) Whoopyfox (0) |