Something worse than chibis? Oh yeah!

Disclaimer: Not mine, none of it. Happy?

Do you know all those stories where the characters get turned into chibis and all hell breaks lose? I thought of something
that's even worse than chibi's. Strangely, I got the idea for this story in a disco. Maybe it was the drinks, maybe it was
me being weird, but it's where I get most of my idea's. By the way, it's chibi Trunks, and he's 16. Bra isn't in the story,
she's staying at a friend, or something.

Rating: PG/PG-13, for safety. I don't really know how this rating thing goes, but there's some swearing and mild violence.
And drinking.

Bulma looked at the wires on her desk. She was working on a new experiment, and it was almost ready. She hoped Vegeta
wouldn't storm in because he broke the gravity machine, again. But even if that happened, Goku would be able to calm him
down. "Right. I've attached the blue wire to the reddish one. Now I only have to attach the green one, and I can test it."
After doing this, she pushed a button, and expected a ray to come out of the machine, but nothing happened. "I wonder what
went wrong?"

"Now Kakarot, see if you can dodge this one!" Vegeta shot a blast at one of the training bots, but it didn't reflect like it
always did. It absorbed the blast. Goku scratched his head. "They're not supposed to do that, are they?" He wondered. Vegeta
was as surprised as Goku, but didn't show it. "Thing's probably broken." Goku flew closer to the bots. "It doesn't look
broken. Maybe it's absorbed it, and spits it out when we don't expect it. It would make it more realistic. After all, you
have been complaining it was too easy." He turned to Vegeta, who was considering this. A beam shot out of the bot, and hit
Goku, who fell on the floor, unconscious. Vegeta smirked. "Pityful. And he's supposed to be the best fighter-" His little
unheard speech was cut off by another beam from the bot, and it hit Vegeta, who fell unconscious.

Bulma had checked her wires for the third time, but couldn't find what was wrong with it. Eventually, she had given up, and
had started dinner. "Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, dinner's ready!" Trunks came, but Goku and Vegeta didn't, which was surprising
since Goku was usually the first. "Mum, where's dad and Goku?" Trunks wondered. "I don't know, maybe something went wrong.
But it's probably your father not willing to stop training yet." She answered.
"I'll check on them." Trunks offered, and went to the gravity room. When he saw his dad and Goku unconscious, he dragged
them out and called his mother. Bulma didn't really know what to do, but she thought it would be better if they would just
rest, and she and Trunks ate dinner alone.

The next morning Vegeta woke up with a headache, and vaguely remembered what happened.
He noticed the room seemed bigger, and when he got out of bed to answer nature's call, he noticed how the door was bigger.
When he saw his reflection in the bathroommirror, he was sure something was wrong. He was 4 inches shorter than yesterday,
and he saw something he didn't like. Something he hadn't seen in years. One of his biggest nightmares. It was big, it was
red, it was "A pimple? I'm not a teenager, I shouldn't get these. WOMAAAAN! What have you done to me!" He screamed. Bulma
was just as surprised as Vegeta, and checked on the still sleeping Goku. He was shorter as well, but he didn't have a
pimple. "Vegeta, what happened in the gravity room anyway?" She asked, while examining Goku. "Well, I shot a blast at one
of those training bots, but that thing absorbed it. Kakarot said that was weird, and I thought something was wrong with
them. The bot blasted a beam at Kakarot, and he fell unconscious, pathetic weakling. The bot also shot me, and I probably
passed out as well." He replied. "Making you an pathetic weakling as well," mumbled Bulma. "What?"
"Nothing, nothing. Come, I want to take some blood tests." She said, walking to the lab. "What about Kakarot?"
"You know he freaks out when you even say 'needle'." Vegeta grinned. "That's true."

After Bulma had taken the blood tests and was busy examining them, Vegeta went to the kitchen, eating breakfast. Goku woke
up as well, and joined him. He was even happier than normal. "Where's Bulma, doesn't she want to eat?" Goku said, his mouth
ful. Vegeta waved vaguely at the lab. "She's in the lab, doing something sciencey. Examining my blood." He replied. "Blood?
Why? 'Cause we fell unconcsious in the gravity room?"
"Probably. She's too worried some times. Pass the salt." Vegeta demanded.
After a short while, Bulma returned, looking worried. "I some bad news for you two. Or maybe it's good, depends how you take
it. The beam that shot out of the bot is probably my fault, I must've mixed up two wires, but that's not the worst." She
swallowed. "The beam turned both of you into teenagers. That's why you're shorter, and why Vegeta has a pimple."
She waited for their reaction. Goku took it rather calm and accepted it. Maybe he just hadn't heard it, because he was
eating. Vegeta exploded, as usual. "You're saying that because of you, I've turned into a brat? You'd better fix it soon."
He threatened. "Calm down Vegeta, there's millions of people who would pay money to be in your shoes." Bulma said. It didn't
calm him down. "Well, shoot them and have them pay, but I am not your lab monkey! Use someone else for your tests!"
"Come on Vegeta, it can be fun! Like Bulma said, millions of people would LOVE to trade with us. Didn't you ever want to
relive your childhood?" Goku said. Vegeta didn't look very enthusiastic. "Well, excuse me for not wanting to relive the
explosion of my beloved planet and most of my race, followed by having to work together with Nappa and Radditz. And as for
my childhood, being raised a prince is not as much fun as people think. The only good thing about is the fact that you're
the second most powerful person on the planet, and servants go out of their way to obey your command." He paused, and
considered something. "On second thought, that was fun, having people run around to obey my every wim..." He was gone in
the land of memories, and Goku and Bulma decided it might be better to leave him there for a while.

After he snapped out of it, Goku was still eating. "Bufglg is gumtdin." Goku said. "What?"
"Bufglg is gumtdin."
"What the hell are you saying? Speak clearly to your prince!"
"BUFGLG IS GUMTDIN!" Goku shouted. Most of the food that had been in his mouth, was now all over the place, including
Vegeta. After he wiped off most off the food, he repeated his previous demand. "Like I said Vegeta, Bulma is in the lab,
finding a way to cure us. Want some more pancakes?" Goku said, covering the mentioned pancakes with syrup and sugar. Vegeta
went do the lab, and ignored Goku saying that Bulma didn't want to be bothered.

For a while, Vegeta kept bothering Bulma, demanding she'd hurry up. Every time she shoved him out and told him she'd tell
them if she was done. After 10 times she was sick of it, so she had to think of something to destract them. 'But what? They
only care about food, training and getting stronger. If only Vegeta could get destracted, Goku just needs an unlimited
supply of food to keep him out.' Then an idea came to her, she might as well make them watch TV. After all, most teenagers
seem to that most of time, so why not them as well? She made them sit on the couch and shoved a educational video in the
VCR. "There now, you two sit here and watch TV, while I work on the solution. You know where to find the food, don't you?"
She said, leaving the room. Vegeta 'hmpf'ed and Goku said something no-one understood, since he was still eating. The video
they were forced to watch was titled: 'The exciting live of the almost extinct red hammerhead shark.' It hadn't been very
exciting so far. Just some doctors explaining why the shark had to be saved from extinction. When Vegeta found the remote
control, he fastforwareded it. 'A fish. This must be the stupid animal. I hope he eats some humans before those old men
start talking nonsense again.' He thought, while a narrator was telling all ins and outs about the life of the almost
extinct red hammerhead shark. Goku had finished his meal, and watched it as well. After five minutes of the non-exciting
life, he fell asleep and started snoring. For once, Vegeta agreed with him. It was mind-numbingly boring. Maybe there were
some better videos. He pressed several buttons on the VCR before it came out. He shoved another one in and pushed the 'play'
button on the remote. A title came on the screen 'Bulma's sixth birthday party'. He smirked. This should be fun. Maybe there
was something in there he could use in their arguments.

The movie started with Dr. Briefs, explaining his wife on how to work the camera. It resulted in some very interesting shots
of the floor, grass and the occasional feet. Some dialogue could be heard as well. "No honey, you should push that button,
no the green one" "I think I got it now dear," "I can edit this out later." After a while, either Mrs. Briefs had gotten the
hang of it, or Dr. Briefs was now operating it. It was the last option, because Mrs. Briefs leapt into view. "Honey, do you
think it's to wake up little Bulma? I've made her favourite breakfast! Peanutbutter with jelly sandwiches!" the camera shook
up and down, indicating that Dr. Briefs was nodding. He went up stairs, followed by Mrs. Briefs with the breakfast. The
camera was now pointed at a door. A sign that said "Bulma" hang on it, and after Dr. Briefs knocked on the door, he entered
and he and his wife started singing 'Happy Birthday'. Bulma started jumping up and down on her bed in excitement. She was
wearing a pair of pink/purple pyama's, and by the side of her bed were a pair of bunny slippers. Her room was covered with
pink wallpaper with pictures of her and her family and posters of cartoon characters, kittens and other furry animals.
Vegeta chuckled at the sight of the little Bulma, and her room filled with girly things. The screen went white for a while,
and the camera was much closer to the ground. When the person behind started talking, Vegeta realized it was Bulma who was
operating it. 'This could get interesting.' He thought. "It's my birthday and I'm six years old now, and I've gotten a
dolly, and a cute stuffed animal," The presents were showed in extreme close-up. "And now my friends are gonna come over and
then we'll play put the tail on the donkey and then we'll have a barbecue and we'll play hide-and-seek and then we'll have
lots and lots and lots of fun!" A girlish giggle came from behind the camera as the 6-year old stepped outside. The garden
was decorated with balloons and other colorful things. Mrs. Briefs was setting the table and Dr. Briefs was fixing the
barbecue. "And here's my mummy and she gave me the dolly. Mummy, say something?" Bulma asked in a irrestiable sweet voice.

Bulma was in the kitchen, fixing a snack when she heard a familiar voice came out the livingroom, followed by burts of
familiar laughter. She looked in the livingroom, wondering what was so funny. She gasped when she saw Vegeta, laughing and
watching a home movie of her sixth birthday party. She grabbed the remote control and grabbed the video out of the VCR and
stormed out of the room. She stormed back in and grabbed the other home movies as well. Vegeta was still chuckling, but had
recovered a little. When he saw her furious expression, he burst out again. She decided to hide the home movies in her lab,
and when she returned, Vegeta stopped chuckling. "Gee, you were a really talented actress. I wonder why you didn't consider
a career in the acting business?" He asked in a sarcastic way. "I've had it. First you bother me about finding a solution,
and next you're watching a different video than the one I put in!" She yelled.
"The other one was dead boring! Look at Kakarot." He pointed at the still sleeping Goku. "He fell asleep because of that
stupid shark."
"Fine, if a shark isn't exciting enough, you can watch a video about the rare purple spickled house-slug!" She shoved the
video in, and a hideous slug came on. "And you WILL watch this one, or you'll stay a teenager forever!" With that threat
she left the room. Vegeta wasn't impressed. He was quite liking this body, despite the pimple-thing. It had the constant
need to annoy other people, no matter what. He shoved in another video, regretting the fact that Bulma took all the home
videos with her. "Maybe she forgot one, you never know." He said, hopeful. By that time Goku had woken up. He took a
interest in the videos, and tried to put in two at the same time, failing miserably. The two Saiyans started a small fight
about who got to put in a video. The fight ended with several destroyed videos, a smashed VCR and two Saiyans who were tied
up by the stringy stuff in the video. They weren't able to move and had to stay where they were until Bulma had gotten out
the lab.

After a few hours, she did. The silence in the house was eerie. 'Maybe they killed each other?' She thought, worried. When
she entered the living room and saw the two men tied up, she had to laugh. "This is NOT funny! I demand you free us NOW!"
Vegeta roared. "Oh, what's the big bad Saiyan prince gonna do? Shout at me? I'm sooo scared." Bulma taunted, smiling. "Just
wait till I get lose! I swear I'll kill you!" He threatened, trying to get out of the strings. "I don't think Trunks would
let that happen. And Bra would be terribly dissapointed."Bulma remarked, and Vegeta muttered some other threats, none of
them involving killing.
"You two stay here and be nice, I'll make dinner." With that, she left the living room, to be greeted by her son, who just
came home from school. He walked in the living room, and laughed even harder than Bulma did, at the sight of both his father
and Goku tied up. He wanted to get his camera and take pictures for future blackmailing, but decided that he wouldn't live
long enough to show them if his dad found out. He sighed, and used a pair of scissors to get them out. "How'd you two get
stuck in there dad? It's practically impossible." He asked. Vegeta shoved him aside and went straight for the bedroom. Goku
was just smiling and nodding and talking nonsense. Trunks walked back to the kitchen, keeping an eye on Goku. "Mum, what
happened to him? He sounds like an idiot."
"That's just from the shot. You remember them getting shot last night right? Well, the beam turned him and your father into
teens. I've been working on an antidote, but I haven't been able to work for ten minutes without them bothering me." She
turned around, to face him. "So I have a favor to ask. I think I know how to turn them back. I only need one night without
them bothering me to finish it, so can you keep them busy?"
"But mum, I'm going out! I can't take my dad and Goku, I'd be the laughing stock of my friends!" He replied. Bulma gave him
a death glare. "You will take them, or else I swear, you won't be going out until your 30! And besides, you don't have to
stay with them all night, just get them in and make sure they don't get out, I don't care how. Now, get them here, dinner's
ready." She turned her back top Trunks, signalling the conversation was over.

After dinner, while Goku and Vegeta were doing the dishes, Trunks tried to change his mother's mind. "But mom, what about
their clothes! They won't get in wearing their fighting uniforms!"
"Hmm, good point. Guess they'll just have to borrow something from you then." Bulma smiled. "You don't think you'd get out
that easily?" A thought occurred to Trunks. "Well, Goku might fit, but dad's too short."
"You have a very good pair of scissors young man, so you can change the clothes if they don't fit."
"But mom..."
"Trunks, stop whining. They ARE coming with you, no matter what!"
"Fine, but mum, you can bring them the good news. I am not going to risk my dad killing me for making him wear my clothes."
He left the kitchen, leaving Bulma to figure how to bring the news.