![]() Author has written 2 stories for Inuyasha, and Danny Phantom. "Every writer has multiple personality disorder, we just vent it differently than non-writers." Hullo...Please visit me at my deviantArt account...click on the 'homepage' button up there. Please. If requested, I will do art from my story. Also, all my art on there is pretty old...I haven't posted anything new in ages, so please excuse the crappy stuff. And now, for the random stuff that nobody really cares about. xD Name: Soaring-bright-flame (Why? I dunno. It just sorta popped into my head. My usual name is Hikaiu. This one was random.) Gender: Female Age: 15 Birthday: May 19 Sign: Taurus!! Loves to: Draw, Write, read, daydream, watching tv...cartoonscoughcough Favorite Animal: In order: tigers, lepoards, panthers...pretty much anything in the big cat family, then parrots, eagles, hawks and falcons. Mythical: Centaur, Pegasus, Phoenixes, Gryphons, Sphinxes, and Dragons. Favorite Cartoons: Danny Phantom, Teen Titans, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and then anime, cuz I'm cool like that. Rurouni Kenshin, Chrno Crusade...and I suppose I have to say Inuyasha seeming as how I have one of those. Heh. Heheheheh.. Musical Bands/Solo/Musicians: Hoobastank, The Rasmus, Linkin Park, Hans Zimmer, GooGoo Dolls (shut up, they're good.) Sum41, Switchfoot, Taking Back Sunday, Relient K (wOoT) The Beatles (of course) Off By One, some others I can't think of, and all the people who did the Disney Soundtracks, because they're awesome. Books: O_O So many. Righto...In no particular order...Growing wings, More Than You Can Chew, Fringe Girl...so many...as for manga's...DN Angel+anima, Girl Got Game, Hands Off!, Dramacon, Rurouni Kenshin, and The Fullmetal Alchemist. Pairings I ship: DannyxSam, and a sometimes DannyxVal. (DP) BBxRae, RxS, CybxBee, Jinx x KF (TT) and finally, InuxKags (inuyasha.) STORIES: "An Unwanted Slave" Still working on ch. 16. Sorry for the long wait! -Updates: When inspiration strikes. Now and then. - Type: Alternative Universe Fanfiction. -Rating: T. I think. I'm too lazy to check. -Fandom: Inuyasha -Main Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, and Miroku. Eventually Kikyou will pop up, but not till later. Sesshomaru and Rin now and then. -Main Genres: erm...General.Romance is what I put down. I have no idea, really. A bit of attempted humor that falls flat. It's whatever you preceive it to be. "Let Me Go" -Updates: ONESHOT. It's done. OVER. (No seriously, I had people telling me to continue. I was like, um...oneshot. Yes. I eventually succumbed and did a 2nd chapter, but it sucked and I deleted it. Don't ask for updates.) - Type: Songfic. -Rating: K+ -Fandom: Danny Phantom. -Main Characters: Danny, Sam, and Paulina. -Main Genres: Drama. Yesh.And from this point up, I'd like to give credit to Feri-san, whom I copied her basic outline for her profile. My conciouness says I should have asked permission...but how do you ask that? "Hey, can I rip off your profile?" I'm hoping, however, that if she ever finds out that she will take it as a compliment. Because she wrote a really good profile, and I am profile disabled. Anywho, go read her DP story--it's excellent. : ) NEWS: I am sad to say that An Unwanted Slave is officially dead. Incredibly dead. I don't want it to be, but for some reason it is. I'm very sorry...I won't be deleting it, just in case inspiration strikes again (or, as my friend says 'strikes like a car hitting an innocent pedestrian.' Morbid, but true. You don't see it coming.) I accept any and all hate mail. tears I'm going to go find a rock to crawl under now... Finally, (at long last) I have deleted my other three stories! They sucked anyways, and I'd grown out of them. Bye. P.S. If you think that those stupid kids should just give that God-forsaken rabbit the Trix copy this into your profile |