Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter. What can I say? I love to write, and I'm quite taken with the HP universe. About my fics: Cupid's Fool is a short, fluffy piece I wrote around Valentine's Day. Sorry, no deep meaning or angst. It's purely for fun. Enjoy it in the spirit in which it was meant. (And, yes, I wrote the sonnet, too.) A Heart Divided is a Post-Hogwarts piece centering around Hermione's new position in the Ministry and her dealings/relationships with Draco and Harry. Possible HG/HP or HG/DM final pairing. To Touch the Sun is an introspective Draco piece. It's just my own take on what makes Draco tick. Brief appearance by Hermione, but, sorry, it's not a ship fic. Enjoy the drama. Decaf is a one-shot about Draco, Hermione, and coffee. Winner of the Hot Summer Nights with Draco and Hermione Fic Exchange in the category of Favourite On-Screen Team. 8/14/07 Several people have asked me when I will update A Heart Divided. "Hopefully soon" is my only answer for you. My life is in flux right now. (I know, who's isn't?) I am moving cross-country for a time. Once I have set up my computer and registered my daughter for school I will be back on the posting wagon. Your patience is tremendous and very appreciated. |