Author has written 15 stories for Inuyasha. Moonlight-Flower, The New SxR Site! .:.s.t.o.r.y.s.t.a.t.s.:. Temptation Chapter Ten - UP You Haven't Lived Until You've Loved -On Hiatus Imprisonment Chapter 4 - 10percent Pirates of the Caribbean IY Style Chapter 4 - 40percent .:.a.b.o.u.t.m.e.:. I'm fifteen • I live in America • I am female Hello everyone! I thought my old profile way too long, so I decided to change it! I hope this one won't stretch like that one did. n.n So anyway, Sesshoumaru is the only reason to watch/read IY. SessRin is the best pairing... ever. Also... um... I love reading and writing! I hate school, n00bs, and such and such. -Insert more interesting "bio" here- Yay. Oh! I really wanna get some fanart for my fics. xD Even if I may have to just draw it myself. Which isn't pretty. Haha! Feel free to IM me, etc. .:.w.a.y.s.t.o.c.o.n.t.a.c.t.m.e.:. PM me through fanfiction. :3 .:.a.n.o.u.n.c.e.m.e.n.t.s.:. I wasn't going to "reveal" it until I was at 100 one-shots, but I'm pessimistic and I doubt I'll ever reach it. So if you want to check out my other account (I'll have a link soon), feel free. It's 99 percent one-shots/drabbles only, and is updated MUCH more frequently than RayGirl91. .:.m.y.l.a.m.b.:. Lamb: -Breaks into Ray's account- |
Community: | Fallen Petals: Sesshoumaru and Rin Fiction |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Inuyasha |