The Old Switcheroo
Chapter 11: The Return
The air was so thick she choked on it. Sputtering and gasping the young priestess ran frantically through the falling debris and smoke. She could feel the dark reaching out and touching her skin, calling her back to it. Someone yelled her name, but she couldn't be sure who or where the caller was. "Inuyasha!" She screamed. And then reality came crashing down upon her.
He's dead.
Kagome fell to her knees.
He's gone.
I'm so sorry.
Dead. Dead. Dead…
I let Naraku win.
Two clawed hands wrapped around her arms and jerked her up. She pulled away, kicking and scratching in the fight to regain freedom. Kagome caught a glimpse of silver hair. Her heart hammered as she spun around. Inuyasha? But how…?
No. The hair was different. Longer. Smoother. The eyes narrower. Sesshoumaru. Kagome raised her hand, and smacked him. She pulled her hand to her breast. It stung. "I hate you," She spat darkly. He killed Inuyasha. Killed him…
The demon didn't move. A small river of blood ran from his mouth. She hated him? No, the real Inuyasha thought, she hates Sesshoumaru. He frowned. But I am Sesshoumaru.
The flames and smoke around them intermingled and rose. The barren grounds were charred black. Sesshoumaru and Kagome's gazes locked. Hers an endless pool of abhorrence and his a sorrowful wilting gold. Uncertainly, and without being able to stop himself, he reached out touched her cheek. The priestess shuddered and whipped her head back. "Don't touch me," she snarled.
"Kagome, please." He couldn't move. If I tell her, I'll be stuck like this forever, but Sesshoumaru is dead. I killed him in my own body. I'm stuck like this anyway. I can't stand her hating me. It hurts…Kagome…
"PLEASE!" She screamed hysterically. "PLEASE!" Kagome hit him again. She couldn't see straight anymore. Her vision was blurred with tears and hate. "I loved him," she whimpered, "I loved him…"
Oh, Kagome. He wanted to pull her against him and soothe her worries. He wanted to tell her he loved her too, that he wasn't Sesshoumaru. He was Inuyasha. Inuyasha. At his hip, Tenseiga pulsed.
His eyes fell to the sheathed, forgotten blade. Only someone with a kind heart can wield the blade. A single stroke can revive a hundred lives. Isn't that what Totosai had said so long ago? Sesshoumaru revived Rin. If you could do it, Inuyasha thought, I can do it to. He looked back at Kagome and lowered his head miserably. "I'm so sorry Kagome. Forgive me," He said quietly.
"Like I-" But she was cut off. His arm wrapped tightly around her waist. Sesshoumaru bent his knees, and then took off with a mighty leap into the skies. He rushed through the emerald sea of forests landing on thick branches and taking off again. Silver hair and platinum bangs were whipped back from his face. Kagome's fists were beating dully against the armor he wore. "LET ME GO!"
Please, let this work. He begged the Gods. He landed in a clearing; golden eyes piercing the darkness to see a group huddled around their dead comrade. He heard Kagome's breath hitch in her throat. Sesshoumaru released her, and she ran loyally to the hanyou's side.
"Kagome-chan!" Sango cried. "You're safe."
"Sesshoumaru killed him…" Shippou sobbed. His tail drooped. "I should have saved him Kagome! I should have been stronger."
"I'm so sorry Kagome-sama," Miroku murmured.
Kagome pushed herself through them and flung herself over the half demon. Her salty tears mixed with the blood on his haori. "Inuyasha," she whimpered, "no…"
Sesshoumaru fought off the jealous monster roaring inside him. He gently moved her aside drew Tenseiga. Sango, Miroku, Kirara, and Shippou stepped away. Their eyes all held deep contempt for the demon. Rin, Ah Un, and Jaken were silent. "Please work," the youkai prince murmured.
The sword pulsed. The world around him faded. He could see small, homely demons crowding around Inuyasha's body. His body. They were wrapping thick chains around him, just beginning to pull him into hell. Hand trembling, Sesshoumaru swung the blade in a smooth arch.
Inuyasha did not stir.
Why the hell didn't it work! He inwardly growled. If it worked for that bastard, why not for me? He let his eyes slid closed. Tenseiga's hilt was cold in his hands. He tried to focus, to bend and weave his strength into the sword. And then, he swung again. As much as I hate to say it, I really don't want to see you dead right now…
Sesshoumaru opened his eyes again.
Inuyasha was still.
No, he thought in horror. Why did I lose myself? Why did I kill him…? Sesshoumaru fell to his knees. He grabbed his brother's red haroi and jostled the half demon. "Wake up!" He yelled desperately. "Wake up, dammit!"
"Get away from him!" Kagome screamed. She hurled herself at him, shoving him violently from the half demon.
"Kagome!" Her friends cried, hurrying to grab her. She struggled against them.
"Don't ever touch him again!" Kagome continued to screech.
"Stop," A familiar voice commanded in an unfamiliarly cold way. All eyes fell to Inuyasha who had just spoken and was now struggling to stand. He righted himself slowly, new blood spilling over the still open wounds.
The priestess stepped towards him slowly. "Inuyasha." She whispered and then toppled over backwards.
Two golden gazes locked. They mixed with understanding, and confusion. The wind picked up. And they swam through an endless sea. And they were ripped from being, and tossed into pieces. And they fell into their own bodies once more, both toppling over as Kagome had.
Sesshoumaru sat up. He immediately felt better than he had in days. He felt right. One arm was missing. His clothing was no longer an eye sore. He could once again catch scents he had been unable to for a long time. Something latched onto his leg. "Sesshoumaru-sama!" Rin cried staring up at him. "Inuyasha-sama told us everything. Rin thinks it's like an exciting bedtime story!"
"Everything?" he repeated. The girl nodded. Sesshoumaru stood.
It was daylight. There was a small fire going, and the monk, demon, slayer, and fox were busy all huddled around Inuyasha. He priestess, Kagome, was sitting faithfully beside him smiling and resting her head on his shoulder. "Is what the half-breed said true, milord?" Jaken squawked suddenly from behind. He waited impatiently with Ah Uhn's reins in hand.
"Yes," the inu youkai confirmed blandly. Inside he was more than grateful to be in his own body, and slightly confused. How long have I slept?
"Oy, Sesshoumaru!" Inuyasha called. The group turned to look at Sesshoumaru. "Awake, finally."
Kagome stood. She walked slowly to stand before him and smiled shyly. "I'm sorry, about everything. Inuyasha told us what happened its so unbelievable but makes sense I guess." She wrung her hands together, staring at them instead of his face as was proper when apologizing.
Miroku grinned. "It straightens out why you two were so weird anyway. Though it is quite a tale."
"You saying I lied?" Inuyasha growled. The monk laughed nervously.
Shippou piped up. "What are we going to do now? Is Naraku dead."
"I doubt it…" Sango said in turn.
Inuyasha stood in front of Sesshoumaru. He looked up, and they stared at each other. "What are you going to do now?"
"Find Naraku," the demon answered easily.
The half demon grinned. He couldn't say he was fond of his half-brother – and Sesshoumaru could easily agree – but maybe he didn't exactly hate him anymore… "Keh, might as well quit. I'll find him first and kick his ass."
He raised a brow. "I would like to see you try, half-breed."
Rushed, stupid, and finally. OVER! No sequels to this or epilogues. It's DONE. I hate this story so much so I just crapped up an ending. Mwhahaha!
Inu: That sucked.
Sess: Hn.
Ray: Shaddup!
Kag: They're right you know.
Sango: Yea…
Miroku: Completely!
Ray: I hate you guys. (Except Sesshoumaru. Heh…)
Sess: Whoopee for me. –twirls finger-
Thank you for the reviews EVERYONE! It all means so much. I'd post your names with a special thanks but there are so many of you. –Dies- I love you all. –glomps-
EDIT: A revised it a bit. I was going to do a whole big revision, but I'm too lazy.