Author has written 3 stories for Final Fantasy XI, Star Fox, and Mega Man. A long time ago, there was a boy. He got old, burned out, and almost stopped writing. But not yet. Hi. I occasionally write fanfiction when I am not doing other things. I, in general, like reading the good stuff as often as I can, but I'm fairly lazy. Which explains the wait times between updates. That and work, when I have any. And Monster Hunter. I should like to think I'll get something finished one of these days, heh. (WHICH I DID, AHAHAHAHAHA Check out Erico's From the Sidelines, as that actually has some of my work in it, and it is going to relate to something I have slowly, agonizingly been working on. ) UPDATE 3-19-20: SO HOW 'BOUT THOSE TIMELY UPDATES, HMMMMMMM, THE TIMELINESSENING Things are bad. But I still have a story to finish. Have to get it out of my head. As always: Thanks for reading, everyone. Stay healthy. |