R O C K M A N : D R E A M S O F M A D N E S S


written by Ben Roberts

Cast of Characters

Doctor Thomas Xavier Light-benevolent roboticist, creator of Rock and Roll

Doctor Willam Albert Wily-cousin of Dr. Light and nemesis of Rockman

Rockman-android 001, assistant to Dr. Light, champion against chaos

Roll-android 002, Rock's "female" counterpart, assistant to Dr. Light

Metalman-laboroid 009, modified lumberjack robot

Airman-laboroid 010, modified waste disposal and wind-tunnel operation robot

Bubbleman-laboroid 011, modified sub-marine exploration robot

Quickman-laboroid 012, modified super-sonic test robot

Clashman-laboroid 013, ground disruption robot

Flashman-laboroid 014, law enforcement robot

Heatman-laboroid 015, modified waste disposal robot

Woodman-laboroid 016, bio-mechanical interface prototype droid

Docman-emulation robot with a burning hatred for Rockman and his own creator

Setting: 20XX A.D.

Dr. Light's lab--Neo Tokyo, Japan

Skull Castle, mark 2--Himalayan Mountain range in Nepal (Asia)

Metalman's Domain--Shirow Cybernetics laboroid construction factory in Fujiyama City (Japan)

Airman's Domain--Nuclear testing facility in Juneau (North America)

Bubbleman's Domain--Continental Water Purification Plant #5 (Africa)

Quickman's Domain--World Comm Tower #27 in Olsberg, Germany (Central Europe)

Clashman's Domain--Sydney International Space Port (Australia)

Flashman's Domain--San Salvador Maximum Security Detention Center (Central America)

Heatman's Domain--Geothermal Power Plant in Union City, Antarctica

Woodman's Domain--Treeborg Jungle Research Center in India (Asia)

Author's Note: This tale--Dreams of Madness--marks the second installment of my Rockman-based trilogy The Wily Wars. It should be noted that the original sub-title to the game is actually "Dr. Wily's Riddle" (another translation is "The Mystery of Dr. Wily"). However, having established the tone that I have in Rockman: the Robot War, I felt that a darker, less cliché title would be more suited to my tale of Dr. Wily's second, desperate bid for power.

I will make the assertion that I did before that not all of the material in this story is 100% accurate as according to official Capcom Rockman canon. I suspect that Keiji Inafune would be appalled at the direction I have taken his creation. For one thing, Rockman is supposed to be a little boy robot who refers to himself as "boku" (Japanese for "I"--used informally by younger males). He is also supposed to be a robot, and not an "android" as depicted in my story.

The terms "laboroid" and "androbot" are used fairly interchangeably within the story. Both refer to robots who were meant for heavy industrial or military work, etc... "Laboroid" is an official Capcom term, while "androbot" is my own invention--a mix between "android" and "robot," implying something that is more than one but less than the other.

Dr. Light and Dr. Wily's real Japanese names are Dr. Thomas Right and Dr. Albert W. Wily. I got confused. Sorry. I've written one whole book using the names I knew before, and I don't intend to change them now.

Thanks to the countless fans over the years who have sent weekly e-mails clamoring for a sequel. Here it is.

--Ben Roberts, February 11, 2010 (technically, 20XX—how awesome is that?)
