Author has written 4 stories for Tales of Symphonia. Hi there! Well, it seems that a profile is a civilized thing to do in such a friendly community, so hmm... a bit about me... what can I say that won't bore everyone and their dog to sleep? I love to write. I really really do. And I have for as long as I can remember. Although my early stuff even scares me, I like my newer projects quite a bit. Heart of the Phoenix is my first fanfiction ever... it has become a rather massive project, but I still love it. It has finally been joined by two one shots, also Tales of Symphonia-based - one centered on Zelos and one on Sheena... and both Sheelos. Whether or not the Tales muse continues to lure me with side stories, I suppose only time will tell, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility. I also haven't quite decided if I will do a sequel to Heart of the Phoenix based on ToS: Dawn of the New World. Again, anything's possible... and with the right inspiration/encouragement... who knows? =) Tales of Symphonia is probably one of the greatest RPGs ever... and I've seen a few of them, trust me. Tales of the Abyss isn't too far behind, mind you... but ToS's characters are still near and dear to me. =) I finally finished Tales of Vesperia, though, and I can now say that I do recommend it to anyone with a chunk of time to kill - I can definitely recommend it. =) I recently finished Final Fantasy XIII and can recommend that for a way to kill off several tens of hours. My next conquests will hopefully be Magna Carta 2 and Arc Rise Fantasia... while I hope against hope that Namco can find it in its heart to bring another Tales game to North America... I also love anime, but I keep dabbling in different series... which is fun, but also sad when you get to the end of some of them (or get stuck in a holding pattern waiting for the release of new episodes). My newest favorite - sucking me in for almost a year now - is One Piece... a series I never thought I would be able to get into, but I was proven WAY wrong. Of course there's still Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist (including Brotherhood), Yu Yu Hakusho, Trigun, Hellsing (both the original series and the new "ultimate" series), Blood+ , InuYasha, Witch Hunter Robin, Scrapped Princess, Trinity Blood, S-cry-ed, Eureka 7, Noein, Ghost in the Shell, Spiral, Cowboy Bebop... and old school Ninja Scroll. Anyway, that's me and my current interest set for the time being... and with a thank you to those that have encouraged me so much to keep writing and keep getting better both with their words and by their examples. And... on a final note... if you're enjoying what I've written... I really would love to hear from you. Encouragement... ANY encouragement... after as far as my first major fic has come would mean the world to me. It really might mean the difference between being able to finish it or not at this point. As a matter of fact, right now, I'm nursing a VERY nasty case of writer's block... and I think unless I hear from some of the kind-hearted folks out there still reading... well, let's just say encouragement will make the difference on if there is another update to Phoenix or not. Thank you for your consideration... and any kind words you can spare for me. They really would mean the world to me right now... =) |