Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

Chapter One: Departure

It was a peaceful day in the Feudal Era. Surprisingly, everyone got along that day. Miroku was actually keeping his hands to himself and Sango was chatting cheerfully to Kagome. Inuyasha was sitting and eating Ramen while Shippo entertained himself by playing with Kirara.

"Kagome-chan, how long will you be staying this time?" Sango asked her best friend, who had become like a sister to her.

"About a week I suppose" Kagome replied. "I have finals next week and I have to get home in time to study."

Inuyasha's ears perked up when he heard that Kagome was going to leave soon.

"Wench! You can't leave! You have to collect the jewel shards!" Inuyasha yelled. "We don't have time to wait around for you so you can't just sit around and ignore your responsibilities!"

"Why do I have to stay?!" Kagome yelled back with equal fury.

Inuyasha cringed at the tone of her voice. Kagome could be a very dangerous person when you trampled in her danger zone. But being as ignorant as he was, he chose to ignore the warning tick that was appearing on Kagome's forehead.

"Because you broke the jewel!" Inuyasha screamed. "Besides, you should be more useful around here, all you do is whine and study for those damn 'tests'."

Kagome calmly looked at him and said, "Sit!"

Inuyasha immediately ate dirt. Although what he said hurt, Kagome didn't always take him seriously.

When the spell wore off, Inuyasha got up and blurted the first thing that came to his mind. "You stupid wench! What did you do that for?! You're such an idiot and useless. If Kikyo was here then we would have been done with collecting the jewel shards and she is definitely better than you!"

'I did not just say that' Inuyasha thought. 'Why did I say that, I didn't even mean it. Kagome looks as if she wants to cry now. No! I didn't mean it'

Kagome just stared at Inuyasha. This was painful to her. She sacrificed everything for Inuyasha and in return, he still loved Kikyo. No matter how hard she tried, she would never compare to Kikyo.

Sango looked ready to throw her Hiraikotsu at Inuyasha for hurting her 'sister'. Shippo angrily got up and tried to defend his adopted 'mother'.

"Inuyasha, you jerk!" Shippo yelled. "Why do you have to be so mean?! Can't you see that Kagome is better than Kikyo? Kikyo's just a walking clay pot and all she wants to do is drag you to hell!"

Miroku tried to get Inuyasha to apologize but Inuyasha could only stare and hope that this was just a nightmare and that he did not really say that.

Kagome's pale cheeks were stained with tears as they flowed gently down. Sango rushed over to her, but Kagome shook her head.

"I'm going home," she said in a cold voice that was void of any emotion. She managed to mask her pain as she bitterly spat out. "I won't ever return! I hate you Inuyasha! Maybe when I leave, you can go to hell with Kikyo, because that's all you ever think about right?"

Inuyasha cringed at what she said. Kagome turned to the others. "Thank you for always being there for me. You are a family to me. I will miss you so much, but I can't stay here anymore. It hurts too much."

"We understand, Kagome-sama," Miroku said. "We won't ever forget you."

"We'll miss you so much, Kagome-chan. Please don't ever forget us!" Sango cried.

Shippo latched on to Kagome, "Please don't go. It's only Inuyasha's fault and you can just ignore him."

"I'm sorry I can't stay," Kagome replied.

Kagome didn't even look at Inuyasha. She just ran to the Bone Eater's Well and was about to jump in when a hand grabbed her wrist. She turned around to stare into Inuyasha's amber eyes.

"Please don't go...I didn't mean it," Inuyasha pleaded. "Please stay with us, I..."

"No! I don't want to hear it anymore! I'm tired of your lies and the way you constantly hurt me!" Kagome cried. "Go back to your Kikyo because that's what you want. Aren't you happy now?! I'm going to be out of the way. You don't have to worry about how useless I am or how I'm so lazy"

"No, Kagome.."

Kagome grabbed the jewel shards from her neck and threw them at Inuyasha's feet. She wrenched her arm free and turned around, "There are the jewel shards. Isn't that what you want? Now you can have it. Get Kikyo to help you find the other shards."

Kagome jumped into the well before Inuyasha could protest.

Inuyasha looked up to the sky and howled in pain. For the second time in his life, he cried. The thing that was most important to him had slipped away from his hands. He looked up to the sky and promised himself that no matter what the cost, he would go to Kagome and bring her back.

Please read & review.

I hope you can forgive me for any errors. Thank you!
