Author has written 8 stories for Inuyasha. Uhh, well, right, do I even HAVE a bio? I'm not sure. Well here goes nothin! Name; Sakura Alrighty then, I decided that since i had nothin better to do, i would update this thingy! Alright. I am Sakura and these are my favorite things... 1. food, gotta love food 2. Anime, cause i do, 3. boys, yeah they can by annoying and confusing at times, but they can be woth their while. If their worth anything! Updating it again! Ok, well I figured I could say somthing about my stories; Well, here they are: To Tangle The Strands of Fate: I AM FIANALLY DONE! READ IT I AM FINISHED! Oh, I will soon be starting a new story,and i'll start writting that soon as well. A Legend Begins: COMPLETE. OK, well i just have one thing to say about this story, it was one of my most succesful. I got a ton of support from all you and i thank you for it! Summons: Complete A Concious to Die for or to Kill? Yeah, this one was a One-Shot, enough said! Inuyasha... this one was the one where he thought about his daddy right! yeah, it was fun to write! OK Well, one of my favorite authos is LionessisRin, she is like toally awsome at the fics she does and is a personal friend of mind. And if she gets merely one flame on a single one of her stories, i will personally see to it that the offender is SEVERLY beaten in a remote location in a dark ally. Don't believe me? Come on i DARE YOU! Seething ahem, anyway... OK, well I have the Name of the stories! The Cursed Ones: The children of the Inu-gumi become cursed by Kikyou, and they begin a whole new journey to defeat an empire and recreate a world. My Lord and Lady: Kaogme had an abusive Lord Father, and she runs away after he turns her half demon so she can marry an evil lord- give you one guess who- and she meets Inu and his fam! |