Hey ya'll!
This is my first try at a Bankotsu x Kagome fic. If you are not comfortable with that pairing, do not read it. I honestly like Bankotsu x Jakotsu the best but I had a really neat idea and I just wanted to try it out, so please bear with me. If you like the story line I'll continue. :)
Please read, review and enjoy! Thanks for your support
Disclaimer: I do not own any InuYasha characters but I do own this story, it is copyrighted to me.
Chapter 1
"Huh?" InuYasha whirled around when his demonic ears detected that Kagome had stopped walking. "What now?" He asked, his voice tinged with annoyance.
The rest of the group stopped and turned to face the girl from the future. Kagome was staring down at her feet, her face giving off a gloomy expression.
"All the sudden…I just feel really…sad." Kagome murmured. She lifted her head to the sky and said in her more cheery voice: "I'm fine, don't worry about me."
InuYasha gave her a look of disbelief, and turned abruptly and continued to walk. He let out a "Keh" to show his frustration.
Kagome started to follow after the group, but before she could take two steps she was being held by Sango's embrace. The older woman gave Kagome a warm smile and they walked silently after the others.
InuYasha's nose picked up a familiar sent. Damn, that idiot Bankotsu is around here. The white haired boy jumped down from the safety of the tree branch and landed swiftly in the center of the circle that Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kirara had made.
Kagome looked up from her plate which held a few colourful rolls of sushi that she had made while back in her era for to share with the rest of the group. Except for InuYasha of course, he insisted that he'd rather eat Ramen.
"What is it, InuYasha?" Kagome asked.
When InuYasha didn't answer, Kagome continued, her voice filled with concern. "InuYasha?"
InuYasha looked up to the mountains. It was a beautiful summer day. The cherry blossoms were out, and the birds were singing, the sun was shining. Not that InuYasha cared; he just preferred the warmth beating down on his face unlike winter's harsh weather. Now it was ruined. Damn.
"You all stay here. I'll be back." And with that, InuYasha bounded off in the direction in which he picked up the leader of the Shichinintai's sent.
Bankotsu sat quietly under a large oak tree and sipped at his sake. That stupid wolf killed Ginkotsu. This is just like old times…everyone is slowly slipping away.
The man with the long, dark braided hair poured himself another drink and closed his eyes. Beside him, leaned up on the tree was Banryuu. It glittered magnificently in the sun's rays.
The dark-haired man under the tree recognized the voice, but it wasn't one of his companions. This voice was angry and challenging. Bankotsu looked up into the face of InuYasha and smiled up at him.
"Oi." Was Bankotsu's only word. He placed his sake bowl on the grass next to him and hoisted himself to a standing position.
This is my chance! InuYasha told himself. Bankotsu is unprepared for battle and we are alone. Nobody will get in my way…and there is no way Kagome can get hurt.
Impatient words brought InuYasha back to reality. "Well?" Bankotsu picked up his great sword and pointed it at the opposing hanyou.
"Eager to die for the second time now, aren't we?" InuYasha smirked while he unsheathed Tessaiga. He lowered his sword so that it was almost touching the tip of Bankotsu's Banryuu.
"We'll see who does the dieing!" And the battle began. Bankotsu swung Banryuu and clashed it upon Tessaiga. InuYasha braced himself for the impact and stood strong while the force of the younger man was pushed onto him.
"Do you think we should go after him?" Sango asked.
Miroku shook his head and stuffed a sushi roll into his mouth. "InuYasha is always so rash. Why doesn't he ever want us to come with him?"
Without a word, Kagome gathered her belongings and piled them into her big yellow back pack. She stood up, swung her back pack over her shoulder and mounted her bicycle which was lying on the grass. It was slightly mangled from being picked up and thrown around by InuYasha, but it still worked well enough.
"I guess that's a yes." Said Sango, now standing beside Miroku. Kirara transformed into her bigger self in the blink of an eye and motioned her owner and Miroku on her back. Shippo hopped on Kagome's shoulder, and soon they were off; Kirara following her nose to where they might find the white haired half-demon.
InuYasha pulled Tessaiga from behind Banryuu, practically waiting for his opponent to slip up and to give him the opportunity so drive his sword into his gut.
Bankotsu smirked and caught Tessaiga with the side of Banryuu, putting his sword between himself and InuYasha's sword, which was edging closer and closer every second.
The boy with the braided hair quickly pulled his sword upwards so it was dangling over InuYasha's head, and then brought it down swiftly so it landed with a thud on the un-expecting hanyou's shoulder.
Bankotsu watched as InuYasha fell to the ground at his feet and the half-demon's blood sprayed up into the air. Bankotsu turned on his heel and stalked over to where his sake was sitting and took a sip. "Don't worry InuYasha, I'll wait." He grinned to himself. Someone such as InuYasha would never defeat him.
"You bastard!" InuYasha growled from on the ground as he struggled to stand. He jabbed Tessaiga into the ground and leaned on it for support. "I will kill you today, Bankotsu. You will die!" The white haired boy charged; he put his sword out in front of himself, aiming right for the braided boy. As soon as InuYasha was about to thrust Tessaiga into the young Shichinintai leader, Bankotsu did a perfect back flip and landed easily on his feet about three meters ahead of InuYasha.
Bankotsu took hold of his sword that was propped up into the ground and pointed it in InuYasha's direction. Bankotsu gave him a cocky grin but said nothing.
"Damn, die already!" InuYasha bellowed, and once again, charged, sword pointing. The half-demon's shoulder was bleeding horribly and freely from his opened wound, and InuYasha knew. I can't loose too much blood he mentally stated.
Tessaiga smashed head on into Banryuu and again the two opponents were pushing their great swords onto each other with all their might. In the midst of battle, a faint cry could be heard. InuYasha froze and his ear's perked, trying to pick up who exactly the cry came from.
Then, the white haired boy heard it again. The voice was screaming now; "InuYasha!" it cried. InuYasha cursed. "Kagome…" He whispered.
Bankotsu took notice that InuYasha was distracted, and gave a hard thrust with his sword, knocking InuYasha to the ground, but not hurting him.
The braided boy lifted Banryuu into the air and began violently swinging it around and around, preparing for his ultimate attack.
InuYasha stood himself up and looked behind him. There was Kagome, and the rest of the group. In front of him, Bankotsu was getting ready to send shots of lightning down at him. "Be careful, InuYasha!" Kagome called. "We believe in you." Miroku added with an encouraging smile.
It seemed out of nowhere that a bolt of yellow electricity intent on bringing InuYasha down, almost achieving what it wanted, but InuYasha leapt out of the way. I have to end this quickly, or else Kagome and the others could get hurt he told himself.
Making sure there was no more lightening was headed his way, InuYasha lifted Tessaiga up high and swung it with all his power to the ground. "KAZE NO KIZU!" A blast of white light traveled with scary fast speed along the ground to Bankotsu who was still swinging his sword in the air. At the last moment he noticed he was in the way of the attack but had no time to move. He was caught in a giant explosion of smoke and dust.
From behind him, InuYasha heard a shrill scream and turned around just in time to see Kagome fall to the ground. The victorious half-demon sheathed Tessaiga and ran to the fallen Kagome's side. Miroku and Sango were already leaning over their friend. InuYasha felt his jaw drop and let a surprised gasp escape his throat. The peaceful girl from the future had a wide, gaping hole carved into her body just below her breast. The wound was shedding blood quickly and she was soon lying unconscious in her own pool of blood.
"Kagome…What the hell happened here!" InuYasha shouted more than asked as he looked up to Sango and Miroku for answers. Shippo, who was clinging on to Kagome's arm and sobbing loudly managed to say: "All of the sudden, Kagome just fell and when she hit the ground she looked like…this." Kirara, back in her smallest form, nudged the crying Shippo in hopes of comforting him. Sango touched Kagome's throat. "She is not dead, she just blacked out." She explained.
Miroku pointed to where Bankotsu had once stood. "The smoke has cleared, but…It looks like Bankotsu is still there! Shouldn't he have been turned back into bones like the rest of the Shichinintai?" He questioned. InuYasha walked gingerly over to where, sure enough, Bankotsu lay unconscious on the ground. His armor had been torn and his robe had been sheared into many pieces. He has the exact same wound as Kagome! InuYasha discovered that in every way, Kagome and Bankotsu shared the same injury. Same spot, same shape…Same amount of blood; too much.
InuYasha walked hurriedly back to Kagome, picked her up and started to run off. "Where are you going, Inuyasha?" Sango shouted after him. InuYasha stopped and turned to them and said: "We have to get Kagome to Kaede's. I'll see you guys there." And he started off running once again.
As the white haired boy ran as fast as he could, he thought to himself. How could this have happened? I know it wasn't Tessaiga's attack, yet that's what it looks like.
"Sango, we must hurry."
The demon exterminator walked slowly over to the unconscious Shichinintai leader. "Miroku, I think we should bring him with us." She said quietly while she bent down to look down into his face which was now covered in dirt. His long braid had come undone and his hair cascaded over his shoulders and down his back.
"Huh? Why would we do that?" Miroku asked, a bit confused. He walked up and stood beside Sango.
Sango shook her head. "I don't know exactly, something just tells me we should. He isn't dead, and I just think it would be a good idea to know where he is instead of him deciding he wants to give us a surprise attack."
With a deep sigh, Miroku gave in a knelt down to pick up Bankotsu bride style. He then laid him down on the awaiting transformed Kirara. After that was settled, Sango and Miroku got on and Kirara took off.