Author has written 9 stories for Inheritance Cycle, Star Trek Online, Mass Effect, Fallout, Power Rangers, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Dungeons and Dragons, Elder Scroll series, Halo, Voltron, and Middle-earth. I am not dead, just been dealing with Major BULL S*E in rl. I have not forgotten my readers. Update 11/12/17 Well What's to tell about me, I am more or less an amateur writer. American, With a pension for Sci-fi and Fantasy writings. Gamer 35 For those with Steam and an interest in my account with chatting and such. Please make sure that you indicate where you found my steam address. Also make sure you are 18 if you want to Friend me on Steam. Please. /id/shadowmane2001 Ok, I have been having some serious Real Life issues. One involved MMO event, including reformatting my computer like 4-5 times and finally sorted out Most of the issues. I am sorry for delay in Rise of the Dragons. I am working on the next chapter now. Update 12/7/2018 On Reviews. I don't mind reviews that criticize me or my writing. Such as my grammar, or content. You need that to grow and become a better writer. But I do tend to remove reviews that call me a Dumb piece of S*t. |