![]() Author has written 19 stories for Homestuck, Sailor Moon, Tangled, Romeo × Juliet, How to Train Your Dragon, Fatal Frame, Life is Strange, Totally Spies, and Yu-Gi-Oh. Hello everyone, my name is Lia Tsukino. I am a fanfiction writer and a YouTuber. I enjoy writing fanfiction because I get to be creative and use characters from shows, games, movies, etc. that I like and put them in many different situations. I would like to say how much I love all of you, because you have inspired me to finish my fanfiction stories. Just a little disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, shows, movies, and games that I have written fanfictions for. The creators are all listed below, they are the rightful owners of their amazing creations! How to Train Your Dragon - Dreamworks, Sailor Moon - Naoko Takeuchi, RomeoxJuliet - Kadokawa Shoten, Tangled - Walt Disney, Fatal Frame/Project Zero - Tecmo, Yu-Gi-Oh - Kazuki Takahashi, Revolutionary Girl Utena - Chiho Saito, Five Nights at Freddy's - Scott Calthon, Life is Strange - Dontnod Entertainment, Totally Spies - Vincent Chalvon-Demersay and David Michel Current fanfictions: - Pain (Tangled) - Walt Disney: Possibly 2 - 3 more chapters. - Whom I Love Above All Else (Romeo x Juliet) - Kadokawa Shoten: Still working on chapter 3, it might have 3 - 4 more chapters. - Alternative Chapters: Asylum (Sailor Moon x Yu-Gi-Oh Crossover) - Naoko Takeuchi and Kanzuki Takahashi: Not sure how many chapters this one will have. - Survive the Nights (Sailor Moon x Yu-Gi-Oh x Five Night's at Freddy's) - Naoko Takeuchi, Kanzuki Tahahashi, and Scott Calthon: This will have a lot of chapters, I not sure how many it will have. This is the fanfiction I have been working on with creativeSilence. This is a tag teamed fanfiction so we are both writing it and editing it. It may take some time to get the next chapter up and ready so please wait for that. -Reopen The Case (Totally Spies) - Vincent Chalvon-Demersay and David Michel: This is a new fanfiction. The sequel to "Scarred". Coming soon: - I'm Alone Without You (Sailor Moon) - Naoko Takeuchi: This is going to be a HarukaxMichiru fanfiction with the inner Senshi and the outer Senshi. The title gives away what kind of fanfiction this is going to be. Very feelsy and a lot of tears will be shed. I hope this one will work out. - Revolutionary Girl Haruka (Sailor Moon x Revolutionary Girl Utena) - Naoko Takeuchi and Chiho Saito: I watched RGU and I loved it. I really thought it would make a wonderful crossover fanfiction with SM. So, this will be a MichiruxHaruka fanfiction. It will be a mix of both worlds. Anyway, I hope this turns out well. - Mask of The Lunar Eclipse (Sailor Moon x Yu-Gi-Oh x Fatal Frame IV) - Naoko Takeuchi, Kazuki Takahashi, Tecmo: This is a fanfiction based on a rp I did with my best friend after we started watching the "Fatal Frame" games. I will be posting this one here and on my DA account. - The Distant Rising (Sailor Moon) - Naoko Takeuchi: This is based off a dream I had with Haruka and Michiru where Michiru turns evil and Haruka does her best to get her lover back. Complete Fanfictions: Scarred (Totally Spies): Vincent Chalvon-Demersay and David Michel Yuuri's Diary (Project Zero, Zero, Fatal Frame V: Maiden of Black Water/Oracle of the Sodden Raven): Tecmo Never Enter The Mansion (Sailor Moon x AoOni x Hetaoni): Naoko Takeuchi Leave the Horror There (Life is Strange): Dontnod Entertainment Asylum (Sailor Moon): Naoko Takeuchi Mio's Diary (Project Zero, Zero, Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly): Tecmo Alone (How to Train Your Dragon): Dreamworks Goddess of Pure White (Sailor Moon): Naoko Takeuchi Enslaved (Homestuck): Andrew Hussie Stay With Me (Homestuck): Andrew Hussie I'll Keep You Safe From Harm (Homestuck): Andrew Hussie The Heart Crystal Curse (Sailor Moon): Naoko Takeuchi It's Okay (Homestuck): Andrew Hussie |