It had all gone so wrong. This wasn't supposed to happen
"Maka!" Soul shouted to his meister, who was laying like a rag doll on the ground. Her leg was bent in an awkward angle, her skin was broken by scratches and bruises but what worried the weapon most were her eyes. The emerald orbs, usually sparkling with life, were now clouded over by a haze. As if she was staring at something above her that no one else could see.
Soul felt the wavelength between them shaking. As if it was hanging on by a threat. No this couldn't be happening! He thought desperately. "Maka, listen to me! Stay with me!"
It wasn't supposed to be so hard to stop the witch. She wasn't supposed to be this strong.
"Soul, how's she holding up?" Kid asked worried. He looked over his shoulder and saw his friend bend over the small blonde. His words didn't seem to reach Soul but he couldn't repeat himself since his attention was being pulled back to his target ahead of him.
"Maka don't you dare do this to me!" Soul growled. He stroked her cheek, leaving a bloody smear on her ivory skin. His hands had become coated in crimson when he'd tried to stem the gaping wound at Maka's side.
"S-Soul?" Maka whispered, her eyes finally seeming to find her partner's. If Soul hadn't payed close attention to her, he would've missed it.
But of course he didn't. He'd never stop paying attention to Maka. "Maka stay with me! I swear to Death I'll never forgive you if you leave me."
Maka smiled a little. "You're not getting that easily rid of me." she said before she started coughing. And to Soul's horror she coughed up blood
"You're going to be okay Maka, I promise!" Soul said, pulling Maka in his arms. "Where are the reinforcements?"
Maka slipped her hand in Soul's and pinched it a little before she suddenly became dead weight, eyes closed.
"Maka no! God damn it Maka, open your eyes!" Soul cried.
From a distance he heard the helicopters coming their way.
Hey there! I'm currently updating the story... correction small errors and maybe even adding some things in the story! I hope you like it.