Meulin never thought that she would be put in such a situation such as this, a few sweeps ago she was just serving the Grand Highblood, aka Kurloz Makara. She never thought that she would have escaped from the hell house alive, but seeming as she was a "lowblood" she couldn't stay there much longer. Perhaps it would have been better if she had just stayed there, not having to stay behind at camp, seeing her love going out to fight, seeing the other members of the rebellion go out as well. She couldn't help but to worry about them. What if something happened to them while at battle? The members of the rebellion had a necklace around their neck. She has one as well, her fingers touch the cold metal of the cancer symbol, still having that twinge of fear within her. Nothing, not even drifting away into Derse would help calm her mind. Her mind couldn't stop thinking about if something happened to them, she hears a weapon being sharpened. She turns her head a little, seeing Karkat Vantas, the descendant of her love; sharpening his strife weapon. The mutant blood sat there, sharpening one of his sickles, with the other one at the side of him, waiting to be sharpened. On his black turtleneck you couldn't see a symbol, just like his ancestor, no symbol, nothing but a pathetic lowblood. Or that's what the highbloods say. Meulin could tell that worried look through those blood red eyes he had, she could tell that he is thinking deeply and he's really worried about something too.

"W . . . When do you think they will be back?" Meulin asks, not thinking of anything better to say.

"I . . . I don't know, Disciple," Karkat muttered, stopping sharpening the blade as he inspects the sickle, "But . . . I'm getting really worried about them."

That's right! Her title is the Disciple. Why was she given such a honorable title? But it wasn't very honorable now. No one in the rebellion has called her that; all except Karkat. She thought that he was calling her that to be formal, because that's what he was taught by his mother.

"I mean I grew up with Kankri. Kanaya too." He pauses, "The Dolorosa taught us to worry for people. If anything happened to them . . . God, I don't know what to do, Disciple."

Meulin turns her head away.

"I'm sorry that I brought up the subject." She says, shyly.

"No, it's alright," Karkat pauses again, "Kankri is my brother, my ancestor. The Dolorosa is my mother, she taught me things that I thought I'd never learn. Kanaya has been like my sister, even as grubs we have been inseparable."

Meulin didn't reply, she knows that this was hard for him, she wished there was something she could do to make him feel better. But there's nothing she could do. Karkat stays silent as he sharpens his other sickle. After about a few minutes of silence, the two trolls hear heavy breathing coming towards them. It drew Meulin to see who was coming.

"Someone is coming this way." She pauses, "Sollux?"

A teal blood walks out of the trees to the camp, holding her swords.

"No, it's me." She moans a little.

The voice made Karkat stand up, holding the sickle in his hand, as he glanced over at Terezi walking closer to them.


She shakes her head, putting the swords back into the cane.

"Sorry guys, I had no idea."

Karkat sighs in relief, sitting back down with another sigh. Terezi goes to the right side, putting her arms around him, looking at him.

"You look tired." She said.

While they were doing that, Meulin kept her eye out for anyone else from the rebellion that escaped. Except she didn't see anyone else. Cautiously, she turns to the teal blood.

"Terezi, where is everyone else?" She pauses, "What happened to everyone?"

Karkat clenches his fist on the handle.

"I am . . . I'm just worried about them."

The teal blood lets out a small sigh.

"I really don't know much," She pauses, "just that whatever they plan for Signless, it doesn't look good."

More heavy breathing comes towards their way. Meulin turns her head, seeing another olive blood coming her way.

"Meulin!" She said.

Karkat glanced at Terezi before standing up to see Nepeta run into the camp.


She sees him, running towards him, olive tears streaming down her face, her arms wrap around him. She cries.


"What is it?" He asks worried, looking all over her to see if she happened to be hurt anywhere, "What happened?!"

"They killed him!" She cries.

"What?!" Terezi's eyes widen.

". . . Killed who, Nepeta?" He tenses.

"They killed him, Meulin," Nepeta cries, "They took Dolorosa too!"

"Please don't say it was the Signless." Terezi mutters under her breath.

Nepeta turns her head to Terezi, nodding her head, her olive tears running down her cheeks. Karkat shook his head, this wasn't happening!

"No . . ." He looks down, "No! . . . Wait, where's . . . Where's Kanaya, Nepeta?"

Meulin sees a yellow blood, walking backwards towards the camp.

"Fuck you, Condenthe." He yells, "Fuck you and your army!"

Meulin inhales deeply.

"Sollux." She says.

"Are you alright?" Terezi asks while walking up to him.

The young psionic turned around to face them, then all his shock came back to his head and he falls to the ground, right in front of Karkat.

"Oh my god." He pauses, "I thaw it all . . . My ancethtor."

"Psiioniic?!" Nepeta turns to look at him.

His eyes widened slightly behind his glasses.

"The Condethe hooked him up . . . thhe hooked him up to be her helmthman." He managed to say, the image of his ancestor being hooked up to be the helmsman burned in his head, "Oh god."

"Sollux." Terezi sighs.

"They almotht got me too," He pauses, "but I wouldn't go without a fight."

Karkat sighs a little, feeling like his world is crashing down and shattering right before his eyes. Hopefully Kanaya is alright. Another troll runs towards them.

"Kanaya?" Karkat asks.

As the person drew near, Karkat let out a sigh, it wasn't Kanaya. Aradia glances at everyone.

"Thank goodness you all are alright." She pauses, a memory comes into her mind, "Oh god . . . Oh god."

Sollux started to tremble slightly. Karkat went over to him and stopped shortly, feeling like everything he had was being taken away from him, all at once.

"Karkat . . . I saw them . . ." Aradia trembles a little.

The descendant of Kankri Vantas looks at the other members of the rebellion, seeing their traumatized faces. Terezi wraps her arms around Sollux.

"Hey, calm down Sollux," She pauses, "just . . . We'll do something about this, okay?"

Aradia couldn't hold in this any longer.

"They took her Karkat! I saw them drag her away!" Aradia falls to her knees, rust red blood falls from her eyes, "They chained Kanaya!"

Terezi inhales deeply.

"Kanaya?!" Terezi looks at her, "No . . ."

Karkat's eyes widen.

"What?!" He yells.

He moved to fast, his sickle in his other hand sliced into his hand, enough to make him bleed.


Meulin takes out the bandages and wraps up the cut.

"That . . . That should be better."

"Ugh!" Aradia holds her head with her hands, seeing something.

Terezi looks at her worrying.

"What is it?" She asks.

Sollux looks at her and is instantly by her side.

"AA, what'th wrong?" He pauses, placing his hand on his shoulders, "You thee thomething?"

Aradia's breathing is unsteady, she begins to feel pain all over her body, most of the pain is in her chest, placing her left hand there, clenching the fabric of her shirt.

"Kanaya . . ." She moans, "Condense . . . Enslaved . . . I can feel her pain . . ."

"AA, thow me." He bites his lip.

He closes his eyes as he places two fingers on his right hand, places them on her temple.

Aradia gasps.

"Feferi is turning into her, Sollux."

"Who?" He asks.

"Feferi is turning into the Condense . . ." Aradia pauses, "I see it."

Terezi cautiously watches the psychics, wishing there was something there was something she could do to help.

"Oh no . . ." Sollux opens his eyes and slowly started to stand up, "I have to talk to her."

"Sollux, the warship has already left." Nepeta pauses, "It won't be back for another three days!"

"Thit!" Sollux clenches his fists.

Aradia's pain sated to leave. Karkat stands there. Kanaya is a slave to the Condense? It can't be. No matter how much he wished that it wasn't true, there's no way he could escape from the truth. He needs her to stay alive. She's the only family he had left.