Author has written 4 stories for Walking Dead, Avatar: Last Airbender, and Avengers. GENDER: FEMALE AGE: Old enough to drive. Days I wander freely and think to myself, perhaps I should get back to writing those few stories I've left unattended to for so long, but as I begin to work myself up to the task, something else distracts me and I forget without meaning to, for that I apologize for I have made a few promises to update that had never come to fruition, hence the new name. I mean it as sincerely as possible. Take it as you will. I have so MANY SHIPS IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY ANYMORE! I rather enjoy change, and for that, I apologize if my names are confusing some of my followers/readers out there. RECENT: I have a tumblr thanks to ShamelessEngineer666 :) - my tumblr is Zuko-of-Asgard () ZoA |
Amelinda X (0) AngelaLeeHarden (5) Bloody-red-scar (2) | CutiePewDiePie (1) esmtz (29) IgnitionP0INT (2) jessibear.pete (0) | MaliciousMALA (0) nailfail02 (34) OMiosDios (0) the-spoon-of-doom (13) |