Listen To Your Heart

By: esmtz

As soon as they had finally arrived in San Diego and made it to the evac station, everyone was surprised to find that a lot of people had survived the infection that had spread throughout the country.

"Man, this place is full of people!" Ellis said looking around in surprise.

Nick grabbed Ellis's hand and looked at him.

"No wondering off now, overalls." Nick told him.

"Here I thought it was just the six of us who survived." Zoey said happy to know that she and Rochelle were no longer the only girls still living in the world.

"Oh man I can't wait to have some real food for once." Coach sniffed the air and smiled drooling a little bit, "Hamburgers."

Louis laughed.

"The first thing you think about is food? I just want to start living again. Find myself an apartment, get a job…." Louis said.

"Well, you're going to probably have to wait a little longer because it looks like that we need to get checked out first before we do anything." Rochelle said watching as another survivor was being checked for the infection.

Nick snorted shaking his head.

"This is stupid and you want to know why? If any of us were infected we would be trying to kill everyone here, but look I don't see anyone 'changing' and doing that."

"It's just for precaution, Nick." Rochelle told him.

"Oh, so if we do somehow have the infection, but we're not affected by it, they're just going to shoot us the moment they find even a trace of it in us?" Nick asked.

Rochelle sighed.

"I don't think they…"

"We all thought the same thing right, Zoey? You, me, Francis, and Bill." Louis said looking at her.

Zoey nodded.

"Yeah, to be honest its great to see that there's a lot of people here, but I don't trust the people who are running this center and trying to see if any of us are 'infected'." Zoey replied.

"Why would you? It looks like they don't give a rat's ass since they didn't even bother trying to help any of us out before. They just left us to either die or to fend for ourselves. Either way they're a bunch of fucking assholes is what they are." Nick said glaring at the people who looked like they worked there.

"At least we're safe now, Nick. I'd rather be here then be thrown back out where all the zombies 'n shit are at." Ellis said looking at him.

Nick sighed.

"Yeah, I know. I just hate the fact that Ceda and anyone else who could have helped us were ok with losing most of the population."

"Well, looks like it's our turn to be examined." Louis said as he saw a guy in a white suit motion for them to follow him.

It took almost an hour after everyone was tested when the results came back. They all sighed with relief when they heard that they all were clean.

"Woulda been a nightmare if we had to watch one of us get shot." Ellis said relieved.

"I thought for sure Nick might have been infected." Louis said.

Nick glared at him.

"What makes you say that?" Nick asked.

"Well, for one you're just as violent as the infected when they're getting ready to attack you and two you seriously have anger management issues." Louis told him.

Nick gritted his teeth.

"You and Coach were trying to take Ellis to bury him so yeah you guys were pissing me off and you want to know why I'm always pissed? It's because assholes like Ceda think that it's ok to leave people to die and to not worry about it."

"I sure as hell wouldn't want them shootin Nick. I'd kill them mahself if I had to." Ellis said.

"Of course you would, Ellis." Rochelle smiled at him.

"Hell he'd probably jump in front of him to keep Nick from gettin killed." Coach said still looking for where the smell of hamburgers was coming from.

"Well, hey I'm clean so there's no need for that besides if Ellis even tried throwing himself in front of me when they were about to shoot I'd push him away before he could even have the chance to protect me." Nick replied.

"Nick, I don't care what it takes. One way or another I will have saved yer life cause there's no way in hell that I would be ok with yer death." Ellis told him looking at him seriously.

Nick groaned.

"How do you think I felt, Ellis?"

"How do you guys think Francis felt?" Louis asked making both of them shut up.

"Well, guys at least we don't have to worry about the zombie apocalypse. Not so much anyway." Zoey said.

"Hope not. I was getting really tired of killing zombies and worrying about if all of us were going to live or die everyday." Rochelle said looking at her.

"I wasn't. I was actually havin fun until it got to where…never mind. I'd rather be here anyway." Ellis said.

"So when are we going to be able to leave from here and live in the part of the city where humanity still is?" Nick asked.

Coach shrugged.

"Hell if I know, boy. As long as there's tons of food here I'm good." Coach said.

"Maybe you are, but I would actually like a place to live and be able to do my own thing." Nick sighed.

"Uh, Nick?"

"Yeah you're coming with me, overalls since its obvious I can't let you out of my sight for even a second." Nick replied.

Ellis smiled and hugged him.

"You better take good care of him, Nick." Coach told him.

Rochelle giggled.

"He'll be fine, Coach. Nick's good at looking after him."

"Uh, you know what? Take care of each other because if anything happens to either one of you…well you guys already know." Louis said.

"Yeah, I don't want to go through that again. It was bad enough already." Nick said looking at Ellis and held on to his hand tightly.

Ellis squeezed back and smiled at him.

"I love you, Nick." Ellis said.

Nick blushed as he struggled to say it back to him.

"Yeah, uh…I….love you too, Ellis." Nick replied.

Everyone laughed.

"Was that really so hard to get out, Nick?" Rochelle teased.

Nick turned redder as he glared at her.

"Shut up!"

"Aw, he cares how cute!" Zoey giggled.

They all grinned when Ellis snuggled against Nick making him stop what he was going to say and looked away feeling completely embarrassed.

"Now, what was that about doin yer own thing, Nick? Cause it looks like Ellis has you completely tied to him." Coach laughed.

Nick glared at him.

"Don't you guys have anything better to do then to make fun of me?"

"Hey, Coach? If you're still lookin for where those hamburgers were at they're over there." Ellis said pointing them out to him.

Coach turned licking his lips.

"Too good to refuse." Coach said and headed over to where people were serving food to the survivors.

"You know I am kinda hungry." Louis said looking at both girls.

"Oh yeah starving." Zoey replied.

"We'll just leave you two alone now." Rochelle said and followed right behind Louis and Zoey.

Nick shook his head.

"They leave the moment you say something."

"Well, they were botherin you." Ellis replied.

"Thanks. Y'know, Ellis it's kinda hard for me to….y'know."

"Yeah seein as you don't really open up a lot, but I know how we can fix that." Ellis grinned.

Nick looked at him in horror the moment he figured out what he was talking about.

"Ellis, no. Not again. I do not want to see or feel you not…"

Ellis pressed his lips against Nick's shutting him up instantly. Ellis grinned.

"Well, I don't know what you were talkin about, but mah idea was…"

Nick, having turned red and was turning redder, quickly put his hand over Ellis's mouth.

"You don't have to say anything, overalls. I get it. Just not here." Nick said removing his hand.

"Well, of course not here are you crazy? I was thinkin findin us a room somewhere."

"Ellis, I hate to break it to you, but I don't think there's any rooms here since everyone is just spread out everywhere with blankets tossed on the floor or there's very little and they're already taken." Nick told him.

Ellis thought for a second.

"Well, what was yer idea?" Ellis asked.

"Oh hell no! I'm finding us a room even if it means leaving the building to go find it somewhere else." Nick said as he got up and started searching the building.

Ellis laughed.

'He's funny. Sometimes I get him and sometimes I don't, but he really didn't need to get up and go look for a room. I guess I shoulda told him that we coulda used the car, but I don't think the others would be too happy with us if we told them what we did in it.'


Author's notes: Yeah I know shorter chapter, but hey technically the last chapter could have easily have been the last one so this chapter wasn't really necessary unless you wanted to know what happened when they got to San Diego. The poll is now on my profile at the very top so feel free to vote. It'll still be there until I've made a new story and then it will be gone. Also wanted to say happy 4th of July. Hope you guys had a good one. I still haven't come up with any good L4D story ideas yet (1 but it kinda sucks), so hopefully when I see more NickxEllis stories in the future it might help to inspire me. If I still can't come up with anything then I'm done. I'll just move on to something else or continue from another topic that I have written for before (Naruto, Pokemon, etc). Anyway thank you everyone for reading, reviewing, favoriting, and adding to story alert and maybe you'll read another story of mine again in the future.

-esmtz aka Sarah