Author has written 1 story for Inuyasha. Hows it going everyone! If you are actually reading this I'm impressed! Most people skip over these things like they are nothing...Shrug. In my case they are!Here's the lowdown I'm a recent graduate of high school, (I pity those that are still there...) I attend college, its a hellalot better than high school, believe me! I'm a girl, at least that's what the doc told my ma. I have a little sister, she helped me write a little of my storie while I wa sick, she doesn't have her own account, the evil bitch just runs amuck on mine. I have sandy blond-redish hair that hangs about to my ass, I really need a hair cut...-.- Pale blue icy-eyes, and no clue where they came from, both my rents are dark eyed Medium height and cute as a button! lol, sometimes ya just need to say stuff like that! Anyway, that's me in a nut shell. If ya want to talk to me about anything my email address is above and I don't bite so drop me a message! Ciao!! |