A/N: THIS IS IT! THE END!! Sorry it's been so long. I was gone, and I'm also on a Harry Potter kick right now, so I've been working on thatÉgyeh. BUT, I have this one done, soooo the rest should be easier, neh?
I start school on Monday, and it's going to be a hectic three weeks, but after that, things should smooth out and I'll be able to work on regular updates. But until thenÉwell. Eheh. Just don't kill me, yeah?
I SWEAR the next chap of ASITD will be in within the next three days. Tomorrow and Monday are going to be hard, but I'll try to workÉTry Tuesday, ok?
Previously, On Of Punk Mikos and Demonic Preps: They joked together, playing word games and generally relaxed after the tense afternoon. Twilight was upon them, and Sango suggested a movie. They popped in HellBoy, settling down to enjoy the action, trying not the remember that Kagome would have to go into the station the next day and relive the pain and hurt Naraku caused her. They just wanted to relax, to have this one night of normality.
Kagome cuddled closer to Inuyasha. She was home.
Chapter Eighteen
Seal It With
"It seems kind of surreal, doesn't it?
Inuyasha blinked at Kagome, who was staring pensively out the window. She had spoken softly, so much so that Inuyasha didn't think anyone else had heard her. Well, except maybe Kouga.
Inuyasha cocked his head. "How so?
"WellÉit all happened so fast. A couple hours at most. I know life isn't like the movies, butÉthis was really different. I was expecting to be there with him for daysÉweeks. I was so afraid he'd take me away like he said he would.
"But, an hour later, I had broken away from him, and you were there, and then the policeÉit was really quick! It's almostÉlike it never happened.
Inuyasha, who had watched her avidly as she talked, cocked his head in the other direction and nodded. "Yeah. I know. It is really anÉodd feeling. At least it's over. They have Naraku in jail, and all his little buddies too.
Kagome giggled. "Trying out for the Wicked Witch of the West?" She resumed using her normal voice.
Inuyasha mock glared at her. "Very funny.
"I thought so.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes and propped his feet up on his desk. They landed with a loud Ôclunk'. Kagome grinned. He was wearing his boots with his school uniform. A subtle kind of rebellion.
Miroku leaned over and poked Inuyasha. He jumped. "What?
"Kouga's flicking paper balls at your head. Thought you might want to know.
Inuyasha scowled and turned. "What?
Kouga smirked. "Bout time you noticed." Inuyasha glared. "Just was wondering if I could borrow your history notes.
Inuyasha blinked. Had Kouga- a guy he had until recently hated with all of his heart- asking him for his notes? "Uh, sure.
Kouga grinned, his fangs glinting. "Thanks.
Inuyasha fished out his notes and handed them to the wolf demon behind him, the sleeve of his uniform pulling up to reveal what looked suspiciously like a leather cuff.
Kagome grabbed his wrist and pulled it to her. Inuyasha yelped.
"Where'd this come from?
"My dresser.
She raised an eyebrow at him.
"What? It did!
"You know, I don't understand you.
"You don't understand me?" He snorted. "You're an enigma yourself, Higurashi.
She raised her other eyebrow. "Oh really?
Inuyasha glanced around at the students in the classroom, obviously listening in on their conversation. "Erm, could we have this discussion later? I don't really feel like telling you why you're an enigma to me in front of my graduating class.
Kagome rolled her eyes, but acquiesced.
"So, why am I an enigma?
Inuyasha groaned. "God, you're like one of those dogs that latches on and won't let go.
"I know. So?
"You just are." Inuyasha shot a glance at her. She wasn't buying it. "When I met you, I-I'm not sure how to say it. You were a mystery to me. Prancing about school with your annoyingly cheerful attitude, appalling language and those ridiculous boots; yet no matter how big our smile was, or how loud your laughter, there was always something, hidden at the back. It didn't help that you were the image of Kikyou, who had recently shattered my heart.
"And then I couldn't get you off my mind. It was art class, I think, when I noticed it. How completely at odds you were. Your appearance and your manner. You were so delicate looking, once you calmed down. You looked like you would break if someone dropped you.
"Course, then you opened your mouth, and BAM! There goes that image.
Kagome, who had been listening raptly, smacked him on the arm. "Ha ha. Very funny. So that's why I'm not easily understood?
"Yeah, a bit. That, and why you decided to fall for me.
Kagome smiled lopsidedly. "I didn't decide. It just happened, and I don't think I'd change that if I could.
Inuyasha reached out and squeezed her hand. "Now you tell me why I confuse you.
She grinned. "Because your appearance and your manner are completely at odds.
Inuyasha looked at her, one eyebrow cocked.
"Well," she amended, "now they are. Look at you, Mr. Popularity. Follow the rules. Dress well. The occasional swearword helped from making you become Miss Susie High School, but you were still very close.
"Miss?" Inuyasha asked, feigning hurt.
"Ok, Mister. But you keep popping up with surprises, Like listening to DirEnGrey, knowing how to apply makeup, dropping sly hints about junior high, and telling me you weren't always popular. It's driving me nuts!
"I thought that was a regular thing.
Kagome glared at him and smacked him again. Inuyasha grinned.
"Well, I wasÉa rebel, I suppose. Got into it early, like eleven or twelve. All of my friends thought I was losing my mind. And the first day I wore eyelinerÉmy dad laughed. Thought it was funny. Sess's reaction was great. He couldn't speak for at least a minute.
"But when I got to schoolÉthat's when everyone started shunning me. At first, it was lonely, but I got used to it quick. First year of junior high, I met Miroku. He was never as flamboyant as me, but we got to be friends anyway.
"How'd you and Kikyou get together?
"I'm not really sure. She must've seen something in me that she liked. She was-an untouchable. I admired her from afar, knowing I could never have her. But then, one day, she started paying attention to me. I asked her out for a movie, and after thatÉI loved her, so much that I changed. I-I did what she wanted, and eventually, I was Mr. Susie High School, as you said.
Kagome didn't say anything, and they stood in silence. Kagome reached over and held Inuyasha's hand in hers. He smiled.
A thought struck him. "Hey, did you know you're a miko?
Kagome started. "Huh? I'm not a priestess.
"Well, no, but you have the power.
"How do you know?
"In class, way back. You threatened everyone, and I felt it. Along with half of the class. I think you should see about training. You could do great stuff with that.
Kagome blushed faintly. "I think I will.
Kagome clutched Inuyasha's hand as they entered the room. For all her bravery, she still was frightened of being so close to him. Inuyasha gave her a quick squeeze and focused his attention on the black haired man in front of them.
Kagome drew a shaky breath. "You wanted to see me-?
"One last time, yes. Thank you for coming.
He was always the perfect gentleman. His dark eyes landed on Inuyasha and his mouth twisted.
"What is he doing here?
Inuyasha growled low in his chest.
"I don't want to see you! You took her away form me! Get out!!
Neither Inuyasha nor Kagome saw it coming. Naraku launched himself out of his chair and over the table, arms stretched out for his throat.
Before either could react, he was caught by one of the guards in the room.
Kagome and Inuyasha were ushered out quickly, but that didn't stop them from hearing Naraku's screams from the room behind them.
Inuyasha wrapped his arm around Kagome's shoulders and pulled her close as they hurried out of the police station, vowing never to return again.
Kagome closed her eyes contentedly. She let wave after wave of power flow over her, a soft smile on her face.
A shadow fell over her. She opened her eyes and was met with Inuyasha, looking down at her amusedly.
"What are you doing?
Kagome sat up. "Practicing.
"Yes, here." She patted the grass beside her. "Sit.
He sat, folding gracefully. Kagome eyed him appreciatively. He grinned cockily at her. "See something you like?
Instead of joking along with him, she nodded. "I do.
Inuyasha caught on quickly, sensing the serious mood. He placed an arm around her shoulders and she leaned into him, inhaling his scent.
"I love you.
It had slipped out, unbidden. Inuyasha stiffened. Kagome bit her lip.
"You do?
There was no emotion in his voice. Kagome nodded against his chest. She suddenly became aware of his racing heartbeat.
The silence was nerve racking. Kagome didn't move, but inside she knew she should've have said it. He didn't, couldn't love her.
"I love you too.
Kagome blinked and sat up. She couldn't have heard that right.
Inuyasha scowled. "I said, I love you too.
"You do?
"Yes." His tone was so final and filled with such certainty that she couldn't doubt him. A smile spread over her face, one that threatened to break off, it was so big.
Inuyasha smiled too, a bit uncertainly. He held her tightly when she threw herself into his arms. He heard her murmuring ÔI love you, I love you, I love you' over and over in his ear and he held her tighter.
"I love you Kagome, and I'm never letting you go.
"Is that a promise?
Inuyasha laughed, nodding and sealed the pledge with a scorching kiss.