Poll: Hey question about awakening feelings I'm focusing a lot on bella at the moment as that's where the story is happening but I am considering adding more meanwhile in forks sections maybe one at the end of each chapter or even a mini chapter In between the main chapters just everyday stuff. Daily like in he Cullen house hold How Carlisle and Edward are adapting how the renovations are going simple stuff like that Vote Now!
Author has written 11 stories for Twilight, StarTrek: Voyager, Harry Potter, Stargate: Atlantis, Sherlock, Criminal Minds, and Princess Diaries. Hey. Me in a sentence: I'm a book addict from suffolk England who has the best son in the world favorite book, the twilight saga but if I had to pick one it's breaking dawn by a mile faveorite tv show , bones and startrek voyager favourite fictional character, Captian Kathrine Janeway, Shes amazing if I could make her real and marry her I would I love to write but don't get much time so all of my stories are a real labour of love. And I would love to hear what people think of them. |
AhmoseInarus (110) Ani-maniac494 (134) | DAxilla (35) Escaping Gravity (7) NoDrogs (24) | RedAndBlond (11) Skylighters (5) WingsOfDuskAndDawn (30) |