Loves: Buffy/Spike (I really can't stomach Bangel and that's my business.) Angel/Cordelia (She brings out his personality far more than Buffy ever did.) Draco/Ginny Ron/Hermione Charlie Weasley Hates: Harry/Ginny (alright, but if Gin's with Harry it means she's not with Draco and that just pisses me off. Canon or no those two belong together. Blushes My first fic thatI didn't post was a little bit H/G only because I hadn't discovered the beauty that was D/G and Draco was an original character.) Draco/Hermione (don't even try to convert me. I get physically ill.) Name: Amanda Age: 16 House I would be sorted into: I would love to be in Slytherin, but I'd probably end up in Ravenclaw despite my horrendous grammar. Lol. If anyone wants to The Alliance: Completed! Finally! I had just became obsessed with Draco/Ginny fanfiction and I wanted to take a crack at it. I think I did a decent job. Dear Daria: A cute little ficlet that I made up when I was getting uber depressed because ComaBlack was becoming so dark. I'mglad that I posted it though. I wasn't surewhether or not I was going to. Nothing's the Same: First in theBad Faith trilogy. Draco and Ron are sucked into analternate universe. Everything is different.Everyone they know is a muggle, they're in America, personalities are swapped...a tad confusing at the get-go butIt'll straighten itself out in a few fact, it already has I believe. If your head hurts when you read it just email me andI'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. Coma Black: Not yet posted, however give it time. With Nothing's the Same, Dear Daria, and school I hardly have any free time on my hands. It will be out eventually, that I promise you. It's a dark fic. Read the song lyrics if you dare...muhahahaha! 5-9-05 Nothing's the Same Chapter 18 is up! Dear Daria: Chapter 6 is up! My most popular fic thus far. I'm very happy with it's success. Thank you guys for all reviewing. Also up on Fire and Ice Archive and FictionAlley. Chapter 7 is five pages long thus far. And please! I cannot stress this enough! Review! I love getting them and they make my little world go 'round and 'round and 'round and 'round...okay I'm done. Seriously though, please feel free to press the little 'Go' button and review. I'll love you forevers! VOTE FOR ME! awards. Nothing's the Same and Dear Daria are both up for awards so please vote for me! |