Amour Dans La Bibliothèque

By Dorthey Star

"Love in the library
Quiet and cool
Love in the library
There are no rules
Surrounded by stories
Surreal and sublime
I fell in love in the library
Once upon a time"

-"Love In the Library" by Jimmy Buffet

I don't remember the exact date when I first met her. It was sometime in late August, and was the hottest summer that England had ever seen. Witches and Wizards had adopted the cooler clothing of Muggles like shorts and tee shirts instead of the heavy robes and cloaks. Even the biggest haters of Muggles, such as my father, Lucius Malfoy, wore these Muggle clothes.

I was studying for Mediwizard School that summer, much to the disapproval of my father, who wanted me to go into the Ministry, so I spent a lot of my time at the Albus Dumbledore Memorial Library. That's where I first saw her.

I remember the first time I saw her. She was stretched on her bare feet, her pale, slender legs going for miles. She had on a pale blue sundress, and her ridiculously thick red hair hung to her waist in waves. She pulled down the book she wanted- Monet: A History- and looked around the library, searching for a place to sit.

The library had become a very popular place to go. It was practically the breeziest place in Diagon Alley. She spotted no available seat, except at my table. My parents weren't hiding the fact that they were Death Eaters anymore. Although I had no intention of ever becoming one, people didn't believe me, and therefore avoided sitting at my table.

But she was different. She strode right over to my table.

"Do you mind if I sit here, Malfoy?" she asked calmly.

"Draco. My name is Draco. Yes, you can sit," I said. She smiled and sat down.

"Thank you, Draco," she said softly and smiled. She settled into the chair and started to read.

It became a tradition, every day after that for the rest of the summer. She would come and sit at my table. Usually we would sit and read silently, but once in a while we would talk, usually about our Hogwarts experiences, or she would tell stories of her family. We never talked about mine.

I got to know her that summer. Not only did I learn about her past, I learned her habits. I learned the way she popped her gum as she read; the way she twisted her hair when she was concentrating on something; and the way she threw her head back when she laughed, often getting a glare from the librarian. I knew I was slowly falling for her.

One day, mid September, just before I left for Mediwizard School, the thing I'd been fearing happened: she didn't show up. I waited until I was the only one left, and the library was closing before I left. The next day I left for Mediwizard School and didn't see her again.

I didn't date during my two years of study. I couldn't get her out of my head. No girl could compare to her. My schooling completed, and I started up my residency at St. Mungo's. It was during this time that my life changed.

People going through residency keep horrible hours, as I found out. More often than not we would work twelve hour shifts and sleep for anywhere from six to twelve hours before going back into the hospital. There was no time for dating, although no girl had measured up to her yet, so I wouldn't have dated anyway.

It was three a.m. and the emergency was pretty quiet for a Saturday night. There was a buzzing noise as a paper airplane flew threw the air and landed in the hands of my mentor, Dr. Peggy Wingate. Peggy read it quickly and turned to me.

"We're about to have a victim of a very poisonous snake bite come in. As far as we can tell, she was out in the middle of nowhere painting, and a snake bit her. She only had the strength to send up distress sparks. Thank god there was a wizard in the area. Lord knows what would happen if there hadn't been," Peggy said in a rush as she got a cot ready for us to transfer the patient on to.

"Do they know her name or have any family members that we can contact?" I asked and got out a piece of parchment my Quick Notes Quill.

"Yes. Her name is Virginia Weasley. Her parents are Molly and Arthur Weasley and her brothers are Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and Ron," she read off the parchment. I dropped my parchment to the floor, where the Quick Notes Quill continued to write.


Disclaimer: all characters, places, and objects belong to J.K. Rowling. I'm merely borrowing them for my own enjoyment, and am not making any profit what-so-ever off of them…which is kind of a pity seeing as how Christmas is almost here, and making a profit would give me to money to buy Christmas presents for friends and loved ones…

Author's Note: writing had lost all the fun in it for me, which is why my updates had been few and far between. The last story that I can honestly say I had a lot of fun writing was You Only Live Twice, and that was such a long time ago! But I've decided to expand this into a longer story that I had originally planned, so hopefully this will bring the fun back to writing, especially if I end with a cliff hanger every chapter *vbeg* Please review. I've plotted out my fabby plot already, but if you want to make any suggestions, fell free! Really!

P.S. If my title has any mistakes in it, please tell me so that I can correct it! I got this translation off of babble fish, so it could very well be wrong, and my resident French expert (okay, so he's completed French I and French II whereas I'm only in French I) isn't around….