Amour Dans La Bibliothèque

By Dorthey Star

* * * *

            Blaise and I headed up the long walk of Malfoy Manor together. Every light was on in the Manor and you could hear the laughter and music from outside.

            "Perhaps Pansy won't find us," Blaise said uncertainly.

            "Perhaps the sky will turn green and the grass blue- without the use of magic," I replied dryly. I could hear Blaise sigh. He did perk up, however, when he heard what music they were playing. It was Queen, of course. Blaise started to sing along.

            "A baby I was when you took my hand, and the light of the night burned bright, and the people all stared didn't understand, but you knew my name on sight. Whatever came of you and me? America's new bride to be.  Don't worry baby I'm safe and sound. Down in the dungeon just peaches and me. Don't I love her so? Yes she made me live again yeah!" he sang.

            "So what song is it?" I asked him. Blaise knew not only every word to every Queen song, but he knew what album they were off of, and what year they were released.

            " 'Now I'm Here' off of the Sheer Heart Attack album, which was released around 1975," he said, and stopped to think for a moment before adding, "I didn't know your parents were Queen fans."

            "I didn't either," I grumbled. It wasn't that I was irritated that my parents were Queen fans- which I most certainly didn't disapprove of- but I just did not want to be here. I had to work early the next morning, and if I knew my parents they would serve alcohol, which I would end up consuming, which would mean I would have a hangover tomorrow. Great.

            "DRACO! BLAISE! YOU CAME!" Pansy screamed. She was dressed more conservatively today. She had on a long hunter green with a low neckline and spaghetti straps. She had on lots of diamonds and long white gloves. Her curly dirty blonde hair was pulled up into some sort of knot.

            "Hullo Pansy," Blaise said and kissed her on the check, "Would we ever pass up an invitation like this?" What he said wasn't quite what he meant. Mother would never have allowed for us to miss this. She wouldn't even take death as an excuse.

            "Hello Pansy," I greeted her with a kiss on the check, too. I was scared she would take it as more than a friendly kiss. Luckily if she did she didn't let on that she did.

            "I'm so glad you two came. It has been so dull without you here!" She said as she linked her arms in ours and led us into the Manor. Mother was standing at the door, greeting people as they came in.

            "Draco, darling! It's so good to see you again," she said and gave me a peck on the cheek. I could smell the champagne on her breath, which would explain the unusual show of emotion.

            "Hull, Mother," I said, returning the kiss on the cheek.

            "Your father is in the Salazar Library with some friends of his. Says he wants to speak to you," Mother whispered in my ear. I knew what the meeting would be about. He would try and harass me into following in his footsteps and becoming a Death Eater. The Salazar Library was only used for meetings of Death Eaters, and the only occasions that I had been allowed in there was when he was trying to convince me to join. I turned to Blaise.

            "There is some business that I must attend to. I'll find you once I'm finished with it," I said. He nodded and headed with Pansy into the yellow drawing room while I turned and headed in the direction of the Salazar Library. The Salazar Library is perhaps the most well hidden room in the whole Manor. Only someone with Malfoy blood, or someone who has been invited by a Malfoy can find the room- and even then the guests have to have a Malfoy to help them find it. Finally I reached the door to the library. It was ornately decorated with carvings of snakes and skulls. I knocked sharply three times before opening the door.

            Father was standing by the hearth while three other men were sitting. All four heads turned in my direction as I opened the door.

            "Ah, Draco. I see you came. If you will excuse me, gentlemen, I have something I must discuss with Draco," Father said and walked towards me. "We'll use the green drawing room," he said to me. I nodded and we walked across the hall where the green drawing room was located. The green drawing room was one of my least favorite rooms in the house; everything was done in green, except for the furniture frames and the floor, which were both dark colored wood. All the green made me think I was in a large salad.

            "What are you wanting to talk to me about, Father?" I asked him, keeping my voice neutral.

            "I'm getting older, Draco, as you know, and when I die the Manor will go into your possession. However, there are a few minor details to this inheritance. First, you must be married to a Pureblood witch. Second, you must promise to take care of your Mother, for appearances, of course. It wouldn't do for your mother to be on her own, now would it?" Lucius asked coldly.

            "Of course not, Father," I said calmly.

            "Good. That is all; you may leave." I nodded curtly and left the room quickly. I went back into the Rose Ballroom to find a very drunk Blaise hitting on Pansy. I hurried to him.

            "Blaise, I think that it is time for us to leave," I said to him, and tried pulling him away from Pansy.

            "But Draco! I'm just talking to Anastasia Beaverhousen…" he slurred. I gave Pansy a suspicious look.

            "Blaise, that's Pansy Parkinson," I said, and pointed to a far corner of the room, "Anastasia's over there with Crabbe and Goyle. Dear lord, I didn't think I'd live to see the day that both Goyle and Crabbe saw some action. I suppose the punch is more spiked than normal this year. C'mon Blaise," I said as we watched my two bodyguards from school being led away by a very, very drunk blonde girl. Pansy and Blaise both looked like they were about to be sick at the thought of Crabbe and Goyle getting sick, so neither put up a fight as I led Blaise away.

            "Bye Darling!" Mother called out from across the room. I waved at her and left the manor. We took the first carriage that we saw (which was to keep guests from Apparating while drunk, which was never a wise decision. Apparation was hard enough to manage correctly when completely sober).

* * * *

            There was a great commotion around Ginny's room when I got the hospital the next day. Anna was standing by, laughing. I walked up to her.

            "What's going on?" I asked. She pointed to the redheaded figure that was standing on the bed, grinning broadly.

            "The feeling came back into Ginny's leg this morning. She's having problems walking, but she can stand all right. Peggy said that you should take her down to the therapy wing when you got here and that if she can walk fine, then she can leave this afternoon." I barely contained my grin.

            "Move, please," I called out as I struggled to get into the room. After ages of pushing my way through the sea of red hair, I finally made my way to Ginny's bedside.

            "Hullo, Dr. Malfoy," she said cheerfully.

            "Good morning, Ms. Weasley. If you'll come with me to the therapy wing for a little while you'll be able to go home this afternoon," I told her and checked her clipboard.

            "Oh thank god," she murmured to me as she climbed off of the bed. "I don't know how much longer I would have been able to take being around my family so much. I don't know how I did it when I was younger." I allowed a small smile. Since she was able to walk, we didn't use the wheelchair. "You know," she panted, "I think I'll get all the therapy done by the time we get down there." I laughed.

            "Probably, but we'll stay here for a bit so you can rest up," I said as we arrived in the therapy wing. We sat down on the bench and she studied me for a few minutes.

            "You know…scrubs really suit you. You look really good in them," she said. Her eyes widened slightly as she realized that she had voiced her thoughts and she immediately blushed and looked at her lap.

            "Thanks," I said as I leaned a little closer to her. "You know, you don't look half bad in your hospital gown."

            "Really?" she asked breathlessly as she leaned closer to me.

            "Really," I said. Before either of us knew what was happening, the gap between our lips was closed and we were kissing. I was never one to believe in the fireworks and whatnot those novels aways say you feel when you're kissing the one, but as I kissed Ginny, I saw and felt them. We broke away.

            "Wow," she whispered. I nodded, unable to form words. The color drained out of her face. "Oh my god, I am so sorry if that gets you in trouble with the hospital."

            "Don't worry about it…No one will have seen it, so no one will know," I said. I stood up and held my hand out for her. "I think we should be heading back." She took my hand and I helped her back up. I squeezed her hand before dropping it. We walked back to her room in silence. Peggy met us at the door.

            "She's walking wonderfully. You can go home now, Ginny. I've sent your family home already. Draco, if you'll come with me we need to go check on Mrs. Johnson," Peggy said.

            "I'll meet you there," I said. She eyed me suspiciously, then nodded curtly and left. I turned to Ginny.

            "I'll owl you within the next few days to see about that date, all right?" She smiled.

            "That'll be great. She looked around to see that no one was watching and gave me a kiss on the cheek before I turned to go meet Peggy.

Disclaimer: all characters, places, and objects belong to J.K. Rowling. I'm merely borrowing them for my own enjoyment, and am not making any profit what-so-ever off of them…which is kind of a pity seeing as how Christmas is almost here, and making a profit would give me to money to buy Christmas presents for friends and loved ones… the song at the beginning of the chapter was a Queen song, as always, and the name of it is mentioned in the storyline. The name Anastasia Beaverhousen was borrowed for a particularly hilarious episode of Will and Grace.

Author's Note: Okay, so I said a lot of things were going to happen in this chapter and they didn't…Well, Bellatrix will show up before the end of the chapter! Really! Next Chapter: Draco and Ginny go on their first date, Anastasia Beaverhousen shows up, and we finally meet spouses, soon to be spouses, and significant others of the Dream Team! Please review.