![]() Author has written 8 stories for Fairy Tail, One Piece, and Hunter X Hunter. Intro: Name: Origm2012(of course) Age: I'm getting old Gender: Male( Yup) I don't own Fairy Tail or One Piece. Any additional content such as pictures belong to the original owners. I simply own my original ideas.TEMPORARY UPDATE: I'll be getting back to updating regularly. Thanks for the support! In Progress: Collaboration Project: The Summit Project: Ragnarok's Call: Ragnarok's Call had once thrived in Northern Fiore as a force to be reckoned with, but around a decade ago they took to the shadows. With the emergence of a new guild in the Valley, their leader feels it's time to remind the people of Fiore how fearsome they can be. Part of the Summit Project, a collaboration between MyDearWatson, Raiyane, Origm2012 and Dreadburner94. Hiatus. The Pergrande Project: Nereid Path: Nereid Path has existed for well over two hundred years and serves as one of the founding guilds of the Pergrande Kingdom. Hiatus.Regular Stories 1) Struggle For Alakitasia - A story following how the continent of Alakitasia would have fared had Zeref never intervened. 2) The Most Free - This story follows a group of people trying to survive in a world set nearly a hundred years after Luffy's adventure. 3) Hunter's Vanguard - A look at the lives of some of the hunter's who existed 10 years before Gon's adventure. 4) Mahaha Song - An upstart guild in Northern Fiore and their attempt at building and protecting a home. News: Table of Contents: SUMMIT PROJECT LINKS The Summit Project: Goblin Grin The Summit Project: Seahorse Crest The Summit Project: Ragnarok's Call The Most Free Arc Names OC Positions: The Brightholt Chronicles OC: Submissions will be limited for the following arcs. Submissions will work a little differently for the side fics. The Most Free: The positions for Crew Mates are temporarily frozen as he sort through submissions. However, Marine and Asuachi Positions are open. Crew Positions Taken: Shipwright/Cook/Doctor/Swordsmen/Sniper/Navigator However, that doesn't mean that your OC can't be one of these when submissions open again. Locked Devil Fruits: Chiyu Chiyu no Mi Yuki Yuki no Mi Hobi Hobi no Mi Kage Kage no mi Ope Ope no mi Gura Gura no mi All Logia fruits for crew mates are temporarily locked. They're open for other OCs. For the side fics, I'll only update when I have received all of the components for the intended chapter. I'll be handling submissions in this manner because it'll give a chance to late readers to submit OCs without over-burdening. I won't turn away OCs that need a bit more work, I'll try and work with you on it, but with that said that doesn't secure your spot. If someone submits a more complete OC, then that spot will be taken. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but it seems fair to me. I'll update these numbers as soon as spots are filled. So please check this portion before submitting. If you have any question about anything, feel free to ask me. OC Forms: If you could send your OC in a separate message with the story they belong to that would be great The Pergrande Project: Nereid Path Forms and Rules: You MUST fill out the OC form completely. Anything that we think little effort was put into will be immediately looked over. We have put our own time and effort into creating each of these guilds as well as our own characters that will be in it. We have filled out these forms completely ourselves and we expect you to do the same. So an explanation on personality that simply shows as ‘sweet and shy’ will not cut it. The same goes for a small, single paragraph history. This is your character. Have fun with them. Get to know them while you create them. Tell us anything and everything about them so we have the ability to portray them correctly. • No characters will be accepted through a review. You MUST send them in a PM to the creator of the guild you wish your character to be in. • Please title your PM message with the guild name you are sending the character into as well as the character’s name. • Please do keep in mind that all three writers will be reviewing each and every character sent in together and as a group, we will be deciding whether or not they make the cut. • You can send in up to three characters, but they will each have to go to different guilds. So if you send in one to Solar Plexus, the second character must go to one of the other two guilds. This is not to say that you have to make three characters. If you feel like making one, then just make one. But if you do make two or three characters, please make sure to send them all into different guilds. • If you have blood related ties (i.e. siblings or other family) please reach out to the creator you are sending the character into in order to speak with them about things like that. However, this does not mean that everyone can have a bother, sister, cousin, etc. added with their character in order to claim another main character slot. If the family are minor characters, that is more than acceptable, but we are limiting how many family ties will be within the guilds as main characters. • No repeat characters! This means that if you have sent in a character to another story, do NOT copy and paste them into the form we are using and send them in. There are three of us reviewing these characters, so more than likely we will know if you have used a character before, and if we catch a repeat character, they will be immediately looked over. Be creative and send in a new, fresh character! • No ties to canon characters, familial or otherwise. • No CanonXOC pairings will be accepted. • No Slayers of any kind nor machias nor gods nor demons will be accepted for the story. This is NOT negotiable. • No Crash Magic or anything similar. • No Black Arts styled magic for good guy characters. This, however, would be acceptable for villains. Things like Shadow Magic and Darkness Magic are acceptable for good guy characters, as we have seen this used in the canon storyline. But obviously evil type magic will NOT be accepted for good guy characters. • No magic types or items that will make your character immortal. We haven’t every really seen this all that much, but we wanted to put it out there. NO IMMORTAL CHARACTERS. • For Non-Slayer types: We will only accept up to two types of magic for each character. However, this does not mean that we want all of you sending in characters with two magic types. There must be a good reason behind why they have two types of magic. So no ‘just because I felt like adding a second magic’ type of characters! If you send in a character with more than one magic, you MUST explain how they got both magic types. And preferably, we would like to see the two magic types being able to connect with either how they got them or how they use them. • No Space/Time magic types. • S-Class mages will be limited as well and we will announce when all the slots have been filled. If all slots have been filled and you send in an S-Class character, we will ask you to fix the power level of the character. Also, if we feel like the character is too overpowered regardless of their rank, we will also ask you to fix their power level. • S-Class mages must be 20 years old or older. NO EXCEPTIONS! • Restrictions on things like magic, genders, character types, character appearances and such will be updated in our profiles so you all know what can and can’t be sent in once characters start coming in. If you send in a character that has one of the restrictions in it you will be asked to change it. NO EXCEPTIONS! • Please be active on the site as we will reach out to you at some point or multiple points to ask you about things for your character and whatnot. It makes it easier for us to be able to work with you. • You must be willing to work with us on making your OC fit. So if we ask you to change or tweak something, it is not because we are trying to be mean or rude or look down on your character. It’s mostly because we honestly need to change whatever it is we are asking of you. We have a lot of things that will need to be connected, so we may ask that timelines or whatnot in your history change a bit so we can connect everything properly. • You are more than welcome to create your own lore/towns, but please give us an explanation of them so we can understand them too. If you would like your character to be from one of our towns as well, that’s fine too. In this story, all towns/cities are named after gemstones, so if you create one of your own, please use a gemstone name. Though, please keep in mind that Alexandrite, Citrine, Onyx, Paraiba, and Peridot have all currently been taken. • We will accept reservations! Trust us! We know how long it takes to fill out the OC Form and we want you to take your time on it! • We are only accepting main characters for the moment. Once all main characters are in and we’ve worked out things with them, then we will open other character slots. We will let you know when openings like this happen! • You must use the form in our profiles! If you create your own form or skip out on parts of our form, your character will be immediately looked over! • Please! For our sanity! Remove the details in parenthesis before sending in your character! • And please send your character in a new message thread with the title that was stated earlier in the rules! • Finally! You must keep in mind that we do hold the right to deny your character! It is in no way to be rude or mean to you or to pick on you or single you out or anything like that! But if we feel like there was no effort made in creating the character or it did not follow our Rules or the OC Form or we feel they cannot fit into the story or there is something in their profile that we do not feel comfortable writing about, we do hold the right to deny the character. Character Form Name: Gender: Age: (The year is x809) Hairstyle and Color: Eye Shape and Color: Height: Body Type: Skin Tone: Guild Mark Location and Color: Extras: (Scars, Face Shape/Details, Tattoos, Birthmarks, Piercings, etc.) Regular Clothes: Formal Clothes: Sleepwear: Swimwear: Training outfit: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Hobbies: Deplorable characteristic: Something that other people would be shocked and surprised at. Praise-able characteristic: Something that other people would be proud to share about them. How they act towards friends: Enemies: Rivals: Respected Figures: Figures of Authority: Love Interests: Type of Person they would fall in love with: Befriend: Rival: History: (Where are they from, any family, etc, what were they doing up to this point. Also mention why they've traveled so far North to begin with). Goals: (What are your character's goals?) Magic: (Two types of magic max unless you’ve got a really good reason for it and you’ve convinced us to allow it. No Slayer type magics, period.) Spells: (Create at least SEVEN spells for your character to use.) Weaknesses: Strengths: Plot Points: (How do you want to see your character grow? How do you want to see their personal story progress? Try to be as detailed as possible with this. And yes, this is required.) Stats: Out of 10 (The total score determines 'mage tier'. A concept which has actual place in the story and is strictly to assist me in writing. Tier 1: A score between 46-52. Tier 2: A score between 40-46. Tier 3: 0-40. Note: No total above 52 is possible and any if it surpasses this amount I'll be returning the OC to you. Physical Power: Physical Defense: Magical Power: Magical Defense: Speed: Intellect: Extra: (Quirks/Pets/Weapons/etc.) Note: if it's a pet, a brief description of their appearance and behavior is required. The Brightholt Chronicles Form:Name: Gender: Age: 12-50 (preferably) Guild: Appearance: History: (The more sufficient the better, are they going to join the guild. Are they already a part of a guild? If the story is good, you may find that I'll use it as a focal point for an arc.) Regular Clothes: Formal Clothes: S-Class: All submissions henceforth will be regular mages or joining the guild. (If you're interested. I'll place your character in a pool with the other candidates and then I’ll use a random number generator to decide which characters are automatically S-Class. Everyone after that will have to wait for the S-class arc.(Which I'm too excited about) Good Luck) Magic: 2 types at most. (I have no preference in general. If the story is compelling, I will accept them.) Spells: (3-4 spells, they know immediately. Then a few spells they will learn at some point in the series. I will work with you to develop the scenes they learn these skills.) Personality: Guild Mark: (Color/location) Weaknesses: (If you can't tell me a weakness about your character, there's a good chance, I won't take them.) Strengths: (If they seem unkillable or perfect, there's a good chance, I won't take them.) Relationships: (Feel free to PM about pairings that you like. This extends past romantic relationships. Friendships, team mates. etc. I will go along with suggestions that seem sensible.) Extra: (If there are any peculiarities about your character that I should know.) Pets: (This includes Exceed’s and is entirely optional) Name: Personality: Partner Interaction: (Can they communicate and if so, how?) Appearance: The following is just so I have a rough idea of their strengths and weaknesses. Attack: (X/100) Defense: (X/100) Speed: (X/100) Magic Reserves: (X/100) The Most Free Form:Name: Age: (18-50) Gender: Species: (Human, Cyborg, Fishman, Long-Arm/Leg, etc.) Rank: (This only applies to the OC if you’re submitting a marine.) Appearance: Regular Clothes: Winter Clothes: Hot Weather Clothes: Personality: (The more descriptive the better) Quirks: Likes: Dislikes: Hobbies: History: What have they been doing up until their appearance in the story. Devil Fruit: (When I say that this is optional, I do mean it. If it gets out of hand I may have to close all devil fruit submissions. Plus, between you and me… I’ll “look out” for the character like Zoro and Sanji.) Devil Fruit Abilities: Combat: (Close combat/Long-range combat? Firearms? Swords? Or a unique weapon or fighting style?) Strengths: Weaknesses: Weapon(s): Optional. Attacks: If they more so have a free form fighting style than several techniques and you want to describe it that’s fine also. Crew Skills: These are abilities that don’t have to deal with combat. (Chef/Archeologist/Doctor) They don’t have to have one, but it does help in their chances. Keep in mind I appreciate uniqueness. So if they have an interesting skill or even an interesting dream to achieve that’s fine with me. Pursuit of Eden FormName: Gender: Age: 12-50 (preferably) Appearance: History: (When and where are they from? Do they have family with them? Regular Clothes: Formal Clothes: Goals: (Something that defines who they were before coming to Red Mirror. Something they aspired to do so much it may have played a huge role in their lives.) Magic: 2 types at most. (I have no preference in general. If the story is compelling, I will accept them.) (As mentioned, this story involves Fairy Tail and Magic, but is not limited to magic. If you can think of a unique form of combat, I’ll gladly listen to it. Spells: (3-4 spells, they know immediately. Then a few spells they will learn at some point in the series. I will work with you to develop the scenes they learn these skills.) Personality: Weaknesses: (If you can't tell me a weakness about your character, there's a good chance, I won't take them.) Strengths: (If they seem unkillable or perfect, there's a good chance, I won't take them.) Deplorable characteristic: Something that other people would be shocked and surprised at. Praise-able characteristic: Something that other people would be proud to share about them. Relationships: (Feel free to PM about pairings that you like. This extends past romantic relationships. Friendships, team mates. etc. I will go along with suggestions that seem sensible. Many characters have family that have come to Red Mirror with them. If you’re interested in this, let me know and we’ll work on the family.) Extra: (If there are any peculiarities about your character that I should know.) Boarding situations are pivotal in Red Mirror. I need to know a few specifics. How does your OC feel about: Co-Ed Rooms? Multiple Roommates? Living Along? Room Specifications? Pets: (This includes Exceed’s and is entirely optional) Name: Personality: Partner Interaction: (Can they communicate and if so, how?) Appearance: The following is just so I have a rough idea of their strengths and weaknesses. Attack: (X/100) Defense: (X/100) Speed: (X/100) Magic Reserves: (X/100) Character Guide: The Brightholt Chronicles: Magic: Violet Djinn Slayer Guild: Eternal Knights Magic: Textiles Magic Guild: Eternal Knights Magic: Asteris Lightning Magic Guild: Nova Eos The Most Free : |