So hello from my phone. Sorry for the all author's note post, but this little update is to sort of explain my recent disappearance in the past few months. So for the past few months, I've been struggling with computer issues one after another and I've been attempting to keep my computer running as best as I could, as it was a struggle to even get it started up and running for an extended period of time. But within the last week, my computer has completely stopped working, as it crashed during reformatting and now it will no longer run. So I will be computerless until around Christmas, when I'll be able to get a new one, cause I'm poor and stuff and can't afford to buy a new one or get mine looked at by a professional. So all my attempts at writing will be put on hold for a few more months. Although I may have lost a good deal of the documents related to this story as well, but I won't know for sure until I'm able to get a new computer, but I will do my best to piece things together this winter and get things started up again. As for Tale of Two Guilds, I'm more certain that those documents are safe on the cloud, but we'll see how it goes. So sorry, for the delays, but it sort of spiraled out of my control. But for now, I'll just be sort of lurking around on the site while helping Watson and coming up with more ideas. But that's enough for this update, hopefully, the next time I post will be when I have a new computer and can write again.
Your host,