February 1st, X791, midday

The tall guild master of Charon Cross stared at the pub of their temple guild hall and one of his eyes twitched. There were nineteen humans including himself currently inside of the guild hall. That meant… NO ONE WAS ON A MISSION! What the ever-living hell was the meaning of this?! His pale face turned slightly red with anger as he pulled himself out of the corner-where he was pretty much hidden by the shadows-and stepped forward.

He had full intentions of reminding the guild members that he didn't take kindly to lazy bums and that he wasn't afraid to properly punish those who he felt were incompetent, but before he could, Seth skipped up to him with a sketchbook in his hands and a bright smile on his face.

"Mr. Onyx! I drew you!" Seth announced proudly.

And just like that, the guild master's anger was gone with the wind. He smiled down at the boy and crouched lowly so that he was as close to eye level as possible, though he still had to look down to see Seth's eyes.

"See?" Seth said, holding out his sketchbook so that it was almost touching Onyx's nose. On the paper was a large figure in mostly black, with a large pale nose that stuck out from under a hood and two green dots for eyes over the hood and a large frown that could be mistaken for a mustache at glance. It was drawn and colored with crayons and it wasn't bad for a child's drawing, but it was still a child's drawing.

Onyx grinned and patted Seth's head. "It looks just like me! Keep up the good work!" he said. He then saw Zoe walking over and he stood, stiffening and returning to his stoic, somewhat grumpy appearance. "Greetings," he said with a small bow of his head towards the mother.

"Hello, Master Onyx," Zoe said, returning his bow with a small wave. "I'm sorry if Seth is bothering you," she added, patting her son on the head.

"It is of no concern," Onyx said, no emotion in his voice.

Seth tilted his head and blinked in confusion. He always took note of how Onyx seemed to be so quiet around all of the other members of the guild, even Quentin and Jacob, who were the next youngest members of the guild. "Are you shy, Mr. Onyx?" he asked. He remembered that Zoe explained that some people were shy or not good with people and that's why they didn't talk as much.

"No," Onyx responded, realizing that the boy realized his different treatment. He couldn't be lighthearted around all of the other guild members, though. They would see him as soft and they would think that they could slack off.

"So… How are you, Master Onyx?" Zoe asked with a kind smile.

"Hm," Onyx snorted. "If you have time to make small talk with the master, then you have time to be working, isn't this right, Miss Zoe?"

Zoe sweat-dropped and blushed. "Erm… Right!" she said with a small, nervous laugh. She then turned, pushing Seth in front of her. "We'll be right on our way!" she added, speaking over her shoulders.

She walked back to the tables, thinking about what kind of mission she wanted to take next. It seemed like she had just gotten back and she really wanted some time with her son, but if Onyx wanted her to work, then she should probably be doing that.

"Mommy, who's that?" Seth asked, pointing over to a table where Zamir was sitting alone, half-asleep despite the conversations that were being held throughout the guild hall.

Zoe tilted her head. She recognized Zamir and was wondering how Seth didn't know him. Then again, she had only briefly spoken to the man a couple of times because he was always away on missions. Maybe Seth was always out playing on the brief times that the man was home. "That's Zamir," she said. "He's a member of the guild."

"Hi, Mr. Zamir!" Seth said after hearing his mother's words. He ran up to the table, not even noticing as Zamir's brows furrowed with annoyance. "I'm Seth!"

"We got kids in a' assassin's guild?" Zamir asked, staring down at him.

"Erm, sorry," Zoe said, catching up to Seth. "He's my son."

"Damn," Zamir said. "I guess it makes sense that someone as sexy as ya' could hav'a kid," he said with shrug.

"Shiny?" Seth tilted his head, noticing Zamir's tongue ring as he spoke and how it caught the light of the pub when he looked up at Zoe.

"Yep," Zamir said, sticking his tongue out at Seth in a sort of playful manner, his grumpiness already fading from being woken up from his catnap.

Seth continued to cock his head as he reached up and snatched the shiny lime green crystal from Zamir's tongue.

Instantly, the rocker mage jumped up and reached for it, startling the child and causing him to drop it, letting it bounce and roll away.

"Seth!" Zoe scolded. She was already embarrassed by Zamir's flirting, but now her face was rose red and her fists were clenched at her side as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. "I'm so sorry! I'll find it!" she said to Zamir, whose eyes were wildly scanning the floor.

"No, don't!" Zi Yu's voice sounded and the busty woman slinked over, a devious smile on her face.

Zamir turned to her and scowled, but didn't speak.

"Why don't you protest me, Zamir?" Zi Yu asked, walking over to him and batting her eyelashes. "Cat got your tongue?"

Zamir continued to scowl silently.

"Erm… I found it," Zoe said, walking back over to the table with the small crystal in her palms. "D-do you want me to go wash it off?"

Zamir shook his head and held out his palm so that Zoe could drop it into it, but Zi Yu caught it as it was falling.

He stood now and glared down at her fiercely.

"Erm…" Zoe felt the tension and wanted to say something to calm them down, but Zi Yu spoke before she could.

"You have to give me praise if you want this back," Zi Yu said, still batting her eyelashes and poking her chest out.

Zamir stomped his foot and held out his palm in front of Zi Yu. He mouthed 'Give it back', but no words came out.

"What…?" Zi Yu tilted her head. "That doesn't sound like praise to me… I can't hear your voice."

Zamir huffed loudly and rolled his eyes. His hand flashed with a toxic green magic circle and his guitar appeared in it.

Zi Yu arched a brow. "Aw. Are you really going to hurt a woman over a little piece of jewelry?" However, when Zamir's hand approached the strings, she finally tossed the small crystal at him. "I don't really feel like getting my nails messed up today, darling, so I won't be fighting you."

Zamir scowled at her before putting the jewelry back in his mouth. "Go burn in a fiery hole, you annoying ass bitch. Leave me alone!" he hissed out.

"Oh, I know you love me, hun," Zi Yu replied, striking a pose that made her curves more prominent. With that, she turned to Zoe and seemed to size her up. She then chuckled under her breath and said, "My, my… The competition around here sure is lacking…."

"H-hey!" Zoe glared at her now, covering her chest up with her arms since the woman's eyes seemed to linger there way too long.

Zi Yu let out a rather condescending laugh and strutted off after that.

Zamir rolled his eyes and his guitar disappeared with a flash of toxic green magic. "Don't let'er get t'ya," he said. "You're plenty sexy and I'm sure you could out-do'er if ya tried."

Zoe blushed at this comment. She then hesitated before asking… "Can you not talk without that?" she asked, pointing to her own mouth.

"Nope," Zamir said. "My voice got stolen when I kicked someone's ass. Fucked my magic up, but I managed to get this lacrima and learn how to use instruments to fight."

"Oh…" Zoe seemed confused, but she could tell by the way Zamir had averted his gaze that he wasn't interested in talking about it. So, without knowing what to really talk to him about, she ventured off into the guild, tugging Seth along and leaving Zamir alone.

He wasn't alone for long as a certain red-haired sound mage caught his attention as he exited the kitchen of the pub. Their eyes locked and in an instant, they were fighting.

"What the hell are you doing back here?" Ataru barked in an almost playful tone, a cocky grin already spread across his face as he made his way over to Zamir.

"What th'hell are y'doing lookin' at me?" Zamir asked, his voice a bit more toxic compared to Ataru's. He stood and his guitar appeared in his hand once more.

"And they're at it again," Onyx commented to himself. Really, it wasn't rare at all for fights to break out when everyone was at the guild. Sometimes, they were just playful spars and other times they were serious fights that was usually the result of the bad personalities of some of his guild members.

Ataru continued to grin at Zamir, but he approached quickly. "Seein' just how ugly that mug of yours is!"

Zamir growled and then strummed his guitar loudly, sending out a burst of graffiti-like music notes that were toxic green and violet in color.

Ataru anticipated the attack, though, and hopped into the air to dodge. He launched himself towards Zamir and when the distance was closed, he shot both of his palms forward and shouted, "Sound Magic: Sound Palm!"

The bursts of sound caused Zamir to crash into the table that he had previously been sitting at, but he didn't let that get to him. He strummed at his guitar violently, causing a flurry of music notes to engulf Ataru and blast him into the ceiling.

"OH! Eshi is cheering for you, Ataru!" Eshika shouted, standing up on top of the bar. The small mage was still dressed in her PJs, with a cup of juice in her hands.

"Loud…" Erin mumbled under her breath. She was sitting behind the counter alongside a fairly standard stone golem that Onyx had created to manage the guild hall. However, when she was at the guild hall for an extended period of time, Erin always found herself cleaning a lot, too.

"I wanna fight, too!" Quentin cheered, hopping up from his spot at a table that was shared between Jeb, Jacob and himself.

"Yeah!" Jacob agreed eagerly.

"Please… Don't…" Jeb sighed shakily. Most of the guild had seen the two sound-based mages fight, and it could get quite hectic.

Ataru fell from the ceiling and hopped back, dodging another flurry of notes that came from Zamir. "Is that all you can do?" he taunted with a cocky grin still plastered on his face. "Just throw little music notes at me?"

"I'd be able to do more if sorry sound mages like you didn't exist!" Zamir growled. He continued to play his guitar, the music from it becoming loud enough to shake the guild hall.

Ataru attempted to jump in the air, but found himself being bombarded with the notes from all sides. So, he called out, "Sound Magic: Screamo!" as a magic circle appeared in front of his mouth and he let out a loud scream that slammed Zamir into the wall hard enough to make him gasp.

Zamir let out a groan, and remained against the wall, dazed.

Apparently, Quentin hadn't really heeded Jeb's pleas not to attack, as a small line of bullets were shot towards Ataru.

"Shit!" the crimson-haired male hissed, rolling out of the way just before they hit him. He then spun around, his eyes instantly locking on Quentin. "'Ey! Quen, do ya wanna go?" he asked with a grin.

"Hell yeah!" Quentin shouted, stepping forward with his revolvers in his hands. He then instantly shot Jeb a glance, letting out a sigh of relief when the man didn't seem to notice his bad mouth. "I can take ya!"

"Oh, really?" Ataru questioned, his eyes sparkling.

"Please go easy on him," Jeb pleaded, his face pale. He knew he wasn't going to stop the fight at this point, so he simply watched, hoping that Ataru would be nice.

Ataru grinned and decided to have some fun with the younger male. He jumped into the air and threw his voice so that it sounded as though he was calling, "Sound Magic: Sound Palm!" from behind Quentin, making the boy turn around.

Quentin twisted around and began to fire at pretty much nothing, since his bullets just bounced off of the walls. "The heck?" he questioned.

Jeb let out a small sigh of worry as Ataru's fist collided with Quentin's shoulder and caused the boy to fall to his knees. "You fell for such an easy trick…" he mumbled, staring down at his brother with furrowed brows.

"Fudge!" Quentin hissed, turning his bad language into something simpler as he felt Jeb's eyes on him.

"The Magnificent Takuto cannot let someone else have all the glory!" Takuto announced from across the room as he witnessed Ataru taking down his second opponent. "I will put you in your place, dearest!"

"Keep 'em comin!" Ataru said, motioning for Takuto to come towards him. He was breathing heavily, but apart from some pain in his back, he was unscathed.

"Mud Body: Whip Clutch!" Takuto called as a hand burst from his muddy chest and shot towards Ataru at full speed, sweeping the sound mage off of his feet and then slamming him into the ground hard enough to make him groan in pain.

When the hand withdrew back to Takuto, Ataru was pulling himself to his feet, wobbling for a few seconds.

Takuto showed no sign of letting up on him as two hands burst from his chest now and jetted towards Ataru as Takuto chanted, "Mud Body: Mud Warden!" The hands interlaced their fingers and smashed Ataru, causing the male to cry in pain.

"Oh no!" Eshika gasped, hopping from the bar. "Eshi will fight for Ataru!" she announced. With that, she swiped her finger through the air and caused a chair to go flying through the air towards Takuto.

The mud mage dodged and the chair continued to fly past him, crashing into a chessboard where Mao and Maxwell were sitting and playing chess and ignoring all of the commotion.

"Oopsies!" Eshika shouted, covering her mouth.

"Aw, c'mon!" Maxwell grumbled. "We's was tryin' not ta involve ourselves," he said. As he spoke, a magic seal appeared on the ground in front of him. His knight puppet appeared in front of him and after dark magical strings spread from his fingers to the puppet, the knight darted forwards.

Mao didn't speak. He only turned his body so that he could now watch his guild mates. He and Maxwell had been playing their chess game for a good hour, at least so he was pretty uninterested in it anyway. However, seeing how the master just let everyone fight interested him. His eyes scanned the guild. There were still many people trying not to involve themselves. Erin kept her head down, trying to wash dishes still, Zi Yu had vanished through the door as soon as fighting started, Jeb was making sure that Quentin and Jacob didn't join the fight anymore, Zoe was holding Seth close to her, Eustace, Ceres and Carel seemed to be having a conversation that involved money, and miraculously, Sakari was asleep while Dia was reading a book.

Maxwell's knight charged forward towards Eshika, but the vector mage quickly swiped through the air and sent the puppet flying.

Erin let out a small huff when she narrowly managed to dodge the flying hunk of metal and turned towards Eshika. "Miss Eshika… Please be cautious," she said in a soft tone.

Eshika turned to her with sweat traveling down her forehead. "Eshi is sorry, Eri," she said, bowing her head slightly.

While the screams and crashes from her guildmates weren't enough to wake her, apparently the sound of metal hitting the bar near her was, as Sakari shot up with deep annoyance in her eyes. "A'ight! Da hell is going on 'round here?" she slurred, standing with her hands balled into fists.

"And so it looks as though we will be participating in the fight," Dia said, placing her book on the bar and standing with a long stretch. "I wonder what the outcome will be?" she added with a small giggle.

"Kicker Requip: Boost Kicks!" Sakari called as she requipped into her speedy shoes and hoodie. In a flash, she was in front of Maxwell, attempting to roundhouse kick him. She had recognized his puppet to be his, so she figured that he was one who had woken her up.

Maxwell didn't flinch as his knight darted across the room and swatted Sakari from the air before she was even able to hit the puppet mage. Maxwell snickered at her as fell.

"Valkyrie Magic: Valkyrie's Javelin!" Dia called as eight javelins formed around her back. She instantly shot four out at Maxwell's puppet and four out at Maxwell.

The puppet was knocked away before Maxwell could use it as a shield and so he found himself pinned to the wall behind Mao, with the javelins piercing his clothing. "Dis is good clothing, though!" Maxwell groaned.

"Are you sure I can't interest you in helping you run a weapon shop?" Eustace asked. While most of the guild was fighting, he had been trying to convince either Ceres or Carel to let him help them set up a shop with their collected gems or weapons, respectively. He would run the shop for a good cut of the profit, of course.

"I don't think this is good idea," Carel said for the umpteenth time. He didn't think selling his weapons was a bad idea, really, but he didn't trust Eustace as far as he could throw a battle axe.

"What about you?" Eustace asked, turning to Ceres. "I'm sure the sweet ca'ching of money interests you, right?"

"I'm really not interested," Ceres mumbled. Her attention had turned to the fighting as it had turned out to be an all-out guild fight. She scanned the room for Zi Yu, letting out a small snort when she didn't see the woman. Of course the bitch would take any opportunity to run from a fight. She would make sure to point that out when she saw her again. She stood and flipped her hair before turning back to Eustace and bending over the table to make her curves all the more obvious. "But… I would definitely be interested in seeing your jewels later," she flirted, hoping to possibly get some money out of him.

Eustace only glared. "You're not the kinda coin I would play with," he said, unfazed by her curves completely. He wasn't really interested in women, at all.

Ceres let out a small "Hmph!" and stood up straight. "Alright. You're the one who's missing out, though," she purred. She then turned back to the fighting, deciding to join in. She zoned in on Eshika and shot forward, her fists bursting with orange and black magic. "Sun God's Solar Flare!" she cried.

Eshika turned around and even though she lifted her hand up to swipe through the air, she didn't have time before Ceres's fist collided with her stomach and sent her flying. "Weeeh!" she squealed as she crashed into an empty table. She lay in a pile of broken wood giggling, not even noticing as Takuto put himself between her and Ceres.

"The Almighty Takuto shall face you!" Takuto announced.

"And I shall be your opponent," Carel said. He had a dark green whip in his hand. The whip had a cylindrical lacrima at the hilt, right below his hand. "I need to test out a new weapon."

"I wasn't done!" Ceres snapped in annoyance.

She was ignored.

At the bar, Erin, Zoe and Seth now sat, watching the fight.

"It's quite chaotic today, isn't it?" Zoe said, trying to make conversation with the quiet mage.

"It is usually like this if too many people have too much free time," Erin replied with a sigh. Her head was really hurting with all the screaming and banging and breaking of furniture. On top of that, the particular dish that she was washing was just not coming clean. She had been scrubbing it for at least ten minutes, after letting it soak. She was getting annoyed.

"Do you want me to help you?" Zoe asked politely, seeing the vein swelling on Erin's forehead.

"No, thank you, Miss Zoe," Erin replied. However, her patience finally snapped and she held the plate away from the sink. A magic circle appeared over it and it exploded with a loud popping noise. "It's clean now," She mumbled under her breath, returning to the other dishes that remained in the sink.

"Ehhh…." Zoe sweat-dropped, but didn't question it.

"Mommy, can I fight one day, too?" Seth asked, watching the fighting.

"… Maybe one day," she answered with hesitation.

Meanwhile, Carel and Takuto were fighting.

Takuto cast his Mud Warden spell, sending arms barreling towards Carel, but the weapon specialist was unfazed as he lashed out with his whip, dispelling the mud magic all while causing the whip to glow and absorb something into the lacrima on the hilt.

"What dastardly trick is this?" Takuto huffed, appalled by how easily his spell was cancelled out.

"It absorbs magic," Carel explained. "And you have the honor of fighting it when it's fresh out of the forge, so it's pretty strong."

"Oh, well," Takuto flipped his hair and smirked. "The Glorious Takuto will prevail, nonetheless." With that, his entire body turned to mud and he slid across the floor, closing the distance between he and Carel before returning to his human form. "Mud Body: Spider Boxing!" he called as six mud arms burst from his back and began to pummel Carel.

Unfortunately for Carel, he hadn't fought too often with Takuto and had mostly seen the man fight at a distance. That being said, he had decided to test a weapon that worked better at a distance and as such, found himself disarmed by one of Takuto's fists and then pummeled into the ground.

Meanwhile, Ceres lost interest in the general state of the fighting, as it was too slow with no bets on the line, so she returned to the bar, taking a seat beside Zoe, Seth and her Exceed Noire. "Too bland for my taste," she sighed, leaning back.

"Isn't this the case with many things, Ceres?" Noire asked. She knew her partner well; she was only interested in things when jewels or pride was on the line. This guild fight seemed rather chaotic, though and it was unlikely that any pride would come from it.

"Maybe," Ceres responded with a shrug.

"I still wanna fight!" Jacob and Quentin protested from another part of the guild hall. They had been sitting with Jeb and Ataru, who were both done with the fighting as well, but the two younger members still seemed rearing to go.

"Eshi can fight the both of you!" Eshika said, hopping up from her pile of rubble that was once a table. She had a huge grin on her face. "Eshi will go easy, too, if Jebbie wants that!"

Jeb frowned, but nodded. "If you wish," he said.

"YEAH!" Jacob and Quentin cheered in unison.

Quentin was the first to start firing off his bullets. Eshika quickly ducked and then swiped through the air in order to send a chair flying towards Quentin, who darted to the left in order to dodge it.

"Nice dodge, Quennie!" Eshika cheered.

Quentin grinned cockily in response to this. He then began to fire another flurry of bullets at the vector mage.

At the same time, Jacob darted behind her and called out, "Electric Magic: Lightning Palm!" slamming an electrical yellow palm into her back.

Eshika let out a small squeal of surprise and brought up her arms to shield her face from the bullets, whimpering as a few of them pierced the skin. "Ouchies!" she pouted. She then flipped back so that she was behind Jacob and used her magic to launch a wooden mug into Jacob's back with about the same force that he had hit her in the back. She then rolled out of the way of Quentin's next barrage of bullets and swiped at a coin that was on a table, sending it flying into the middle of Quentin's forehead, leaving a bright red knot.

"Ouch! Shitake!" Quentin hissed, catching his words again.

Eshika giggled and Jacob readied himself for another attack, but Onyx clapped his hands, causing everyone to stop fighting and look towards the guild master, who had stepped away from the wall.

"That's enough!" he called gruffly. At the same time, a few stone golems emerged from the walls and began to clean the guild hall, some of them producing new tables and chairs from seemingly nowhere. "Calm down, now!"

Everyone found a seat at a table or the bar and did as told.

"If you all have time to be goofing off, shouldn't you be taking missions?" he asked, tucking his arms behind his back. His eyes landed on Zi Yu as she emerged from the door that led to the rooms and quickly took a seat. He glared, but said nothing.

"But we wanna rest, too!" Eshika said with a huge grin.

"There is no rest for the wicked," Onyx said in a flat tone. "I will be assigning missions based on what I have seen today, since no one wants to take missions for themselves," he added.

"Oh, please don't tell me he's going to be making the teams again," Zi Yu mumbled. She then stood and bent over slightly so that a lot of cleavage was showing. "Are you sure you don't want to give us the freedom of choosing our own missions, Mr. Onyx?" she asked, winking at him.

"Do not try your tricks on me, lest you want to find yourself in the ground," Onyx said, his voice still just as emotionless.

Zi Yu quickly sat down, her eyes blank.

Ceres had to tighten her scarf around her mouth to keep from laughing.

"And one more thing," Onyx started. "You all display signs of weakness in these guild fights. I do so hope that you all are aware of these weaknesses and will be keen on working on them."

"The Wondrous Takuto displayed no weakness," Takuto instantly protested.

A golem stopped behind Takuto and picked him up by the shoulders.

"Denying weakness means death," Onyx said, no speaking directly to Takuto.

The golem dropped Takuto and continued to clean, leaving the arrogant boy in silence.

"I will have missions ready within an hour, so be prepared," Onyx concluded, vanishing into the shadows.

The guild hall was silent for a good two minutes before anyone spoke. Seth was the one who broke the silence.

"Mr. Onyx isn't that mean!" the little boy said. "You shouldn't hate him!"

"We don't," Ataru replied.

"I thinks that the bunch of us is jus' wonderin' what kinda missions await us," Maxwell said.

"As long as I'm the most beautiful one on the team, I don't care," Zi Yu said, toying with a loose lock of hair. "Not that that should be hard at all," she added arrogantly.

Ceres snorted at that. "You have some crazy dreams," she mumbled under her breath.

"Eshi wants to work with Jebbie and Ataru," Eshika pouted, taking a seat with Jeb, Jacob, Quentin and Ataru.

"We can't always work together," Jeb said. "I'm sure we'll do okay with whatever teams we get."

"Eshi knows," Eshika said, her eyes falling to the ground.

"Whoever works with the Spectacular Takuto better not steal his glory," Takuto warned. He had always tried to pick the quieter people to work with, so the idea of working with someone who liked the spotlight irked him.

"What glory?" Zamir mumbled in annoyance.

"Quiet, Mr. Loses-First-In-The-Guild-Fight," Takuto hissed.

This effectively made Zamir go silent.

"Do you have any preferences for work, Erin?" Zoe asked.

"Not really," Erin responded. "Though I wouldn't mind not working with the louder folks," she added a bit sheepishly.

"I don't care as long as I can kick some ass!" Sakari cheered.

"I can agree with that," Ataru pitched in.

"As long as the price is right, I could care less who I'm with," Eustace said.

"I thinks I can agree wit' all of this," Maxwell said with a grin.

"What would be key to a successful mission, I wonder?" Dia pondered with a kind smile on her face. "I do believe the answer lies in enjoying oneself," she concluded with a giggle.

Mao once again said nothing, but continued to watch the guild members. They seemed in high spirits, despite getting scolded by the guild master. Then again, wasn't Onyx always disciplining his members for something? Not that it could be helped. They were a guild that had a lot on the line. If a member lost their way, it could mean something bad for the entire guild. He wondered how stressful it was to manage a guild like this. Onyx never seemed stress. In fact, he never really seemed to be feeling any emotions. He was truly interesting.

Author's Note: Hi, guys~ First off, I owe sooooo many apologies for not updating this sooner. It's been like, three months now, right? Sorry. I don't really have any good excuses. I could say I was working on my other works and then school, but that doesn't make up for the fact that I've been out of school for two weeks now and haven't uploaded anything. Truly, I've tried to write, but I've felt that my writing's been trash recently. Like, for a time, I lost my muse, I guess? That's not an excuse, just a fact. I apologize.

Sorry this chapter was short, too. I wanted to show what it's like when everyone is at the guild and then remind everyone of who our characters are, because some people have probably forgotten. Hope you enjoyed~

Next Chapter Outline: Missions, missions and more missions. As well as some character development. We're in the true first arc now, which revolves around random missions and learning more about our cast of characters.

Now. I have one question for you guys.

***Is anyone even still interested in me continuing this fic? I know that lack of updates may have lost everyone's interest and I just want to know the truth. Thank you so much.***

No review responses this time. I'm really trying to push this chapter out and the reviews are all old anyway. My apologies again. Thank you all so much for the reviews, patience, and taking the time to read this fic! I appreciate and Grumpy appreciates it and lots of love from me! :3